Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Cindy Johnston Sorley
  • Female
  • Layton, UT
  • United States
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Cindy Johnston Sorley's Friends

  • Karen Diamond
  • Randall Stackhouse
  • Brenda Johnson
  • Rosemary Taylor
  • Bob Franks
  • Brian Bouchard
  • N A Lemons
  • Eleanor D. Frame Smith
  • John A. "JACK" Andresen
  • Cyndi Howells
  • Kenneth Kwame Welsh
  • Katrina Haney
  • Lisa F. Smith
  • Deborah Ann (Dorscher) Anderson
  • Caren

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James Crossland commented on Cindy Johnston Sorley's group Beasley Family Group
"Looking for any information on Anderson Beasley(1810-1853) who married Evaline Nicks (1819-1865) on 20 Nov 1835 in Edwards County, Illinois.  He was from Tennessee, and she was from Illinois."
Feb 10
James Crossland joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Beasley Family Group

For anyone researching the last name Beasley, this group is for you.
Jan 19, 2024
Paula Louise Spart joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Songs That Deal with Genealogy

Ever since I first heard the song KilKelly, written by Peter Jones and sung by Danny Doyle, I was on a search for songs dealing with genealogy..
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Who Can Use This Book or Resource Material

You found a book that has nothing to do with your line but you could not pass it up. List your books or resources here and maybe someone can beg, borrow or buy it from you.
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Odd Genealogy Newspaper Headlines

Like Jay Leno's Headlines I am sure you have seen a few you just chuckled at.
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Where did that town Go? Birth Towns of Ancestors

Many times we run across a birth certificate of a town that no longer exists. We would love to see what it looked like. Put your request here.
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Wanted: Book, Magazine, Etc

You have heard of an article in an out of print magazine. There is a family book written about your family and it is out of print.. Post here to see if someone can help you.
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Needlework Family Trees Patterns Supplies

This is for anyone who wants to stitch a family tree design in Counted Cross Stitch, Needlepoint, Embroidery etc. We can help with resources to get the supplies to you.
Oct 28, 2020
Anita G Clayton commented on Cindy Johnston Sorley's group McAvoy Surname
"Hi, I don't have McAvoy family but my friend Bob MacAvoy was actively researching the name the last I spoke with him.  His interest was James McAvoy who was living with my Dilatush relatives in NJ. He was born in 1845 in NY."
Oct 21, 2020
Anita G Clayton joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

McAvoy Surname

For anyone searching the name McAvoy or variations of the name.
Oct 21, 2020
Russell Lynn Drysdale commented on Cindy Johnston Sorley's group Johnston Family Group
"  Thank you for the add to the group , my purpose for joining is in search of clarity in my own lineage , as far as I  know I am not connected to the Johnston /Johnstone lines directly , my surname is a sept of Douglas's . …"
Oct 17, 2020
Russell Lynn Drysdale joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Johnston Family Group

For anyone searching the surname JOHNSTON with a T.
Oct 17, 2020
J Purkaple commented on Cindy Johnston Sorley's group Clark from England Surname
"I descend from Susanna/Susannah (Clark or Clarke) and Joel Meador of Virginia."
Jul 20, 2020
J Purkaple joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Clark from England Surname

For anyone researching the name CLARK or CLARKE that originated in England
Jul 20, 2020
Kathryn John joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Smiley Surname

Smiley Surname research group for anyone interested
Mar 17, 2020
Shannon A. Walsh joined Cindy Johnston Sorley's group

Walsh Family Genealogy

Anyone searching the Walsh name is invited. Spelling variations of this family name include: Walsh, Welsh, Welch, Brannagh and others.First found in Counties Kilkenny, Leix, and Waterford, in Ireland, where they were seated from 1170.
May 25, 2019

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Johnston, Richins, Bunot, Mullens, Laughlin, Clark, Walsh,
Broaddus, Smith (Clay County Kentucky), Smith (evier and Little River Arkansas and McCurtain Oklahoma), Portwood, Estep, Willoughby, Sorley, Merrow, Stone, Lewis, Meriweather, Dillard, Jackson, Pings, Pingst, Keen, Whitmore, Egerton, Varnum
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland, Germany, Scotland, Kentucky, Indiana, Utah, Arkansas, Missouri,
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Kentucky, Arkansas, Utah
I have done on site research in Germany 12 times

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Cindy Johnston Sorley's Blog

How exciting to See GenealogyWise grow in just a few days

Posted on July 9, 2009 at 9:00pm 2 Comments

I was one of the very early members of GenealogyWise and have seen the membership grow so much in the last three days. I would look at each member to see what names they were searching and see if I could connect. People started signing up so fast, I could not keep up.. This is exciting and I really hope this is successful.

I love the Profile Photos of everyone and especially get tickled at the ones with a pet or when the person was about three... so fun...

I have to admit… Continue

Ask Questions of Family Before It Is To Late!

Posted on July 8, 2009 at 1:23am 2 Comments

I started on my quest for genealogy when I was a little girl after getting my assignment to fill out my family tree when I was a member of the LDS Church. I asked my grandmother to help me and when she got to her husband's parents she told me that grandpa had been born out of wedlock and that he was adopted and suggested I add his adoptive father's name as the father. I, being the stubborn little thing I was, didn't want to. I wanted answers. Well, 40 years later, I still don't know my… Continue

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At 12:41pm on October 19, 2011, Deanna Decena Jackson Freeze said…

Cindy, i am Deanna Jackson Freeze, i am sooo excited, that you have information on my GGgrandfather Issac Newton Jackson. I live in Ashdown Arkansas, i have information on the Smiths they are also related to this group or Jacksons.I, would like to know how im related too you!


At 5:28pm on July 17, 2009, John A. "JACK" Andresen said…
Cindy, Welcome aboard. I do not bloog as i am always busy do ing research for family and friends and have a bunch of honney do's to do.
MY Youngest daughter went to the W. and graduate in 2006, and now working in Memphis at a clinic there.
At 6:40pm on July 16, 2009, Deason Hunt said…
Cindy, there was a text box in which you could add text or photo or other things. I clicked the camera icon and it took me through the steps to add a picture. Then I edited that box again and added the text naming the people below the picture.
At 12:25pm on July 16, 2009, Mary Hester said…
Thank Cindy must say it took me quite a while to find it but when I saw it I thought it was most appropriate. I always describe my Hobby as like doing a Jigsaw Puzzle. I was actually looking for a comic figure of a femail.
At 8:03pm on July 15, 2009, Deason Hunt said…
Actually, they are also at the top of my blog at I got the size for that picture from Wordpress and then opened and cut each individual picture to size and made a single picture with each placed side by side in it.
At 3:08am on July 13, 2009, David Jordan said…
Thanks Cindy - trust me to use a rectangular instead of a square photo! All fixed now.

All the best

At 9:03pm on July 12, 2009, Katrina Haney said…
Oh Cindy, we would never want you to be left out. I only had the Lockes for a short time in Ameria myself, but please do post what information you have. I would love to see it.
At 6:31pm on July 12, 2009, Kenneth Kwame Welsh said…
I'm descended from and related to the Welsh/Welch families that came in Jamaica, I believe in the early 1700s, after the British conquered Jamaica from the Spaniards in 1655.
At 2:24am on July 12, 2009, David Hamm said…
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for the comment on the photo, looks like an interesting site here.
- Dave
At 4:46pm on July 11, 2009, Ron said…
That could have been Grandma Johnston who wrote that because she would mix up Ronnnie and Jimmy ! I will look for some photos etc and get them on here i have the old book somewhere that aunt Mabel put together and it has some old pioneer photos


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