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American Revolutionary War Ancestors


American Revolutionary War Ancestors

Find out about your ancestor in the American Revolution. Members will assist each other with researching American Revolutionary War ancestors.

Members: 450
Latest Activity: Nov 10, 2024


Those group members who have access to such research tools as or Footnote, or who are American Revolution history buffs will help group members with researching their A.R.W. ancestors.

Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Pension Statements & Rosters

Please try to utilize the Discussion Forum as much as possible because the RSS feed of the group only picks up from the Discussion threads and not the comments. -Thanks

Discussion Forum

Samuel Smith Fishkill Halfmoon New York

Started by Julian Smith Jan 6, 2017. 0 Replies

John Gilleland 5th PA Regiment Rev. War

Started by Julian Smith Jan 6, 2017. 0 Replies

John Johnson Revolutionary War soldier

Started by Mary Mixon Oct 22, 2014. 0 Replies

oundBig Problem with Patriot

Started by Dianne Welch. Last reply by dale berisford Jun 4, 2012. 22 Replies

New to the group, want to introduce myself

Started by Robin Peterson. Last reply by Vickey L Baggott Aug 1, 2011. 7 Replies

Need to find soldiers in the Revolutionary War

Started by Kim Stocker. Last reply by Sandy Jun 21, 2011. 3 Replies

What was the Baker's Petition.

Started by Myo. Last reply by Michael Brennan Jun 11, 2011. 1 Reply


Started by Lynda Fryatt Jun 11, 2011. 0 Replies

Col. Elijah Clarke and The Georgia Militia

Started by Robert C. Johnston, Jr.. Last reply by Carol Hull Nov 20, 2010. 15 Replies

War Drums

Started by Jaclyn Glemza Hinkle Feb 28, 2010. 0 Replies

Worleys in Am Rev War

Started by Shirley Jean Worley Williams. Last reply by Shirley Jean Worley Williams Feb 8, 2010. 6 Replies

How Do You know if your Ancestor has been proven?

Started by Patty Wimpsett Killion. Last reply by Nancy House Barron Nov 16, 2009. 9 Replies


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Comment by LaRose Seltzer on July 17, 2021 at 6:37am

While I have been working on my family tree for decades, I am just beginning my research into any ancestors that might have been in the Revolutionary War. Surnames include (but might have more) Rogers, Bethea, West, Bonham, Bennington, Tallifarro.  Any information to guide me to a starting point would be most appreciated.

Comment by Johnny Ray Thigpen on December 28, 2014 at 9:08pm
My 5th great grandfather (on my grandfathers side) was John Thigpen, a Major in the Revolutionary War. He was wounded at the battle for Charleston and would later die on a British POW ship in Charleston Harbor.
John was also/is my 4th great grandfather on my grandmothers side. My grandfather, George Benjamin Thigpen, married Alma Thigpen. They both share the same great/great great grandfather, Amos G Thigpen.
Amos G Thigpen's father, Joseph Joshua Thigpen Sr also fought in the Revolutionary War. Joseph Joshua was the son of John Thigpen. I had 2 great grandfather's that fought in the War. A father and son. The father died at Charlston.
Confused yet?
Joseph Joshua Sr
Comment by Monica Johnson on March 10, 2014 at 11:38am

I am new to this group and a prospective member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). I just sent in my application after many months of research. My 5th great grandfather was Andrew Little, a fifer in the Rev War in Pennsylvania. I am also trying to prove his daughter's father-in-law, Patrick Heagen, as part of my line. Patrick and his son Henry's connection is all I am missing. If any of you have a chance to apply for the DAR, I suggest you do it. Our branch, anyway, is full of good woman to be around and we do great things.

Comment by Peggy Ruley on October 15, 2012 at 9:57pm
I am new to this group, and I want to mention why I became involved with
The American Revolution. My ggggrandfather, William Ridgely, was an officer
In the Maryland Militia during the war. Another part of his family owned an iron
Foundry in the Baltimore, Maryland area. During the war they made weapons
And ammunition for the revolutionary soldiers.
Comment by Lindsay Wakefield on November 22, 2011 at 4:51pm

Is anyone related to Captain Bernard Hubley III 1754-1810?  He married Elizabeth McCalla. His family were exiled from France, made their way to Germany and eventually came to America.  He was captain of the German regiment Continental Infantry.  He served in the battles of Trenton and Princeton, Brandywine and Germantown.  He ended up in 1807 brigade inspector of the militia with the rank of major.  



Comment by Mary Ellen Aube on November 3, 2011 at 9:41am
Hi I'm Mary Ellen Aube and I just joined the group in the last month.  I have one particular ancestor that I would like to find more on.  His name was David Copp and he lived in New Hampshire.  He was I believe a Lt Col and a personal friend of George Washington.  He had a son Jonathan Copp b 1775 Wakefield NH and died 1858 NH.  He lived for a while in Emden, Maine.  Supposedly he had a son Amos Copp who was born in Wakefield NH in 1809 but cannot prove this link.  I have seen it on but no proof.  I wrote to NH vital records but they have no records of his birth.  Does anyone have any knowledge of the birth of this man?
Comment by Sherry Hightower on April 14, 2010 at 10:11pm
Houston Library System announces new (cutback) hours. If you are going to the Clayton Genealogical Library, Houston Metropolitan Research Center or The African American Library at Gregory School, the NEW hours are

Mon -Tues -Thurs: 10am to 6pm
Wed: 10am to 8pm
Friday -Sun: CLOSED
Sat: 10am to 5pm
Comment by Sherry Hightower on December 13, 2009 at 1:09am

Comment by Gwynn Socolich on October 11, 2009 at 6:50pm
One of my favorite genealogy books is Revolutionary War Genealogy by George K. Schweitzer, PHD. It is a great how to book if you do not know where to start your research on your Revolutionary War ancestor. For those of you who have not had the privilege of hearing George speak...He takes on the character of his ancestor complete with period dress. Here is a brief chapter Table of Contents from the book:
1. History of the War
2. The Archives
3. National Publications
4. State Publications
5. Local Sources
6. Histories: Individual, Regimental, Battle, State, Group
7. Sites, Museums, Memories

You may be able to find this book at your local genealogy society library or a genealogy library or get it on Inter Library Loan.
Comment by Gwynn Socolich on October 11, 2009 at 6:44pm
My Revolutionary War Ancestors:
James Adams: Mifflin County PA;
Robert Cowden:Fagg's Manor, Chester, Chester County, PA;
Richard Dow: Haverhill, Essex County, MA;
Oliver Dow: Salem, Rockingham, NH;
James Gilliland: Fagg's Manor, Chester, Chester County, PA;
Gawn Riddell (or Riddle?): Londonderry, Londonderry County, NH;
William and Thomas Sankey Potters Mills, Potter Township, Centre County, PA

Members (450)



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