Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Ms. Gerry Hill
  • Female
  • Albany, GA
  • United States
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Ms. Gerry Hill's Friends

  • William Carl (Tucker) Summers
  • Maura Williams
  • Patricic Berne Mizell
  • Lallie Dozier Benkoski
  • jenni coe
  • Brenda Faye Joiner
  • Deb Irwin
  • Carol Carwile Head
  • Linda Sue Hollingsworth Robbins
  • Stephanie Lincecum
  • DeeDee Baldwin

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Ms. Gerry Hill left a comment for Ford Prefect
"Sorry, I only have USA ones..back to NC, not far yet-"
Apr 24, 2020
Aaron A Skomra joined Ms. Gerry Hill's group

Polish Surnames

The Surnames I research are:Ziemecki, (Brooklyn, New Castle Del, Poland under Russian Rule._____________Szymanski-Brooklyn NY, to Poland__________Hazewski- Brooklyn, to Poland under Russian Rule________Majowski- Brooklyn back to Plotka,See More
May 3, 2019

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Ga-Brown,Roberts,Causey, Hooks,Hale,Aycock,Underwood, Pridgeon-back to NC, Va etc.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Mainly the Good old USA
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Ga Research-and counties near me for travel. (Dougherty)
Lee, Baker, Terrell, Marion, Harris, Sumter etc.

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Ms. Gerry Hill's Blog

Forms & Things

Posted on October 15, 2010 at 2:04am 0 Comments

When you go to those seminars-check out the new things offered for sale during intermission. I found a pack of Census Records-for 1790 t0 1930. I don't WRITE on it much, but I grab it for reference ALL THE TIME, when my old eyes can not see the record I am looking at.
I teach a lot of classes, and I can not stress enough-the great use of a time line. I do my notes by year-or approximate year. You are able to see what you are missing-as well as what you have.

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At 7:34am on August 26, 2009, Brenda Faye Joiner said…
Hi Gerry,

I noticed that you listed the Surname "DANIELL" on your list of surnames.

My Maternal Grandmother was a DANIEL. but there has been some discussion that the name could, possibly, have originally been "DANIELL." My Daniel's came from, primarily, Newton County, Georgia. Could you please tell me where your DANIELL'S came from?

My biggest brickwall is Joseph Alexander DANIEL, who was born 1836 in Newton County. Could this be part of your DANIELL group?

Thanks for any help, and Have a Great Day!

At 8:15pm on August 19, 2009, Jennifer Hutmire said…
Hello! I saw your post in the Poland group and was excited to see that you are from Greenpoint because that is where my grandmother grew up. Her name is Marie Dembroski, she was born in 1924, and she lived on the 3rd floor of 72 Green Street and then later moved to DuPont street. She attended PS 31 and went to church at Saints Cyril & Methodius, though she also remembers her grandmother taking her to a Polish National Church too. Her parents were Alex and Susan (Genovese) Dembroski and she had two younger brothers, Al and Peter. Her grandmother and step-grandfather lived on the same floor, and their names were Mari Storoszah and Piotr Kolakowski. Please let me know if any of those names sound familiar to you or to someone you know would mean so much to my grandmother to find out that someone remembered her or her family.
At 9:42pm on August 17, 2009, Sherry Hightower said…

At 11:22am on August 9, 2009, Carol Carwile Head said…
That is what cousin has shared, from his research - as stated, I have not had an opportunity to personally document it. I would have suspected my Wiley to be son of the Wiley who died in Chattahoochee, but he did not show up in that line anywhere that I could find. If you happen across anything at all about him anywhere, please let me know - I would be most grateful!
At 9:15am on August 9, 2009, Carol Carwile Head said…
Hi! It is so good to find another CANNON researcher in GA! The CANNON info in my tree comes from a cousin who has researched the line - I am in Mississippi and have not personally been able to go to GA to do any looking. Cousin's research has my Wiley Jackson CANNON being son of Jackson CANNON and Elizabeth ?, Jackson being oldest son of Archibald and Mary JORDAN CANNON. As I recall, Wiley Jackson CANNON and his mother Elizabeth were in Merriwether county, GA, in 1850.
At 4:39pm on August 6, 2009, Vicki Murphy said…
If you are the Gerry Hill who is researching the John Jackson family in Green County Georgia, please email me.


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