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Roger Alan Walton
  • Male
  • Denver, CO
  • United States
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  • Helen Anderson

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Soule, Randall, Nicholson, Fuller, Colvin,Walton,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Great Britian, Kansas, Iowa, Colorado, Massachesetts, Conneticutt
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher

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At 6:48pm on August 5, 2013, Clayton L. Soules said…

If I may ask, how did you come to research this part of the Soule line?   My lineage goes through George "the Blacksmith", so this particular John Soule is not in my direct lineage, but a near-by branch of the tree.

If you are interested, I would like to invite you to view a comment that I posted a while back in this Louise Walsh Group.   It concerns a story that I was told as a child by my Father concerning the roots of the man that we now call "George Soule".   I believe that you may find it interesting. 

At 6:37pm on August 5, 2013, Clayton L. Soules said…

Hi, Roger,

My name is Clay Soules, and I rec'd your query regarding John L. Soule, and decided to contact you with whatever information that I have about him.   I don't believe that I have too much to help you with in your search, but I'll share what I have.   Much of your information dovetails nicely with mine.

John Laurance Soule was the GGgrandson of George "The Blacksmth" Soule.  The information that I have regarding his wife (wives) is that he was married to a lady by the name of Hannah (?)  1805- ?, but none of his children were born of this lady.  Another name is also listed as his wife, and that is Harriett Adeline.   This name is a bit suspect to me as "Adeline" is not a common last name, and I suspect that it my more probably be a middle name and the actual last name is not listed, except for the married name.  Her birth is listed as 1819 - (?), and no death information.

John's children were born from 1828 (James Jackson), to 1834 (Clarissa Lucinda).

This isn't much help, and I'll admit that the information is a bit sketchy, if not suspect, but it is what I have.   Interestingly, some of the information refers to John as a Reverend.  Perhaps another questionable factoid.




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