Posted on March 22, 2013 at 6:12pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
I got some exciting news! So out of desperation I sent off what I knew about my Great Grandpa Louis Boon and Great Grandma Mary Bauwens to the Dickinson County Michigan Rootsweb email group and GUESS WHAT?! I got an email from a group member that had info on the families INCLUDING where they lived in Belgium! This person lives in Belgium so he can do research in the area that mine lived in. I think our families married into each other or something but he's not directly related.
Posted on February 5, 2013 at 10:36pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
So those of you who read my blog posts on the extremely rare occasion that I post them probably know that my great grandma and grandpa Boone were supposed to have something shipped over on the Titanic but for whatever reason wasn't which prompted a family trip to Belgium. Well recently I was doing some reading on the Titanic and I discovered that there were HOYT's on board the ship! William Fisher Hoyt and Frederick Hoyt and his wife. As far as I can tell William and Frederick are distant…
ContinuePosted on April 9, 2012 at 3:12pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
My grandpa Boone's parents came over from Belgium in the 1890's and I'd known for awhile that the family went back to Belgium in May 1912 and returned in June on the Antwerp. I'd always thought that they went over to see family but I found out from my Uncle that even though they did stick around for awhile to visit with the family, they'd actually gone over to retreive the rest of their belongings that their parents couldn't take with them when they first left Belgium and the family…
ContinuePosted on May 19, 2011 at 2:35pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on May 19, 2011 at 2:35pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Hope you are staying safe in this time of crisis!
I looked the book up "the history and genealogy of the American Delano Family and it is by Joel Delano andfree on The Nook Barnes and nnNoble site under Free Genealogy Books. If you don"t have a Nook you and download the Nookk for PC app also Free. I love it they have so many free books. Good luck
Thanks Leeann, I have a book I got off google site for Free pulbic domain books YOu might want. It is called Delano Genealogy. and starts back in the 1500s. It is very through and starts with Phillippe De La Noyes parent or before and tells why they left France and moved to Holland. It is Free to download and in PDF format . Even has a picture of his mother. Let me know if you can find it. I originally found it in the genealogy section of the library. If not Maybe I can find it for you.
Forgive me if I had emailed before but I keep my shovel and pail out to see if I can turn up new data.
My MGGF Thomas Ladson (Laddie) Boone was born in Sumper SC in the 1870's. He moved with his family to Galveston TX by ship. Married Ora Keron Brown in Galveston TX in 1893.
If this sounds familiar I would appreciate sharing.
Thank you, Zoe in TX
Hi Leeann
my husband is a Chamberlain. The family is from nottinghamshire england so far i have got as far back as 1817
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