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My Ancestor was a Preacher


My Ancestor was a Preacher

Preachers, Minister, Priest,etc. Anyone whose ancestor was spreading the word of God, often called Circuit Riders.

Members: 50
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2020

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Discussion Forum

Rev George Rairigh Sr

Started by Mary Ellen Rohrer Dexter. Last reply by Mary Ellen Rohrer Dexter May 28, 2017. 1 Reply

Rev Joseph Harrison and Nancy Price Harrison

Started by Brenda Harrison Steele. Last reply by Brenda Harrison Steele Feb 27, 2014. 1 Reply

Rev. Joe P. King

Started by Lillian Alline Champagne Sep 7, 2010. 0 Replies


Started by vandra wen Oct 7, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by Curt Watke on September 26, 2014 at 10:50pm

I am descended from many preachers and have many preachers in my extended family tree.  Some of these were "lay preachers" meaning they also worked a job and others pastored churches.  Here are a few of them:

Comment by Brenda Harrison Steele on February 26, 2014 at 2:09pm

My great grandfather was a Baptist Circuit Rider in Kentucky.  His name was Reverend Franklin L Harrison.  Another ancestor Rev Joseph Harrison was very instrumental in many churches in North Carolina.  Will add pictures later.

Comment by Sue Lederer Geiger on August 31, 2010 at 6:18pm
My 3rd great grandfather,Dr.William M.P.Quinn was a circuit riding Methodist minister and a medical doctor in Ohio in the first part of the 19th century.His three older half brothers,Isaac,James,and Matthew Quinn were also Methodist ministers the most famous of whom was James Quinn who was the subject of a book called,"Sketches of The Life and Labors of James Quinn".During the Civil War,the Methodist church split over slavery,and Matthew Quinn who lived in Nashville,TN went with the Methodist Church South while the others sided with the Union.
Comment by Lillian Alline Champagne on August 31, 2010 at 4:23pm
Hi all, Am very excited to find this group. I have two known preachers in my family tree. the Rev. Lacy J. Simmons, primitive baptist Ga, Fla. and Rev. John Tanner, Jr. Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, & Missouri. I also have several relatives who helped organize and build the Antioch Primitive Baptist Church (also known as Countyline Church) in Montgomery Co., Texas. They were George Washinton Reaves and his brother in law Asa Walker. I have many relatives buried in that particular cemetery, Reaves, Simmons & Collins being my direct line descendants from there. Anyone connected to any of these lines please contact me at Thanks, Lillian
Comment by Beverly Simpson on August 20, 2010 at 9:36am
My GGG Grandfather was Rev. Josiah Rucks. He was born 3 Apr 1754 in Chesterfield County, VA. He had a twin brother named Benjamin. After the Revolutionary War he was awarded land grants in Smith County, TN where he went via some time living in North Carolina. Josiah built a cabin on his estate, known as "Bide-A-Wee" and lived there

until his death on 15 Aug 1836. He spent years riding as a Missionary in VA, NC, and TN. He married Elizabeth Taylor, the daughter of a Methodist minister. Josiah graduated from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. He spent most of his life as a Baptist minister in and around Smith County, TN, where he built and started a church at Knob Springs, near Rome, TN. He served as the church pastor there from 18 Jul 1814 until his death. He also preached at Dixon Creek Church. He fathered and raised 10 children, one of whom was also a Baptist minister in Smith County, TN. He is buried beside his wife in the Rucks FAmily Cemetery on his estate in Smith County, TN.
Comment by Randall Stackhouse on August 9, 2010 at 11:16pm
My Great grandfather was Rev. Wilmot Weldon Howe born 29 May 1870 Belyle, New Brunswick, Canada and died 29 May 1926 Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. He was a preacher with The Alliance of the Reformed Baptist Church of Canada. In 1966 this church merged with the Wesleyan Methodist Church.
Comment by Sherry Hightower on December 12, 2009 at 11:55pm

Comment by Russell Jordan on December 4, 2009 at 6:21pm
My grt-grt-grt- was Rev. David MM. Jordan founder First Baptist Church Pine Ridge,Texas.

Comment by Cheryle Hoover Davis on August 18, 2009 at 6:19pm
The Rev. William Martin, born17 Dec 1776 in Chatham (county?) North Carolina, (father: Thomas Martin, mother Sabra Wilkie).

I am descended through Rev. Martin's brother, Thomas. This family moved to Hawkins county, Tennessee.
Comment by Rosemary Taylor on August 11, 2009 at 10:37pm
I descend from SIMEON BUFORD LEWIS (born 1795-1799 VA), Minister of the Gospel. He was minister in Franklin County, Missouri before the Civil War. In the 1880 census Phelps County, Missouri, he still declared himself a Minister of the Gospel.
I also descend from BENJAMIN MEADER / MEADOWS who I assume was a minister because he performed marriages in BEDFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA around 1800.
I assume both of these were of the Primitive Baptist faith since the family attended that church until my memories as a child.

Members (50)



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