Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

My gggrandfather, Robert Dunlap, is a major brick wall. I do not know what part of Ireland he came from, do not know his birth date or exactly when he arrived in U.S. I do know that my great grandmother, Elizabeth was born in Pa. in 1826 and that Robert died in Pa. in 1841. According to the 1900 census my great grandmother stated that her father was born in Ireland and her mother in Pa. There was a Robert Dunlap who arrived in Philadelphia from Ireland in 1803 but I do not know how to confirm that he is my Robert. Any help will be appreciated.

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Virginia - I can understand how frustrated you must feel! There are a few questions I have immediately:

1. Do you know if Robert was married when he arrived? What was his wife's name and when was she born?

2. Have you checked for naturalization records for Robert? The link leads you to a free website with free naturalization records, and it also has links to all known naturalization records online (free and fee)

3. Have you tried searching for an obituary for Robert? Or for his children? Sometimes a child's obit will say something about how they are the son/daughter of so and so who came to this country in xxxx (year). That may not be totally accurate but it would give you a timeframe for arrival
Hi Lorine, to answer some of your questions. I am sure Robert was not married when he came over because his wife was born in Pa. Her name was either Elizabeth Shultz or Elizabeth Patterson. I am leaning toward the Shultz because the person who gave me that info seems to have been more thorough in his research. If it is Shultz her father's name was probably George. I do not have a birth date for Elizabeth. I have looked for naturalization records but find nothing for him. I do not have an obit but do have his will. I have tried to do some follow up on the children but keep running into a dead end. I will just have to keep plugging away and eventually all of his info before 1826 will appear.



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