Genealogy Wise

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New England Researchers


New England Researchers

Looking to connect with other New England Researchers. I am mostly in NH and ME, but want other to connect also.

Members: 157
Latest Activity: Nov 12, 2015

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Washburns in New England

Started by Angela Pedersen. Last reply by David Sylvester Oct 29, 2014. 15 Replies

Lowell V. Starbird 1818-1858 Otisfield, Maine

Started by Ada Starbard Yanakakis. Last reply by Shaun Smith Jan 27, 2010. 6 Replies

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Comment by Karen Trearchis on October 10, 2010 at 4:01pm
JOIN US! The Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc., 35th Annual Meeting and Conference, November 6, 2010, at Courtyard Marriott, Marlborough, MA. Enjoy these speakers :

We will be having an Ancestor Road Show (in which an attendee may seek genealogy advice with a NEAPG professional genealogist for 15 minutes), Family tree project displays, vendors, raffles and silent auction.

For a program schedule, registration form, speaker profiles, list of vendors, and directions, please visit our website:

Deadlines for Early Reservation:
· Conference – Reservations must be received by October 16th, 2010
Members – No charge (registration is required)
Non-Members - $25.00
· Lunch – $30.00 (checks must be received by October 16th, 2010)

Deadlines for Late Reservation:
· Conference – October 18th thru November 6th, 2010
Members – No charge (registration is required)
Non-Members - $35.00
· Lunch - $35.00 (checks must be received by October 25th, 2010
No lunch reservations will be accepted after October 25th, 2010
No lunches will be sold at the door on the day of the conference
No Brown Bag lunches may be eaten on hotel premises

35th Anniversary Souvenir Program Book:
· The 35th Anniversary Souvenir Program Book can be ordered for $7.00, the order and check must be received by October 25th, 2010

It will be a fun day!
Comment by clair franklin quilter on August 1, 2010 at 11:26pm
Hi, I'm Clair. I am currently working on a project, a segment of my family. The family name I'm particularly interested in is Snow, between 1700 and 1850 and primarily in New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts. This particular Snow family moved to New Hampshire from Massachucetts sometime after 1740 and before 1767.and many left New Hampshire for Vermont and elsewhere in the early 1800's. Would like to obtain as much documentation as may be available. Thanks.
Comment by joanna howard on August 1, 2010 at 12:23pm
Howard, Fitzsimons, Dunne from Ireland and Cella and Boitano from Liguria, Italy.
Comment by Karen Trearchis on April 12, 2010 at 12:48pm
Comment by Karen Trearchis on April 12, 2010 at 12:45pm
Hi Everyone, just want everyone to know that the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists is forming a new chapter called the Merrimack Valley Chapter. This includes the area of northern Middlesex and northern Essex Counties.
The Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. (MSOG), a non-profit, educational organization, was founded in 1975 with the purpose of promoting and encouraging Massachusetts genealogical research at all levels, beginner, amateur, and professional.
Our first meeting will be held at the Lawrence History Center, Lawrence,MA. Here is the information: An organizational meeting of the Merrimack Valley (Provisional) Chapter and a tour of the Lawrence History Center, 6 Essex St., Lawrence, MA. will be held on Saturday, May 1, 2010.

9:00 a.m. Sign-in and Networking; 9:30 a.m. Organizational Meeting; 11:30 a.m. Tour of the Lawrence History Center. Join us. Meeting is open to the public.
Comment by Jen Barnett on March 4, 2010 at 12:25pm
Hi Liz,

Thank you for that information. I have just sent a request through snail mail to Massachusetts archives which was recommended to me by the Waltham Archives. I have saved the information page, in case Massachusetts Archives fails me.

Thanks again,

Comment by Liz Loveland on March 4, 2010 at 10:59am
Hi Jen,
Well, I haven't found any online naturalization records but I did find a page that helps explain where you can contact for Bristol County records (both the towns in your initial post are in Bristol Co.):

Bristol Naturalization Records Bristol County Superior Court 1805-1991: Fall River District Court (1885-1906); New Bedford District Court (1885-1906); Taunton District Court (1885-1906 index only)[Massachusetts Archives Division]
Comment by Liz Loveland on March 4, 2010 at 10:32am
Hi Jen,
I will do a little more poking around to see about naturalization records. I can get really impatient waiting for things to be sent to me too. :-) If it helps any, sometimes naturalization records are sent to me much quicker than the time frame estimated by the archive.
Comment by Jen Barnett on March 3, 2010 at 8:10pm
Thank you but I have been researching the lines for quite awhile have the ancestry o both New Brunswick, Canada lines backwards and forward. This was just trying to finish loose ends. Thanks for all your help. I will probably have to attempt to get it from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in Boston like I was told to do.
I hate snail mail and waiting for results dependent on someone else's search time frames. I waited 3 weeks to hear a not found from Waltham, Massachusetts. Thanks again. If ever you need anything feel free to contact me.

Comment by Liz Loveland on March 3, 2010 at 8:02pm
By the way their library database turned up several books on Boudreau lines. Without seeing the book or the full citation, I couldn't even begin to guess whether any of them are the right line (I don't even know how common a name it is in Canada/France). I think their library database is free for the public to search if you want to try it yourself. If it's not I can repeat the search and paste the info here for you to follow up on.

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