Genealogy Wise

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    Greetings -   I have spent a great deal of time, attempting to locate one individual, who happens to be my 3x great grandmother.  Rose E Gee was born in Essex County, Ontario, Canada  around 1832 and

arrived in the US about 1844.  She married my great grandfather, Archibald A Ruby, in Wayne County, MI in 1859. All is fine and good until 1902.  She is mentioned in her brother, Victor's obituary being

in Solcum, Muskegon, Michigan.  Then in 1905, Archie died in Casnovia, Michigan and Rose disappears.   In fact, several people are trying to find out anything about what happened to Rose.

Her name usually appears on Census records, etc, as Rose but sometimes on other records as Rosella, Rosy or Rosie.   

   If anyone feels confident that they might be able to figure this one out,  please feel free. I have a bit of experience but so far have come up empty handed.   I suspect is that she may passed away shortly after Archie, considering she would have been 73 ish then.  


  Thanks for any effort !



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You obviously have done a good amount of research on Rose. Question I would ask myself:

  1. How many children did she have and where were they around 1905. I assume she started having children just after 1859. Looks like Rosella & Archa are in Monguagon, Wayne, Michigan in the 1860 census and two children are shown Theresa 7, Aniha 2. So was Theresa born out of wedlock or did she come from a previous marriage? In 1870 Theresa is no longer with them but they appear to have 5 children and someone named Wm Morgan 25 living with them.
  2. Archie is also listed as born in Canada. Have you found all the details on his parents?
  3. If Rose died before the next census, 1910, then I would need to dig into local newspapers in the area where each of her children lived. Often parents will move in with children.
  4. When she moved to Mich., lots of families from Ontario did this back around 1850, she was young and I assume her entire family moved.
  5. She married in Wayne County, is this where her parents lived?
  6. Where are her parents buried, where is Archie buried?
  7. Did she have any relatives back in Ontario? Sometimes older family members will move in with brothers or sisters or close relatives. Did she have any of these back in Ontario that she may have gone back to. Check cross border statistics.

  Paul - thanks for the advice.  I have accounted for far more of Rose's family than necessary, including siblings, parents (who died before 1865) and sibling's spouses.  I have searched newspaper archives for Wayne Co, Kent Co, Muskegon Co, and beyond.  She simply has disappeared since Archie's death in 1905.  I have completely checked census records, border crossings and the like.  We have never been able to determine who William Morgan is either -  none of the daughters married a Morgan - so I suspect he was a border or farm hand since

Archie was a farmer at one time.  The other side of the tale.  The family plot in the cemetery where Archie is buried, could easily hold 10-12 people, yet there are only 2 names on the headstone.  Father and daughter.  I have newspaper articles stating that a son and a grandson are buried in the same cemetery, however, I never found them when I searched.  I contacted the county clerk regarding the plot and I was told that there are no official records regarding burial of the son or grandson in the cemetery - however, I was told, according to the

cemetery "map" that there are four people buried in the plot. Two are identified and the other two are identified only as a body by an X on the map.  I was told that these people could be officially ID'd if I provided either church acknowledgment or funeral home records stating that these people were buried there.  Unfortunately, the funeral home that handled one of the burials no longer exists and due to a scandal after the fact, records were destroyed by the funeral home owner.  The church who supposedly handled the funeral arrangements, hasn't been any help at all.  I suspect the two individuals buried in the plot are two of three people - son, grandson or Rose. Which is one of the reasons that I am trying to find out what happened to Rose after 1905.

I guess my posting got lost so I will try again. Here in Michigan can hit "SEEKING MICHIGAN DEATHS" and can get free actual copy of death records for years 1896 thru 1920. I found no Rose Ruby, also did Rose Gee thinking she divorced Archie, I also checked all Rose (first name) died in Muskegon thinking she re-married after Archibel died 1905 (said he was married at death). Nothing. I also went to 
"FIND A GRAVE", Michigan, Muskegon and saw picture of Archibel and daughter Inez Ruby VanBramer who died 1904. The son William Alex and wife Emma (Gillan) buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Muskegon --- also can see their graves. Victor Gee who died Oct 21, 1902 widow is also buried at Hilton Cemetery

I also found Rosanna Gee married Archabel Ruby he 21y, she 16y married Aug 9, 1850 (not 1859) in Wayne County Trenton, MI 

Hi Debby -  right !  You have been where I have been.  The Find A Grave sites are all mine.  Nothing on Seeking Michigan and that is the correct marriage record.

Norman you got to go onto genforum/genealogy/Gee there are old postings, but seems there are a few that know Gee was Guy in French Canada and Arch Ruby was Archille Rabi.

I took down 2 e-mails, but decided to just do a posting in brief on the Gee-Ruby. Someone is definitely looking for Rose and Victor


I emailed this person almost a year ago and again several weeks ago,  never received a response.  They are looking for the same person, Rose. They are the great grand child of Rose and Archie's daughter, Eva. By the by...Archie's name is Archie Achille Ruby, and the derivatives are Rabi, DeRabi and Raby.  I have watched a slow transformation of the Ruby name change as the family left France, moved to Ontario and finally settled in Muskegon County, Michigan.  The same thing with the Gee family.  But their name is only anglicized from the French GUY to English GEE.  It is pronounced GEE in French.

Posted by: PFaucheaux Date: September 09, 1999 at 14:52:21
In Reply to: EDWARD GEE IN MICHIGAN by shirley
well,  I took a shot in the dark and did find someone with the same name as the original poster, Peggy Faucheaux on GenWeb and Ancestry, on Facebook.  However, I also found an obituary for the same name, Peggy Faucheaux in 2009 Louisiana - which would probably be correct since this person is related to Archie and Rose's daughter Eva....
I still think you need to post your info on These are the 2 e-mails address (but old) and

good morning Debby - 


   Well,  the Facebook risk paid off, sort of.  I got a response last night but I had not gone into too much detail because I wasn't sure if the Pfauche was the same person or not. It turns out that it is the same person and I sent another message this morning with the details....we will see what happens.  Thanks for the tips.



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