Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Sherry Hightower
  • Female
  • Houston, TX
  • United States
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Sherry Hightower's Friends

  • monica nickel
  • wayne r morgan
  • Al Dawson
  • Bill Gaillard
  • Dulcie W. Hardin
  • Fern W. Blanford
  • Carol Nance
  • Jim Collinsworth
  • Trudy Cauthen Tanzillo
  • Margarette Stout
  • Vickey L Baggott
  • Gary L. Pool
  • Alvin Eugene Collins
  • Vickie Lynn Cross
  • J Orendorff

Sherry Hightower's Discussions

What Happened to the 1890 Census

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sherry Hightower Sep 12, 2012. 23 Replies


Started this discussion. Last reply by GeneJ Jul 18, 2009. 1 Reply


Started this discussion. Last reply by Bill Tiffee Feb 25, 2017. 33 Replies

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Red Ribbon From Becky Jamison Red Ribbon From april irene kimble Red Ribbon From Claude P Perry II Christmas Tree From Billy Porter

Sherry Hightower's Page

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Bobbie s Wigginton liked Sherry Hightower's group Hankins
Dec 10, 2024
Bobbie s Wigginton liked Sherry Hightower's discussion William Hankins, s/o John & Rhoda Ireland Hankins
Dec 10, 2024
Marla Glad joined Sherry Hightower's group

American Revolutionary War Ancestors

Find out about your ancestor in the American Revolution. Members will assist each other with researching American Revolutionary War ancestors.
Nov 10, 2024
Milt Larson commented on Sherry Hightower's group CROSS Genealogy
"Have been a member of Genealogy Wise for 4+ years, but new to the "Cross" Family Group.  Collected a good amount of information about Franklin (Frank) P. Cross 1853-1934 (PA -> OH -> WI -> SD -> CA -> WA]; he's my…"
Apr 28, 2024
Milt Larson joined Sherry Hightower's group

CROSS Genealogy

For anyone researching the CROSS surname.
Apr 28, 2024
Beverly Meyer joined Sherry Hightower's group

Lawson Ancestry

All Lawson researchers and name variations, welcome!
Mar 23, 2024
Jenny Findsen joined Sherry Hightower's group

American Revolutionary War Ancestors

Find out about your ancestor in the American Revolution. Members will assist each other with researching American Revolutionary War ancestors.
Dec 9, 2021
Profile IconCheryl Levy PLCGS and Missy Cantlin Bell joined Sherry Hightower's group

American Revolutionary War Ancestors

Find out about your ancestor in the American Revolution. Members will assist each other with researching American Revolutionary War ancestors.
Oct 28, 2021
Laurel Page Brown joined Sherry Hightower's group

American Revolutionary War Ancestors

Find out about your ancestor in the American Revolution. Members will assist each other with researching American Revolutionary War ancestors.
Sep 17, 2021
LaRose Seltzer commented on Sherry Hightower's group American Revolutionary War Ancestors
"While I have been working on my family tree for decades, I am just beginning my research into any ancestors that might have been in the Revolutionary War. Surnames include (but might have more) Rogers, Bethea, West, Bonham, Bennington,…"
Jul 17, 2021
LaRose Seltzer joined Sherry Hightower's group

American Revolutionary War Ancestors

Find out about your ancestor in the American Revolution. Members will assist each other with researching American Revolutionary War ancestors.
Jul 17, 2021
Paula Louise Spart joined Sherry Hightower's group

Cemetery Lovers Gifts

The place to find unique gifts only we could appreciate. Bumper stickers, coffee cups, gift cards, magnets, mouse-pads, t-shirts, and so much more! ~ MEMBERS: post a link or goodies from your line of genealogy/cemetery themed gifts!--------------I have taken down the Squidoo page so I will post the link for my genealogy section at Zazzle.See More
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Sherry Hightower's group

Graphic Designs

If you have a desire for free help with a design for your group, a button for your profile or a banner for your page, post your request here!
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Sherry Hightower's group

Cemetery & Funeral Reviews

This group if for anyone who photographs headstones or is a genealogist.
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Sherry Hightower's group

Old News

For everyone who loves to look over the news from yester-year
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Sherry Hightower's group

American Revolutionary War Ancestors

Find out about your ancestor in the American Revolution. Members will assist each other with researching American Revolutionary War ancestors.
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Sherry Hightower's group

Family Reunions

Have a Family Reunion? Post it here. All Reunions welcome
Oct 28, 2020
Paula Louise Spart joined Sherry Hightower's group

My Ancestor was a Preacher

Preachers, Minister, Priest,etc. Anyone whose ancestor was spreading the word of God, often called Circuit Riders.
Oct 28, 2020
Christina Tracy joined Sherry Hightower's group

American Revolutionary War Ancestors

Find out about your ancestor in the American Revolution. Members will assist each other with researching American Revolutionary War ancestors.
Sep 30, 2020
Linda Debe joined Sherry Hightower's group

American Revolutionary War Ancestors

Find out about your ancestor in the American Revolution. Members will assist each other with researching American Revolutionary War ancestors.
Aug 8, 2020

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
My Family Lines:
Adams, Barr, Bell, Blakely, Briant, Butcher, Cain, Collinsworth/ Collingsworth, Coons, Craig, Cross, Dover, duSachoy, Duty, Evelman, Gardener, George, Hankins, Hardewyn, Hardin, Henry, Hogue, Holtzclaw, Ireland, Jolly, Jones, Joplin, Kilgore, Langston, Lawson, Lyon/s, Marr, Noeller, Orendorff, Pate, Peebles, Perrin, Pettypool/P'Pool, Pool/e, Purvis, Ratliff, Rhodes, Rodgers/Rogers, Rossignol, Routen, Runnels, Saxon, Springate, Toliver/Tolliver, Turner, Weatherford, West, Wier, Wilkinson / Wilkerson, Wooten

There was no place to include this: I have Cherokee & Creek ancestry on both my paternal and maternal sides.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee,Virginia, France, England, Scotland, Germany, USA
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Sherry Hightower's Blog

Group Admins needed

Posted on September 21, 2013 at 11:48am 0 Comments

When GenealogyWise first came into being, those of us who joined early were encouraged to create groups to provide a place for people to come and find "their space".  Many of us created groups by the surnames we were actively working on and then places, occupations, events, etc. I never dreamed we would be the Admins for all the groups we created. 8-0

If anyone is a member of a group created by me and you want to take over that group, please let me know. I am spread very thin these…


How I Get the Most Out of GW

Posted on August 18, 2009 at 12:52pm 9 Comments

There are so many groups now and that is a good thing, but as I stated in my previous blog, you just can not check out every one of them.

If I were new to GenealogyWise, after I set up my page with the surnames I am researching, etc, I would go to the groups main page. Then I would start researching all the surnames on my list. You will see in the results, not only the group which is about that surname, but the other groups where a comment has been left about that… Continue

Comment Wall (329 comments)

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At 9:15pm on June 6, 2013, Carol Nance said…

Sherry, I didn't know about this website.  Thanks for inviting me.


At 3:48pm on June 6, 2012, Jim Collinsworth said…

Hi Sherry, I submitted a 37 marker. Thanks, Jim

At 6:20pm on December 19, 2011, Ms. Gerry Hill said…

On Facebook (or others I imagine) Best not to say anything in the first place..  You never, never know where it will wind up.  (Have no opinions, dissagree with no one, talk like a saint? etc)


Wanted to thank you for wishing me Happy Birthday. I have not been on lately!

At 3:34pm on August 25, 2011, Alvin Eugene Collins said…
MOST slave owners were farmers some large and others small. Very few were in the plantation class. Yes, I had several ancestors who were slaves in Missouri,Kentucky, Tennessee and Kentucky. Also, many of them were chiidren of white men of various social classes. Some of my white ancestors were SMALL farmers, whereas,others were NOT even slave owners. They just simply had liasons (most being mutually consensual ) with black women, with the mixed breed chiildren bearing there fathers last names. However, there were also, some unfortunate cases, in my ancestry where my black female ancestors were  sexually taken advantage of by UNKNOWN white men. To my knowledge,I had only one white ancestor who even MIGHT fit in the plantation owning category. He was my ggg grandfather James Gordon (1810-1875), a judge in Columbia, Missouri. His father David Gordon (1770-1840) was one of the founders of Columbia, Missouri. James Gordon, according to the books, was a life long batchlor. But, he had a FREE live in mulatto mistress Henrietta Robinson ( 1815), by whom he had a daughter Cornelia Gordon ( my great great grandmother. Henrietta can be  seen in the 1860 Boone County, Missouri Census Schedules as living as a free woman of color in James Gordons household. The Gordon Home in Columbia, Missouri, GORDON MANOR, was destroyed by fire in 1998. It was a Federal style mansion built in 1823. The front porch was topped by a balcony supported by four one story Corinthian columns. Above the porch was a Palladian window. The house was on the National Register of Historic Sites.
At 12:37pm on August 25, 2011, Alvin Eugene Collins said…
Truer words have never been spoken !!! Some members are defeating their purpose of membership by making their comments and information private. Also, they are shielding themselves from obtaining more information about their own ancestors. Whereas, otherwise ,they could meet new LIVING relatives who could possibly, take them back several generations further and, bring to light pictures of their ancestors which they had never seen nor knew even existed. I am, also, a member of Unfortunately, a multitude of members ,of that website, have private trees, only viewable to a selective few. It is amazing that some of these folks will use YOUR material and maintain private trees !! These people are just simply too selfish and stingy to share THEIR information with others ! In several instances, people have used stories and pictures I have posted. I sent them messages telling them that I was glad that I had material that they could use, and that I would love to see their trees.  BUT....................... with only a few exceptions, no responses !! (lol) or (frown) !!!!!!!!!!
At 1:24pm on March 26, 2011, Becky Jamison gave Sherry Hightower a gift
You're not forgotten, Sherry! Have a great day.
At 11:50pm on March 21, 2011, Melanie Boyden said…
Hi!  Thank you for your kind welcome.  I apologize for not responding sooner, but I forgot my password...  Finally, last night, I got another, and it's like seeing everything NEW again(It's been a long time since I was here!)!
At 3:47pm on December 16, 2010, Lillian Alline Champagne said…

Hi Sherry, Did I answer you back? I hope so. I was born in Houston & raised in Spring. I have many ancestors buried at Countyline Cemetery in Montgomery Co. If you have people buried there we are definately related. We have been traveling and my computer is down so I am using a library computer. Will try to get back to your reply a lot quicker than I did.

At 12:18pm on October 28, 2010, James Alfred Locke Miller Jr. said…
What is your Wooten linage? Great grandfather Sgt. & Lt. Edward Wooten, CSA, was the son of Shadrack "Shade" Wooten of Pitt Co., N.C., the son of Wm. Wooten, Sr., who wed Nancy Forbes, daughter of Patriot Lt. Arthur Forbes, Sr. If memory serves, he was the son of John Wooten. I was once an officer in our now defunct Wooten Family Assn. Much of it's research is in DAR library, Washington, D.C. By-the-way, it was found that DAR Patriot, militia Ens. Shadrack Wooten, though awarded a commission, never accepted it. Likely he still qualifies under some civil or other office or act?
At 4:46pm on August 31, 2010, Lillian Alline Champagne said…
Thanks Sherry, I found the button to join the group. I also was born in Houston, & raised in Spring, Texas. If this is your native stomping ground, we are probably cousins one way or another. What surnames are you researching? My main ones are Miller, Haberlie, Walker, Grizzard, Simmons, Pain, Melton, Tanner, Reaves, Smith, Johnson, Collins, Lacy, Barrett, Hanna, & McAdams. Most of them came from southern states Ga., Ala. Fla. & N.C. mostly. Hope we connect and can help ea other. Lillian
At 12:43pm on July 31, 2010, Kate Steere said…
Here is what is Ancestry:
U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles
Name: Preston Wadkins
Enlistment Date: 13 May 1865
Rank at enlistment: Private
Enlistment Place: Irvine, KY
State Served: Kentucky
Survived the War?: Yes
Service Record: Enlisted in Company G, Kentucky Three Forks Infantry Battalion on 16 Jul 1865.
Mustered out on 17 Jul 1865 at Irvine, KY.
Sources: Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Kentucky

1860 United States Federal Census
Name: Preston Wadkins
Age in 1860: 35
Birth Year: abt 1825
Birthplace: Kentucky
Home in 1860: District 1, Breathitt, Kentucky
Gender: Male
Post Office: Jackson
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members:
Name Age
Preston Wadkins 35
Celia Wadkins 33
Emly Wadkins 15
William Wadkins 13
Andrew Wadkins 10
Elizabeth Wadkins 8
Eda Wadkins 7
Moses Wadkins 6
Elijah Wadkins 5
James Wadkins 3
Josiah Wadkins 1

Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Breathitt, Kentucky; Roll M653_357; Page: 273; Image: 273; Family History Library Film: 803357.

1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Preston Wadkins
Home in 1880: Jackson, Breathitt, Kentucky
Age: 53
Estimated birth year: abt 1827
Birthplace: Kentucky
Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head)
Spouse's name: Ceily
Father's birthplace: Virginia
Mother's birthplace: Virginia
Neighbors: View others on page
Occupation: Farming
Marital Status: Married
Race: White
Gender: Male
Household Members:
Name Age
Preston Wadkins 53
Ceily Wadkins 51
Nannie Wadkins 13
Green A. Wadkins 18
Elvira Wadkins 10

Source Citation: Year: 1880; Census Place: Jackson, Breathitt, Kentucky; Roll 404; Family History Film: 1254404; Page: 573C; Enumeration District: 14; Image: 0753.
At 7:16am on July 31, 2010, Kate Steere said…
Hi Sherry-
Saw your post on Preston Wadkins, since he served such a brief time, I'm guessing there won't be many service records for him. Does she need any other records on him?
At 1:43pm on July 30, 2010, Daniel Morgan said…
II forgot to add my email address (in case anyone is searching Morgans or Kerrs)
Daniel Morgan.
At 1:40pm on July 30, 2010, Daniel Morgan said…
Sorry, I cannot add to your research since most of my Morgans came from Charleston, SC, USA and from Ireland and myy Kerr research led me to Annapolis, MD., and vicinity and to Ulste,Ireland. Dan
At 9:20am on July 19, 2010, Cynthia Kindall said…
As i said in my request- its a history lesson and to find people that care to help is a +.
At 3:50pm on July 18, 2010, Brian Litster said…
Thank you
At 4:08am on April 12, 2010, Erin Teresa Carson-Hamlet said…
Thank you Sherry!
At 12:45pm on December 29, 2009, Pam Brewer said…
Thank you. Is this where I post my surnames and interests?
Pam Brewer
At 11:11am on December 27, 2009, Linda Sue Hollingsworth Robbins said…
No, sorry. My Gray ancestors were in Anderson County at Antrim (no longer exists) and Elkart, Houston County north of Grapeland close to the Anderson County Line, and in San Jacinto County in and near Cold Springs (spelling, now), TX. Some of them are buried at the inaccessible Kyle Cemetery near Elkhart and many more at the Antrim Cemetery in Houston County. Good luck with your Grays.

I have not found much information about the Antrim Community in Anderson County. Have you?
At 10:39am on December 27, 2009, Linda Sue Hollingsworth Robbins said…
I saw your info on Liberty County at the about Milvid and that led me here with a Milvid Google search. I joined your group.


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