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Virginia Genealogy

A group for people with roots in Virginia.

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Latest Activity: Jul 7, 2023

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Comment by John Hale on July 7, 2023 at 9:52pm

I discovered through DNA research that my 2nd great-grandfather John Hale (born 1815 Wythe County, VA; died about 1877 Magoffin County, KY) father is Michael Aker (born 1766 Somerset County, PA; died 1833 Wythe County, VA. This has been confirmed by a DNA analyst at DNA Detectives. I have not yet confirmed who John Hale's mother is, I can't find enough matches with Michael Aker's wife Catherine Hepner to do a DNA analysis on her. Michael Aker may have had a liaison with another woman in his community in Wythe County, VA. 

Comment by Steve Conner on September 26, 2019 at 9:10pm

Greetings! i am Steve Conner. My Virginia roots go back to Lawrence Conner and Margaret Blaine who were msrried in Botetourt County on 17 February 1783. They moved through Wythe and Tazewell Counties before heading to Cumberland County, Kentucky about 1800.

Comment by Bill Thoendel on December 15, 2017 at 8:03pm

I've reached a dead end with Daniel Carter, Grayson County Virginia.  dob 1805-1808. Parents and siblings???  Married Emily/Millie Anderson 02 June 1830.  Death after 1851.  Thanks for any information, Bill Thoendel - Daniel would be the gg-grandfather of my wife.

Comment by Eluzabeth Vaughn on December 7, 2017 at 6:16pm
Hi. My name is Elizabeth. I'm called Liz
I'm am interest in Vaughn Family of VA, possibly in Amelia county? Sorry if misspelled. 3g grandfather was Johnson Vaughn who married Mary Griffin, I'm looking for a lot of info. They married in VA , had children there, but I do not know of her birth or death. Johnson brought some of his children with him 1850 to Jefferson county Missouri. But Mary is not mentioned. Thank you all for your time.
Comment by Linda Jones Fitt on September 23, 2016 at 1:46pm
Researching John A. Jones and Martha Humphreys of Fluvanna County. They were married in 1783, marriage registered in the county on December 9, 1785. There were two gentlemen by the name of John Jones in, or around, Fluvanna county at this time. On the personal property records one was know as John Jones - son of David, or sometimes Capt. My ancestor is known as John Jones - powder. Unable to find his birth or death records. Also interested in knowing why he was called powder (gunpowder?). Their son was Solomon Jones. He was born in Fluvanna county, but died in Barbour county, WV on May 4, 1862. Thanks!
Comment by Jeani Brewer on October 23, 2014 at 1:19pm

Any one searching in Amherst County about 1787?

Comment by Mark S Middleton on June 1, 2014 at 6:22pm

Hello I am researching John Middleton, 1830 census Pendleton County (Virginia) West Virginia. I believe one of his son's is my GrGr Grandfather Basil Middleton. I'm looking for information about the Middleton's in Shennandoah County (Greater Valley) Virginia (late 1700s-early 1800s). 

Comment by John Hale on November 10, 2013 at 3:13pm

Are there any Acker, Aker, Akers, or Hale's in the VA group, or does anyone know of any of these surnames that have done a Y-DNA test, so I can compare my Y-DNA results?

Comment by Brownie MacKie on August 26, 2013 at 1:44pm

Re-Researching Youngers in Halifax County.  

Researching Nance/Nantz in Lunenburg.  

VA names:  Dabney, Overton, Overby, Doswell, Claybrook, Carr, Garland, and all associated names of the above.  :-)

Comment by Ralph M McKellar on August 23, 2013 at 6:12am

Researching Carroll Family in Big Stone Gap, Va. My mother-in-law was born there in 1910. Linda my wife never knew much about her Grandparents or of their are any family still in Big Stone Gap. Grand father`s name John Carroll, Grand mother Dollie. Thank you for your time. Ralph McKellar.


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