Genealogy Wise

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Cemetery & Funeral Reviews


Cemetery & Funeral Reviews

This group if for anyone who photographs headstones or is a genealogist.

Location: Houston, TX
Members: 47
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2020


Sometimes, you have to contact the office (usually a funeral home) to get the grave location information. Are they helpful? Are they pleasant? Here we can share our experiences, the good and the not so good.

If you are in the market for cemetery plots for yourself or family, wouldn't you want to invest in a cemetery where you knew your family and friends would be treated with respect and assistance would be given AFTER you have passed? Wouldn't you want to know the level of customer service after the deal is complete? Review before you buy - you may be surprised!

While based in Houston, this group is for anyone in any country who is willing to share their experiences.

The home page for this group is Cemetery and Funeral Home Reviews.

Updated Rating System:
A+ Went above and beyond, like taking you to the grave-site if you couldn't find it. A Very helpful and pleasant B+ Helpful and sufficient B Helped you
C+ Got the information but you had to wait an unreasonable amount of time. (Would not include times when a funeral is taking place)
C Supplied the requested information with an attitude of annoyance
D Supplied the requested information in a rude manner
F Would supply the information for a fee
F- Failed to supply the information, failed to return calls or emails or agreed to supply the information but never did .

At present only a handful of cemeteries in a few Texas counties and a few other states are represented on the site. Please consider submitting a review for the cemeteries in your location. States with Reviews: California Florida Georgia Illinois New York Texas


Cemetery & Funeral Home Reviews Blog

Discussion Forum

Historic Hollywood Cemetery, Houston, Texas

Started by Sherry Hightower Jul 17, 2010. 0 Replies

City Cemetery in Sacramento California

Started by Jo Saunders. Last reply by Jo Saunders Jul 11, 2010. 2 Replies

Graceland Cemetery - Chicago, IL

Started by Terri O'Connell. Last reply by Sherry Hightower Jul 9, 2010. 3 Replies

Earthman Resthaven Cemetery, HoustonTX

Started by Sherry Hightower Jul 11, 2009. 0 Replies

Cemetery & Funeral Home Reviews / Twitter

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Cemetery & Funeral Reviews to add comments!

Comment by Sherry Hightower on April 26, 2011 at 1:28am

Things have been really slow. I am sure the price of gas doesn't help either. I lost my car last year so I am "grounded" and have not been but to one or 2 cemeteries since then.  Really hard, not getting to visit the cemeteries!

If anyone is visiting or photographing, please let us know what you are up to!!


Comment by Sherry Hightower on July 29, 2010 at 12:37pm
Some updates for the Cemetery & Funeral Home Reviews site

As you know, there is now a companion blog hosted at Wordpress. If you care to so so, please follow it. I have listed some links and will add more to the blog as I can.

Registered Reviewers now have a private section on the main site, ("ORS" tab) where they can login and update their info on their business cards and print them as they need them. I know everyone is on a tight budget so this should help.

In the not too distant future I hope to move the CFHR site to its own domain but for steps, right?

Back to the blog, if you want to be a Reviewer and you would like to include an article, there is a page for you to do so. It is titled "Reviewers Speak". No word limit, send any photos you would to include.

Any of the Official Reviewers can write up a bio and it will be posted on the "Reviewers" page. Just email it to me when you have it ready. No word limit.

I want this to be inviting, fun and easy for you to contribute and participate as much or as little as you wish. Any one wishing to post something about a cemetery or a funeral home in their state or local area is welcomed.

If you travel and have experiences you would like to contribute, these are welcome too.

Thanks to everyone who helps to make this a great service to others.
Comment by Ulf Gustafson on July 9, 2010 at 7:25pm
My grandfather had two brothers who left Sweden between 1880 and 1885. I have found (Janne Mauritz Carlson), John Colson in Port Arthur and am now trying to find his brother (Alfred Carlson) Fred Carlson, born on the 22nd of June 1859 in Kinnarumma parish, Sweden. He stayed in Minneapolis but the family haven´t had any contact with him or the family we believe he had.
Best regards from
Comment by Sherry Hightower on April 5, 2010 at 12:28am
New review listed for a Bexar county cemetery where they charge $50/hr to do a look up if you are not related to the person buried there!
Comment by Sherry Hightower on December 13, 2009 at 1:10am

Comment by Sherry Hightower on August 12, 2009 at 3:55pm
Early this morning...about 1:15am I got an email notice that someone submitted a cemetery review via the website. Someone (whose ISP # I now have) posted a fictious review for a cemetery in the Coral Sea Islands...only problem..there isn't anything there but a weather station. They used a fictious email address.

Someone was REALLY bored!

Comment by Sherry Hightower on July 29, 2009 at 11:09pm
I recently reviewed the Sterling White Cemetery in Highlands TX, near Crosby. Very nice people over there.

I have a review of a cemtery from NY submitted by Thomas but I haven't posted that one yet as I have been working on the website. I created a new banner because I was told it was hard to read.

Hope the new one is better.
Comment by Sherry Hightower on July 22, 2009 at 1:21am
I just completed revamping the pages and adding 3 Florida cemetery reviews

Let me know what you think of the new layout!

Cemetery & Funeral Home Reviews
Comment by Sherry Hightower on July 16, 2009 at 9:15pm
I have a young woman in FL and a gentleman in AZ who will be submitting reviews (on the main website) for their areas. If anyone would like to get in on this, just visit the site and complete the submission form.

Cemetery & Funeral Home Reviews
Comment by Terri O'Connell on July 14, 2009 at 3:59pm
Please copy and paste it into you browser or do a search in all groups.

Members (47)



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