Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Ron White
  • Male
  • Republic, MO
  • United States
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Ron White's Friends

  • Barbara S. Sue Thurman
  • Maria Camacho
  • Rusty Locke
  • Randal A. Burd, Jr.
  • Nancy House Barron
  • Katrina Haney

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
White, Locke (Lock), Davis, Abney, Ridge, House, Ladyman (Ladymon)
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Kn. Tn. Mo. Tx. Ca. NJ.
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher

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At 12:17pm on November 14, 2014, Kay Mann said…

As a brand new member of Genealogy Wise, and as a descendant of Christian "Christy" Arney of Lincoln County, NC, I am interested to know if your offer of the book of information regarding the Arney family was accepted by another descendant.  (I know of Stan Arney's commitment to good research on the family, and should imagine he'd jump right on it,  and he is good about sharing information; but must ask, anyway!)  Thanks!

I know of the White family in Alexander County, NC, am -distantly- related.  My ggrandfather, was proud owner of a calfskin Latin Grammar textbook inscribed by "W. E. White, Little River, NC."  Perhaps he taught, or was a mentor to, William Hogan Johnson, who also signed the book; passed to my grandfather, Marvin Cyrus Johnson, who signed it as well. W. E. White was a noted historian in Alexander County;  excerpts from his "History of Alexander County" were published in The Landmark, a Statesville, NC newspaper (I have a clipping dated 1926, mentioning Dr. Cyrus Flowers, my gggrandfather.)

At 9:01pm on July 11, 2010, Mark Taylor Edwards said…
You mention tracing the Edwards line back to Wales. Were they Quaker and when did the come over?
Mark Edwards
At 11:13am on June 13, 2010, Maria Camacho said…
It's quite hard to find my roots in Spain, as my ancestors must have gone to Colombia some time ago, and I don't even know who they were.
I only have the Y DNA numbers by my father's side to guess a Spaniard is somewhere down that line, but it's a guess.
At 2:22pm on May 10, 2010, Maria Camacho said…
Thanks for the offer, but I'm researching my family roots in Spain
At 8:53am on December 23, 2009, Ron White said…
Good to hear from you,,
My wife's line is: Rev Jacob - William H. - Jacob B. - John Rollin - Leslie Rollin - Truman Q. "Shorty" (her dad) - Virginia A. Locke White. ----
Our lines split at John Rollin and Philander Locke. John and Philander were brothers. ----
As far as following the Edwards line we have in the background Cyrus Edwards. Who was a very special man in his own right. ----
The Edwards line comes in at Catherine "Katie" Edwards who married Jacob B. Locke. ----
Jacob B. Locke and Catherine "Katie" Edwards Locke were the parents of Philander and John Rollin Locke. ---
Cyrus Edwards is Catherine "Katie" Edwards Locke's g-g-g-grandfather. Boy I hope I got all that right :) ---

Send me your e-mail and I will send you a report as to where we are today with the family. Maybe we could work together to fill in some blanks. Mine is ----
I have you in my address book as well. Just need to make sure that you still are at the one I have. ----
Very good to find you here...
At 1:56am on December 23, 2009, Rusty Locke said…
My connection to Rev. Jacob Lock is through his son William Lock and Mary Harper. From there it goes Jacob Locke, Philander Locke, Archie Thomas Locke, Wilfred Locke, Danny Locke and than me. I believe we have talked before I know I have your email in my list of contacts. What is your wives line again? I figure it must come from my Jacob Locke married to Catherine Edwards since you also are interested in the Edwards line.
At 11:36pm on December 21, 2009, Rusty Locke said…
Hey Ron. The pictures are awesome. Thanks for posting.
At 3:24pm on November 28, 2009, Randal A. Burd, Jr. said…
Jacob Locke and Margaret P. Jett had a daughter, Nancy Locke. Nancy Locke married Hiram Harper and had a daughter, Mary Elizabeth Harper. Mary Elizabeth Harper married Arnold T. Burd and had a son Wiley Macy Burd. Wiley Macy Burd married Betty Belle Henry and had a son, William Leslie Burd. William Leslie Burd married Mary Louise Tucker and had a son, Hershel Covart Burd, who was my paternal grandfather.
At 8:28pm on August 26, 2009, Nancy House Barron said…
Hi Ron,
Good to hear from you. I will look over my records and if i see anything that would apply, I will let you know. I am always looking for more information on any branch of the MATTHIAS HOUSE family. More later,
At 8:43pm on August 16, 2009, Nancy House Barron said…
Hi Ron, I too am a HOUSE descendant. Matthias HOUSE was my 4th great grandfather. My line is MATTHIAS, ADAM, ADAM JR., AUSTIN, DALLAS, OWEN (MY DAD) and me. How are you related?


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