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  • Female
  • Jacksonville, AR
  • United States
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  • Nancy Allen
  • Robin R. Cordell-Inge
  • Kathy Fuller
  • Leighton E. McCormick

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At 5:10pm on July 5, 2018, Beverly Duell-Moore said…

Yes. Please send me the copies.

At 5:19am on October 3, 2013, Chad Alan Woodburn said…

Sandy, in a comment you made July 18, 2009 on Nancy Bonham Wojcik's page ( you made mention of Polly Stephens, the wife of Samuel Shores (my 4th great grandparents).  As I was researching their grandson Aaron Shores I came across this information that might (or might not) have relevance for research on Polly Stephens.

I note that in the 1850 census for Aaron Shores of Rockton, Winnebago, Illinois (; transcribed incorrectly as Aaron Show in some records), the grandson of Samuel Shores and Polly Stephens, a man named Sylvester Stevens (age 30, a cabinet maker) was living with them.  One might wonder if this is a relative, such as a 2nd cousin of Aaron Shores.  Sylvester is said in that census, however, to have been born in England.  Sylvester Stevens (1820 - 1892) - Find A Grave Memorial (  He ended up marrying Louisa Shores, the daughter of Aaron Shores and Jane Ann Horton Shores, even though he was 14 years her senior. Louisa Shores Stevens (1834 - 1920) - Find A Grave Memorial (  However, I find no records as to whom his parents were.  Even though his surname is spelled differently from Polly's, I doubt that is significant.

I realize that this is not enough information to make any kinds of conclusions, but it might be a piece of data that will eventually fit into the solution of Polly's ancestry. 

At 2:47pm on April 11, 2012, Beverly Duell-Moore said…

Could you send these papers to me? My email is

At 9:31pm on December 2, 2009, John D. Hoff said…
Sandy -

I'm afraid that I won't be of any benefit to this group since I have no Shores ancestry. My Hoff/Huff family in Bradford Co., PA, married into the Shores family several times and I wanted to find out a bit more about them. Washington Beeman and his wife Ann Maria Huff had a dau., Betsey Maria Beeman (b. abt. 1842) who married Coryell Shores, son of Peter Shores and Johanna Green. They had two sons, Amby James Shores and Scott Vaughn Shores. I was hoping to learn more about Peter and Johanna Shores. Betsey Maria Beeman had a sister, Mary Eliz. Beeman, who married Relsman L. Shores in Jan. 1870. They had Alice, Ella May and Herbert. I would like to know more about Relsman Shores's ancestry. I could attach several pages of information I have on these families if I knew how to work this system, or if I had your e-mail address. Thanks for any help. HuffAnnMaria.rtf
At 6:41pm on September 17, 2009, Dianne Welch said…
Thanks for the code. Everytime I get close to Heritage and try to click on it. A big square Error box comes up. It won't let me get near the Heritage box. LOL doesn't like me. Dianne
At 2:43pm on September 17, 2009, Leighton E. McCormick said…
Sandy: Please send to my e-mail address:

Thanks. Have a great day!

At 10:22am on September 17, 2009, Leighton E. McCormick said…

That would be super. Thanks! We're planning a trip to Ireland next year and I'm just now gathering information.

Thanks again, and have a great day!

At 8:04pm on September 6, 2009, Nancy Allen said…
Hi Sandy thanks for the reply . I'm new at this how do I send you my email off wall?
At 7:37am on September 2, 2009, Patty Wimpsett Killion said…
Sandy, Thank you so much for the information. I will definitely be checking them out. I will let you know if I find anything. I appreciate you sharing this information with me.
At 9:00pm on August 12, 2009, Robin R. Cordell-Inge said…
No have not tried that.... but will


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