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Names & information is taken from the book History of Washington County, Ohio 1788-1881
By H. Z. Williams & Bros.

On Monday the seventh of April 1788, these 48 men made the first lawful English settlement in the Northwest Territory by landing at Marietta, Ohio on the flatboat named the "Mayflower. There were the first of the many settlers to land at Marietta.

1. Barlow, James
2. Bushnell, Daniel
3. Coburn, Phineas
4. Cooper, Captian Ezekiel
5. Cory, Ebenezer
6. Cushing, Samuel
7. Cutler, Jervis
8, Danton, Israel
9. Davis, Captian Daniel
10. Davis, Jonas
11. Devol, Allen
12, Devol, Gilbert, Jr.
13. Devol, Captian Jonathan
14. Dodge, Isaac
15. Dodge, Oliver
16. Felshaw, Samuel
17. Flint, Hezekiah
18. Flint, Hezekiah, Jr.
19. Floster, Captian Peregrine
10. Gardner, John
21. Gray, Captian William
22. Griswold, Benjamin
23. Kirtland, Elizur
24. Leonard, Theophilus
25. Lincoln, Joseph
26. Martin, Simeon
27. Mason, William
28. Matthews, John
29. Maxon, Henry
30. Meigs, Colonel Return Jonathan ***
31. Miller, William
32. Moulton, Edmund
33. Multon, William
34. Munroe, Captian Josiah
35. Porter, Amos
36. Putnam, Allen
37. Putnam, Captian Jethro
38. Putnam, Rufus (Superintendent of the Colony)
39. Shaw, Benjamin
40. Sproat, Earl
41. Sproat, Captian Ebenezer
42. Tupper, Major Anselem
43. Wallace, David
44. Wells, Joseph
45. White, Haffield
46. White, Joniah
47. White, Peletiah
48. Witridge, Josiah

*** The number is commonly stated as 48 (men). Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs, however who is usually included in the list, and who was with the pioneer party on the upper Ohio, is shown by Joseph Buell and by other authorities, to have arrived the 12th of April.

Written by Julia Cutler, 1886 [Brief sketches of the 48 pioneers]

[Names are spelled as they appear in the book]

Backus, James
Battelle, Ebenezer (Arrived May 26th with Colonel John May, then went
to Baltimore to meet his family in October. They arrived in
Bradford, Major Robert (Arrived in May. Family arrived in 1789)
Brayman, James
Bryant, Bazaleel
Cheever, Joshua
Cheever, Lott
Chouchip, Jeffery
Coburn, Asa, Jr. & family (Arrived Aug. 19th)
Coburn, Major Asa & family (Arrived Aug. 19th) ***
Coburn, Nicholas (Arrived Aug. 19th)
Converse, Benjamin & family
Converse, James
Crary, Archibald
Crary, Frederick
Cushing, Nathaniel & family (Arrived Aug. 19th) ***
Dana, Edmond
Dana, Luther
Dana, William (Arrived in May. Family arrived in 1789)
Delano, Cornelius
Denney, Samuel
Dicks, Nathan
Dorrenie, Samuel
Dunham, Daniel (Family arrived in 1789)
Eldrige, Sylvanus
Elliott, Richard
Fearing, Paul (Arrived June 16th)
Fuller, Oliver
Gilbert, Jonathan
Goodale, Major Nathan & family (Arrived Aug. 19th) ***
Goodale, Timothy
Greene, Charles & family (Arrived in June)
Greene, Griffin & family (Arrived in June)
Greene, Philip
Greene, Richard
Gridley, William (Family arrived in 1789)
Hart, Selah [Believe that this should be Seth Hart]
Haskell, Major Jonathan (Arrived in May)
Holand, _____
Hurlburt, Benoni & family
Hutchinson, Thomas
Ingersoll, George
James Varnum (Arrived June 5th with 40 people in his company. Died Jan. 1789)
Keer, Hamilton
Kimble, Ephraim
Knight, Theophilus
Knowles, Charles
Lasa, John
Laughton, Dick (half Indian)
Leach, James
Lord, Thomas
Lunt, Ezra
Lunt, John
Lunt, William P.
Mathews, Abel
Matthewson, Jeffery
May, Colonel John (Arrived May 26th). Went back to Boston. Back in Marietta in 1789. Wanted to settle in Marietta, but died in Boston in 1812).
McGuffey, Neil
Miller, John (half Indian)
Minot, James
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, Samuel
Moody, Nathaniel & family
Nye, Ichabod & family (Arrived Aug. 9th) ***
Oliver, Alexander & family
Oliver, Launcelot
Oliver, Robert & family (Arrived November 18th)
Oliver, William
Owen, James & family
Parsons, Samuel Holden (Arrived in May)
Pierce, Israel & family
Pierce, Stephen (Family arrived in 1789)
Putnam, Aaron Waldo
Putnam, Colonel Israel (Arrived in May)
Rice, Oliver
Sargent, Major Winthrop
Shipman, Joshua (Family arrived in 1789)
Skinner, John
Stacey, Colonel William (Family arrived in 1789)
Stanley, Elias
St. Clair, General Arthur (Governor of the NW Territory. Arrived July 9th)
Stebbins, Samuel
Stone, Jonathan (Arrived in May. Family arrived in 1789)
Stratton, John
Stratton, Samuel
Thompson, Colonel Joseph (Arrived in June)
True, Dr. Jebez (Arrived June 16th)
Tupper, Benjamin, Jr.
Tupper, Edward W.
Tupper, General Benjamin Tupper & family (Arrived Aug. 19th) ***
Tupper, Judah (Died in war)
Tyler, Dean (Arrived in June)
Webster, Andrew (Arrived Aug. 19th) ***
Whipple, Commodore Abraham
Whittmore, Ebenezer
Woodward, Levi
Wright, Simeon

In all eighty five men, making with the first party forty-eight, a total of one hundred thirty-three-three arrivals of males during the first year.

*** Benjamin Tupper, Ichabod Nye, Nathaniel Cushing & Nathan Goodale reached Wellsburg (Buffalo Creek), Virginia in July and waited there for six weeks for Asa Coburn and Andrew Webster. Ichabod Nye left them, with two single men and arrived down the river on the Virginia side, bringing the horses. Ichabod and the two men arrived on August

[Names are spelled as they appear in the book]

Ayres, Ebenezer & family
Babcock, Abijah
Bagley, Henry
Baker, Benjamin
Baker, Thaddeus
Baldwin, Abel
Baldwin, David
Baldwin, Davis (Gallipolis)
Barker, Isaac & family
Barker, Joseph & family
Beadle, Benjami
Bent, Silas & family
Bent, Silas, Jr.
Blake, David & family
Blake, Simeon
Breck, William
Brown, David & family
Buell, Joseph (Family arrived 1790)
Bull, Aaron
Bull, Howell
Bullard, Asa
Bullard, Eleazer
Burnham, William
Cady, Squire
Cald, Arnold
Casey, Wanton
Clark, Arnold
Clark, Joseph
Clough, Aaron
Cogswell, Daniel & family
Cory, Thomas
Cummins, Joseph
Cushing, Elijah
Davis, Samuel
Davis, William
Delano, Cornelius
Devol, Gideon
Devol, Gilbert, Esquire & family
Devol, Jonathan
Devol, Wanton, & family
Dodge, John & family
Dodge, John T.
Drown, Solomon
Dunham, Daniel, Jr.
Fairchild, Major
Farley, Thomas
Fearing, Noah
Flagg, Gersham & family
Foster, Paul
Gibson, Thomas
Gilman, Benjamin (Family arrived in 1790)
Gilman, Joseph & family
Greene, Abraham
Greene, John
Griffin, Caleb
Hamilton, Nathaniel
Haskell, Jonathan
Kelly, James & family (Killed 1791)
King, Zebulon (Killed 1789)
Kinney, Nathan
Knight, Theophilus
Lathbe, John
Leaveus, John
Leaveus, Joseph & family
Lord, Elisha
Lucas, Isaac
Maxon, Richard & family
May, John
Mayo, Daniel
McClure, Andrew
Meigs, R. J., Jr. (Family arrived in 1791)
Mervin, Picket
Miles, Benjamin & family
Miles, John
Miller, Edward
Mills, Charles
Mills, William
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, Robert
Mixer, Isaac
Morse, Moses
Munsell, Levi & family
Newell, Samuel & family
Newell, William
Newton, Sylvanus & family
Oaks, Joel
Parker, William & family
Parson, Enoch
Patten, James
Patterson, James & family
Patterson, Nathaniel
Phillips, Ezra
Pierce, Phineas
Platt, Smith
Plummer, Jonathan
Porter, Ebenezer & family
Porter, Thomas & family
Prine, Joseph, & family
Putnam, David
Putnam, Ezra, Jr.
Rouse, John & family
Rouse, Michael
Rowel, Daniel
Russell, John
Sawyer, Nathaniel & family
Shaw, Thomas (Family arrived in 1790)
Shepherd, Enoch & family
Shepherd, Enoch, Jr.
Shiner, William
Slocumb, Benjamin & family
Smith, Benjamin
Smith, James & family
Smith, John
Smith, Jonathan
Smith, Stephen
Sprague, Jonathan
Sprague, Joshua & family
Sprague, William & family
Springer, Peleg
Stacey, John
Stacey, Joseph & family
Stacey, Philip
Stacey, Rufus
Stacey, William, Jr.
Stanley, Thomas & family
Stone, Israel (Family arrived in 1790)
Story, Andrew, & family
Story, Daniel
Story, Joseph
Story, William
Strong, Joseph
Thompson, Joseph
Tias, Eliphalet
Tilas, Alexander
Tilas, Daniel
Tuttle, Joel & family
Tuttle, Linus
Walker, James
Warren, Elijah
Webster, Luke
Wells, David & family
Wells, Thomas
Whipple, John H.
White, John
Whiting, Elisha
Wilson, George & family
Wilson, Jeremiah & family
Wilson, William & family
Winsor, Christopher & family
Woodbridge, Dudley & family
Woodbury, Nathan

The total number of men who arrived during 1789 was 152, and the number of families 51.

[Names are spelled as they appear in the book]

Allen, Justus
Allison, Robert & family
Andre (French)
Andrews, Andrews (Gallipolis)
Anthony (French)
Athone (French)
Backus, Elijah
Badwell, Elijahl
Bailey, Caleb
Baker, Timothy
Baldwin, Jonathan (Gallipolis)
Barber, Ezekiel Barber & family
Barnes, Samuel
Batchelder, Gideon (Gallipolis)
Beau, Daniel (Gallipolis)
Bebee, Frederick (Gallipolis)
Bengnear (French)
Bent, Rufus
Bethel, Edward
Blackburn, Andrew
Bliss, Amos & family
Bridge, Samuel
Bridge, William
Brow, Nathaniel (Gallipolis)
Brown, Aaron (Gallipolis)
Brown, David, Jr. (Gallipolis)
Browning, William
Buck, John
Bureau, Peter (French)
Burlingame, Christopher & family
Butler, David (Gallipolis)
Caldwell, James
Call, David
Callin, French
Calter (Frence)
Camp, John
Carroll, Michael (Gallipolis)
Carson, David
Chevelette (French)
Choate, Francis
Choate, Isaac
Choate, Joshua
Chople, Antonie (French)
Chopman, Joseph
Christopher, French
Chushman, Nathaniel
Comas, John
Comas, Lansett (French)
Crage, William
Davenport, Gould
David (French)
Day, John
Delarre (Frence)
Dennit (French)
Devol, Christopher
Dodge, Abraham (Gallipolis)
Dorsey, James
Drown, John
Dudley, Asa
Dunlay, William
Farewell, Jonathan
Farmer, Jacob
Finley, John
Ford, William & family
Ford, William Jr.
Frothingham, Peter
Frye, Joseph
Fulham, John
Fustlay (French)
Gilbrath, Thomas (Gallipolis)
Godenough, Daniel
Goldsmith, Zaccheus (Gallipolis)
Greene, Casey
Griffin, Ashel
Guthrie, Elias
Guthrie, Joseph & family
Guthrie, Stephen
Guthrie, Truman
Hackney, Joseph
Hammon Zoath & family
Harries, Edward & family
Harris, John
Hart, William
Hawkins, Christopher
Henderson, Edward
Hinckley, Nathaniel
Isham, Russell
James, John & family
James, John, Jr.
Jordan & son (French)
Joseph Applegate, Joseph
Jowrdom (French)
Kerr, Matthew
Label (French)
LaBelle, Francis (French)
Lake, Andrew & family
Lake, Archibald & family
Lake, Thomas & family
Laorcey (French)
Leggett, Alexander
Lewis (French)
Lewis, Samuel (Gallipolis)
Little, Nathaniel & family
Little, Nathaniel, Jr. & family
Lloyd, David
Loring, Israel
Loringin, Daniel & family
Luxumburt (French)
Lygnam, Joseph
Lynot, William
Mark (French)
Maynard, Daniel (Gallipolis)
McCullock, William
McElwee, John
McIntosh, Nathan
McLeland, Samuel
McNemarre, John
Meron (French)
Merril, Simeon
Miller, Joseph
Mills, Benjamin
Moor, John (Galipolis)
Neaham (French)
Nealy, Thomas
Nisewonger, John & family
Nye, Ebenezer & family
O'Brien, Ichabod
Onley, Coggswell & family
Overy (French)
Palmer, Frederick (Gallipolis)
Pamey, Jean (French)
Patterson, Benjamin & family
Petal, Joseph (French)
Piana (French)
Pierre, Jean (French)
Porter, Samuel
Potter, Benjamin (Gallipolis)
Potter, Rouse
Potter, William (Gallipolis)
Potts, Jaes
Potts, Robert
Proctor, Jacob (Gallipolis)
Putnam & Ezra & family
Randall, Ebenezer (Gallipolis)
Ranford, Joseph & family
Reed, Enoch & family
Richardson, Phineas (Gallipolis)
Robbins, Isaac
Roder (French)
Rogers, Joseph
Rue, Henrey
Rue, Rueben (Gallipolis)
Safford, Robert (Gallipolis)
Scott, Alexander
Seamans, Samuel
Sergent, Roger (Gallipolis)
Sheldon, Jonathan (Gallipolis)
Shepherd, John
Shoeman family (French)
Sholes, Richard (Gallipolis)
Simonds, Joseph
Sinkins, Daniel
Slih, Thomas (Gallipolis)
Smith, John
Smith, Joseph (Gallipolis)
Smith, William
Snow, David (Gallipolis)
Sparhawk, Noah
Sprague, Nehemiah
Stephens, Jacob
Tantroff, Antoine (French
Tenner, George & family
Thiery, ____ & family (French)
Thomas, Samuel (Gallipolis)
Troop, Zebulon (killed at Big Bottom)
Tryon family (French)
Utter, Joseph
Utter, Reuben
Utter, Samuel
Vanmetre, Willam
Vellermine, ____
Venard, Paierre (French)
Votier, ____
Waldow, Zachariah
Warth, Robert
Wasson, William (Gallipolis)
Waterman, John
Waterman, Sherman (killed in 1794)
Waugh, Joseph
Weith, Jonathan
Wiser, Jacob
Wood, Joseph
Worth, John

Extracted by Debbie Noland Nitsche

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you for the list of names. Thomas was not in them. But, I will keep looking to fined when he and the others of my families got there.




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