Genealogy Wise

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Once removed.....twice removed...etc. Exactly what does that mean?

I know this may sound silly, but I do not know?

And how do you use proberly?

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Thanks for the chart! It is a great tool!
just joined this site today...was also wondering about cousin relationships.... what a GREAT chart...except I cant print it... wayyyy too large trying to reduce it but cant HELP.... thanks
The "removed" means that there is a generation between you and whom ever you are refeering to. As in my cousin once removed means that the person is a cousin but is one generation younger or older that you. Twice removed would be 2 generations etc..
JFK siblings RFK
Caroline 1C Robt Jr
Caroline's child 2C Robt Jr child
Caoline's g'child 3C Robt Jr g'child

Caroline is first cousin once removed to Robt Jr child

Caroline is first cousin twice removed to Robt Jr g'child
There is a pyramid chart-that helps with it. You can probably find one online.
The easy way to explain it-is if they are on the same LEVEL-GENERATION with you-

Son- Dtr
Their children all 1st cousins
Children of the 1st cousins all 2 second cousins
Children of the 2nd-all 3rd.

Now a chld of the last generation who has to go back to the PREVIOUS generation - is once removed.

My 3rd cousin is Gail Mitchell

We share Great-Grandmother's. Her Mother was my Mother's 2nd cousin-and now is my 2nd once removed. (92 years old)

A 4th cousin twice removed

would have to go back up two generations to that person.
Ms. Gerry Hill-Albany Ga
It refers to the distance two people from a common ancestor. Removals are used when two people are not in the same generation.

Take my husband and his 4th cousin. (Please .... :D ) To calculate how they are related, first you need to identify their common ancestor. They share the same great-great-great-grandparents. The easiest way to calculate it is to count the number of greats and add 1. So three greats plus 1 makes 4th cousins. If the number of greats were different, say for one it was a 3rd great grandparent and one it was a 4th, the difference would be the removal. So my daughter then, would be a fourth cousin, once removed. has an easy to use calculator:
I didn't read through all the replies but "removed" refers to the generation. If you and I are cousins but I'm 5 years older than you I'm once removed.

I'm sure someone has answered it by now. ;)
Not quite! Age has nothing at all to do with it. I am 5 years older that my closest age 1st cousin (our mothers' are sisters) and 10 years older than his sister yet we are still 1st cousins!
Cousins Explained
Have you ever gotten your first cousins twice removed confused with your second cousins once removed? Well, you're not the only one. This chart attempts to explain the relationships that exist between cousins. It may be extended in either direction for as many generations as is necessary.

parents child g-child gg-child ggg-child gggg-child
child brother/
sister nephew/
niece g-nephew/
g-niece gg-nephew/
gg-niece ggg-nephew/
g-child uncle/
aunt first cousin first cousin once removed first cousin twice removed first cousin thrice removed
gg-child g-uncle/
g-aunt first cousin once removed second cousin second cousin once removed second cousin twice removed
ggg-child gg-uncle/
gg-aunt first cousin twice removed second cousin once removed third cousin third cousin once removed
gggg-child ggg-uncle/
ggg-aunt first cousin thrice removed second cousin twice removed third cousin once removed fourth cousin

The parents represent the common ancestors you have with your relative. Count across the top row until you reach your generation. Now count down this column until you reach your relative's generation. This gives you your relationship to your relative. If you have only one common ancestor with your relative (perhaps this ancestor had multiple marriages), then the same chart applies but the relationships are half blood instead of full blood.

In general, the person in the first row is the ***** of the person in the first column where ***** stands for the appropriate table entry, eg. sister, uncle, second cousin, etc.
Suppose I want to find out my relationship to the son of my grandmother's brother. Then the common ancestors that we share are my great-grandparents which are his grandparents. (I am assuming a full blood relationship). Therefore, reading from the chart we find that

parents child g-child ME
child brother/
sister nephew/
niece g-nephew/

I am the first cousin once removed of this relative!
You can find my chart here:

It might be easier to print than the 'old' version given elsewhere.
Well Lisa I think once removed ... twice removed means to do away with. And probably means maybe or most likely. And no you don't sound silly. You would be surprised at how many people don't under stand the word thay use or the text thay use them in.



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