Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

If you are researching or interested in the region of Lombardy (Lombardia) genealogically, please post your queries, family information, any resources you'd like to share and anything else that you feel is applicable to Lombardy here. If you would prefer that your post be viewed by the whole group, post it to the Comment Wall and not here (please don't double post to both places), just keep in mind that posts in the Comment Wall will quickly be buried by new posts...

Provinces Include:
Milan (Milano) (MI)
Sondrio (SO)
Varese (VA)
Monza and Brianza (MB)
Pavia (PV)
Cremona (CR)
Mantua (Mantova) (MN)
Lecco (LC)
Lodi (LO)
Bergamo (BG)
Brescia) (BS)
Como (CO)

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Hi, I'm Darleene and I've been doing a family tree for a long time now. I'm very stuck on my husbands mothers side of the family. The details are thus:
I'm looking for Paccioretty (there are several variations in spelling) in the Ferno, Milan area. Also Colombo in the Lonate Pozzolo area, Airoldi in the Terbigo al Basso, Milan area. Also need to find info on Diani, I'm assuming in the same general area.

Ambrose Paccioretty, son of Joseph Paccioretty and Linda Diani was born in Ferno, Milan Italy in 1902. Came to the US and married Mary Catherine Colombo, Daughter of John Giovanni Colombo and Emma Airoldi, who was born in Italy in 1909. Giovanni Colombo was born in Lonate Pozzolo in 1883. I don't know how to get records or try to track them in Italy. Ancestry doesn't have records for the area they are from.

Any help greatly appreciated. My mom in law, Diana Paccioretty Watkins is 80 and I'd like to find out more about her family before she passed.
Hello Darleene, My name is Lox Cabassi and I have been researching my family in Tirano, Italy for some time now. My best results were obtained using, the internet site for the Church of the Latter Day Saints (LDS).
If you look at Library Catalogue and Search Places you can find various microfilms relating to your area. I found a film containing my grandfathers birth registration. It was handwritten in Italian in 1869 so it was great to find it. You canorder films at your local LDS Family Research Centre and they then let you search it at the centre. Also the Genealogy Societies can order it too.

Hope this helps,

Lox Cabassi
Myaree WA
Thanks, Lox!
I have used FamilySearch before, but really don't know the ins and outs of it. I thank you for the directions in how to find what you suggest. I shall give it a try. How can I find out where my nearest Family Research Center is? I'm in Houston, Texas and don't drive.

I appreciate the help and happy researching!



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