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Michael F. Kibel
  • Male
  • Denver, CO
  • United States
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  • Jim Avery

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Kibel, Schaeffer, DeLong, DeRang, Geissel, Snook, Wohlfort, Brungart, Waite, Stokes, Kier, Hunter, Custer, Dilka, Apel, Dollke, Scheffes, Thomas,
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Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 8:51pm on July 3, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Michael come on over to the chatroom. Hit chat in the menu near the top and choose join the chat

At 1:32pm on July 3, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi Michael - I found something about the Brungarts in question. This comes from "The Douty-Smith and Beck-Price Families by Norman Douty 1974. " Three of John's daughters married men surnamed Brungart, two called George. George, the husband of Elizabeth and Martin (not Adam as Linn says), the husband of Sarah, were brothers, sons of Jacob, one of the four sons of Martin Brungart who came to Miles Twp in 1802.  George, the husband of Anna Maria  was a son of Jacob's brother, Johan George and so a cousin of his brother-in-law. It was this latter George who was one of the administrators of John  Wohlfart's will. These three Brungart families had a total of 26 children."

The Linn he talks above is John Blair Linn who wrote the History of Centre and Clinton Counties which contains a lot of biographical information about these families. But based on the above he is in error about Adam.  Hope this answers your question.

At 9:28am on July 3, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi Michael - You asked sometime about the two Catherine Kraemers or Kremers. There were actually three. The first Philip was married to a Catherine Kraemer. Then the two Johns were married to women with the same name. The wives of the two Johns came from someone else's research so I am going on that. I believe that came from Jonathan Wohlford who is pretty reliable.  I hadn't noticed the discrepancy in the Brungart names. The Sarah married a Martin Brungart listed among the children of John which show the towns where some of them lived came from documents filed with the court. I will see if I can straighten that out. I don't know if you are on Ancestry, but they had the church records that might answer that all screwed up even to the point of having the records in a different church and county. I called them on that and hopefully they are fixed.

At 8:13am on July 2, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi Michael - we have other common ancestors besides the Wohlfords. George Wohlford's wife was Elizabeth Snook, his first cousin. Her father was a brother to Sophia Snook. So we also share Kleckners and Kochs. The next thing I post will be records from Brungart's Cemetery which include tombstone records for some of George and Elizabeth's children. I have 3 tours to do in Gettysburg today and tonight and tomorrow I have to go to Hershey PA.

At 9:44am on June 30, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Michael - I have posted 4 blog posts in the last couple of days about John and Philip Wohlford in Centre Co. PA. I am working this afternoon and tonight and tomorrow night and Monday afternoon and evening. So might be a while til I post more.

At 7:08am on June 27, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi Michael  - Where there is no further information after a child's name, the source of the information had no further info about that person other than John had a child by that name. Hence just the listing of the name Philip. I believe Daniel is like that too. Hope that answers your question. I haven't done any further research on the Sholls.

At 5:20am on June 26, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi Michael - I posted to my blog the John Sholl Family. He married Elizabeth Wohlfahrt daughter of Philip and Catherine Kraemer Wolford of York Co. They moved to Centre Co PA in 1807 joining her brothers who were already there. One of their kids married a man named Weight (variation of a name you have).. Will post more today.

At 10:59pm on June 22, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi Michael - If you want to talk Wohlfords for a bit, stop over in the chatroom. I'll be there for a little bit.

At 10:08am on June 22, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi Michael - I am trying to set up a more traditional blog elsewhere. That way anyone can see and comment on it without being a Gen Wise member. Until I can get that going I will post Anna's siblings on my GenWise blog.

Also do you have any Waite's connected to the Sholl Family in Centre Co PA? The Sholls are related to the Wohlfords by marriage.

Off to work. More later.

At 8:01am on June 6, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hi Michael - You asked about Anna Wohlford who married George Brungart. Actually she was George's second wife. George married her sister Elizabeth Wohlford (b. 19 July 1815) on 22 Feb 1838 Rebersburg Centre Co PA. After Elizabeth died he married her sister Anna on 10 May 1847. Anna's parents were John Wohlford and Catherine Kremer who were from West Manheim Twp York Co PA. John was a son of John George Philip Wolford  and Catherine Kraemer (my 4th gr grands) He is commonly found as Philip. His parents were Johannes Wolford and Anna Maria Agatha whom I wrote about in my blog. Thats about all I have about Anna. Do you need her siblings?



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