Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Candy Hulbert Ditkowski
  • Female
  • Hamburg, NY
  • United States
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Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's Friends

  • gil hurlbut
  • Raymond Fuller
  • Unknown Ancestor
  • Michael (Higgins) Nier
  • Jessica Hammond
  • Steve Tarnish
  • George Geder
  • Tara Pfarner
  • Liz Jackman
  • Jennifer Eklund, PLCGS
  • Caroline Pointer
  • Illya Daddezio
  • Dae Powell

Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's Discussions

Debunking family legends...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Cindy Pirani Apr 19, 2018. 5 Replies

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Hulbert & Parrish are my 2 main lines. I'm also immediately looking at Abdon Allen, Bevins (Bivens) Bingle, Blain, Campnell, Carnahan, Comer, Essex, Fulton, Linnabarry, Kerr, Medley, Peak, Rentfrow, Stanley, and Thrasher (among others).
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States - Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, New York, West Virginia, Massachusetts
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

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Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's Page

Important Things To Know...

Link to my Virtual Cemeteries of my Ancestors located at Find A Grave

Latest Activity

gil hurlbut liked Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's discussion My Hulbert Line...
Feb 8
gil hurlbut joined Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's group

Hulbert Family

For those who are descended from William Hulbert, most likely arriving on the ship, Mary & John in 1630.See More
Feb 8
Candy Hulbert Ditkowski joined's group

First Timer FAQs

This group is for new students taking courses from the International Institute of Genealogical Studies. Helpful FAQs will be provided. Ask any question you may have.See More
Apr 26, 2023
Candy Hulbert Ditkowski joined's group


This group is for students taking any general topic course or specific record courses not in a Certificate program from the International Institute of Genealogical StudiesSee More
Apr 26, 2023
Candy Hulbert Ditkowski updated their profile
Apr 6, 2023
Candy Hulbert Ditkowski commented on Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's group Northwestern Ohio
"I'm Candy - currently from Western NY/Buffalo area, but originally from Williams County, Ohio with a few years in Defiance County.  Ancestors also from Paulding and Henry Counties."
Apr 6, 2023
Candy Hulbert Ditkowski commented on Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's group Northwestern Ohio
"Roll that still a thing? Let's try to revive this group!  Check in here and tell us where you're from! "
Apr 6, 2023
Paula Louise Spart joined Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's group

Northwestern Ohio

A group for anyone with connections to the "almost Michigan / almost Indiana" area of the Buckeye state. Namely - Williams, Defiance, Henry, Paulding, Putnam, Lucas and Allen Counties. (And others as well!)See More
Oct 28, 2020
Julia A Chase commented on Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's group Northwestern Ohio
"Is anyone still active on this group?  My name is Julia Chase, and I am a Von Deylen from Henry County and would love to connect with others from the area.  I also have Damman, Hogrefe, and Botjer in my family lines."
May 31, 2019
Julia A Chase joined Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's group

Northwestern Ohio

A group for anyone with connections to the "almost Michigan / almost Indiana" area of the Buckeye state. Namely - Williams, Defiance, Henry, Paulding, Putnam, Lucas and Allen Counties. (And others as well!)See More
May 31, 2019

Candy Hulbert Ditkowski's Blog

In memory...

Posted on July 17, 2009 at 11:19am 1 Comment

In memory and in honor of the ancestors who have gone before me - the ones who died before their time.

Infant Hulbert - son of my 4th great-grandfather. Never knew about you until I happened across your stone in the cemetery. Died at only 1 day old.

Ferona Margaret Hulbert - daughter of my 3rd great-grandfather. I have a picture of you as an infant, and you only lived to the age of 3, probably the only picture taken of you.

Florida Kerr Hulbert - 1st wife of my… Continue

Coming full circle...

Posted on July 14, 2009 at 9:03pm 0 Comments

I am a Buckeye.

No, that's not just a worthless nut (although my husband might agree on the "nut" part), but rather it's an understood term used for those who live in the state of Ohio. I was born there, raised there, my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had all spent the majority of their lives there. And so on, and so on, get the idea.

The only thing is that I no longer live there. As life usually happens, I got married, and we moved to the state of… Continue

What a little cutie!

Posted on July 11, 2009 at 2:53pm 2 Comments

Last November, I received notice that Google Images had digitized photos from LIFE magazine. Most people are probably thinking...big whoop. But in my family, this is an exciting thing.

A little history first - my mother grew up in northwest Ohio where, in September of1950, a Polio epidemic had broken out. Well, LIFE magazine was all over this story and wouldn't you know - my mother had her picture taken with two of her brothers and it was enshrined forever within the pages of the… Continue

My Favorite Ancestor

Posted on July 10, 2009 at 1:00pm 0 Comments

I was recently asked by another genealogy addict..."Out of all your ancestors, who would you want to be like and why?"

As soon as I heard the question, my mind was racing. No, I haven't found anyone incredibly famous along the lines of my family tree that I wish my genes were traced from. But these ancestors that I've found...oh the stories they could tell of their own lives.

There's my 9th great-grandfather, William Hulbert. I can't imagine being a young man of only… Continue

Little Jessie G. Parrish

Posted on July 9, 2009 at 9:17am 0 Comments

There has always been a story told over and over again by my mother and grandmother. I doubt it was told to us as a warning regarding the dangers of playing near railroad tracks - we never lived near railroad tracks. I think perhaps it was probably one of the most devastating family events, so it was a story that was retold over and over to preserve the memory of this little boy as best as possible?

Oddly enough, before I began… Continue

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At 5:32pm on August 4, 2009, Derek S. Davey said… Here is the link that you were asking about last week. Sorry for the delay.
At 1:19pm on July 24, 2009, Derek S. Davey said…
Hi Candy. I am currently on vacation in beautiful and historic Lakeside, OH. I will be back at my home base in the early part of August. Should be able to post my link then. In the mean time do a Google search on Northwest Ohio blog and you should be able to find it. Sorry for the delay.
At 2:18pm on July 16, 2009, Jennifer Eklund, PLCGS said…
Hi Candy. One of my great g. g. g. grandmother's on my maternal side is a Hulbert, but I have no information on her family. I wanted to start a Hulbert Family group for the Hulbert surname, but wanted to make sure that my Hulbert did not descend from your family. Elizabeth Hulbert was born in 1818 and married Jeremiah Harrington. That doesn't happen to sound familiar does it?
At 5:33pm on July 11, 2009, George Geder said…
Hi Candy,

I'm a New Yorker at heart (Binghamton). So when I get my upstate NY genealogical questions together, be ready! LOL
At 9:49pm on July 10, 2009, Andrew carnahan said…
There were a Carnahan family members in PA - My PGMother was from Gilette PA [Jessie Dilina Ayers, b 1870]
At 8:54pm on July 10, 2009, Andrew carnahan said…
Candy at this point I see no one that connects. My Carnahan line comes out of MO - Macon County. Sorry it seems to be no dice :)
At 3:01pm on July 10, 2009, Steve Tarnish said…
Hi neighbor! I'm impressed with this site so far. I'm pretty sure we are related too, btw. The Hulbert's tie into my Randall line up in Nova Scotia. I'm going to have to dig back into that line again!
At 12:05pm on July 8, 2009, Liz Jackman said…
Where in northern Michigan did you visit? It's beautiful up there this time of year. I read your story -- too bad about all those lost pictures!
At 11:53am on July 8, 2009, Liz Jackman said…
Hi Candy - My Hulbert line comes down from James Hulbert of Hampshire Mass, to Seth Hulbert (Sr and Jr) in Geauga County, Ohio. I took a look at your RootsWeb page, looks like James is your beginning as well perhaps? Nice to meet a cousin, however distant. Have you seen Fred Cowin's documentation of the Hulbert line? He's done a tremendous amount of work.

Whereabouts in northern Michigan were you? I'm in Lansing.


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