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Cheryle Hoover Davis
  • Female
  • Flagstaff, AZ
  • United States
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Cheryle Hoover Davis's Friends

  • Michael Scott Hoover
  • Wendy Macdonald
  • Rebecca Ritchey
  • beverly Jane watson
  • Lludw Y Maes
  • Christine Kay Olsen-Needham
  • Debra Egbert-Foster
  • Vickie James
  • Kathy Fuller
  • Lori Deible Chaffin
  • Debbie Noland Nitsche
  • Wanda Kay Newton Gray
  • Farhan Rehman
  • Ronald Schulz
  • Charlie Vines

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Hoover/Huber, Miller/Mueller, Peninger/Penninger, Hevener/Hevner/Haffner/Hefner, Racer, DeCoursey, Chesnor/Chestnor, Minear, Ritchie/Ritchey/Rutschley, Winters, Wolfe, Bible/Beibel, Shoemaker, Halterman, Martin, Bullington, McDuffie, Boatwright, Warren, Davis, Ennis, Bowen, Bailey, Cope, Ackles, Jameson, Boltz, Selby/Shelby, Vermillion, Van Campen, Corsi, Van Oblinis, Cray, DeForest, Van Garden, Decker, Gerrits, Christiaens, Harmon, Vasey, Warren, Neal,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, France
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Cheryle Hoover Davis

Comment Wall (18 comments)

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At 5:34am on April 15, 2011, Edie said…
cheryle,  I noticed that you said you have some Taylors from Rockingham VA in your tree.  Would you be willing to share that with me.  I am trying to find out more info concerning a George Taylor who was at Fort Pitt/Laurens during the Rev War.  He joined up as a 17 yo from that area of VA.  Edie
At 4:03pm on August 12, 2010, beverly Jane watson said…
Cheryle, Can you tell me more about Sandra. What are her parents names Given and Sur and Grandparents names . Where are they from. John and Sarah were my Great-Great Grandparents. Sandra would have to have descended from Ben,William, Charles, John S. , or Anna. Which of these were herGreat great grandparents? bev
At 8:05pm on August 10, 2010, beverly Jane watson said…
Who is your friend and how is she related to John Hoover? Bev Hoover Watson
At 5:59pm on April 22, 2010, beverly Jane watson said…
Hi Cheryle, I am a Hoover from Indiana . My Hoovers migrated out of N C to Ohio to IN. Some scattered as far as Ca. They descend from Andreas(Andrew) Hoover Who migrated out of Switzerland to Germany to Am. They are Quakers and spoke German. They all stayed around Bicknell,Edwardsport,and Vincennes,IN. Knox Co. They were Teachers,Lawers,Judges and Realators. Who were your grandparents and Greats&great-greats Etc.? I am Bev
At 8:20pm on August 18, 2009, Jen Bawden said…
Not sure. My Hoover line did come from Pennsylvania - Bedford County. Supposidly his father's name was Thomas. His name was Daniel, born 1806 according to his headstone, but that seemed to change with every census *grin*
At 10:24pm on August 5, 2009, Carole A. Chapman said…
I see that you are looking for several lines of Davis. I have one that started in Kentucky, Mississippi, and South Carolina and ended (by marriage of two Davis's) in Texas.

Robert Davis (SC 1908?) + Mary Ann Davis (KY 1806? ; purported to be Jefferson Davis' sister) = Amanda Jane Davis (MS 1833).

Amanda Jane Davis (MS 1833) + Jacob A. Miller (TN 1807) = Mary Elizabeth Miller (TX 1852).

That's probably enough so you can see if these are the Davis's you are looking for.

Hope we made a connection :-)
At 8:40pm on July 23, 2009, Judith Campbell said…
Hi, my DeForests came to NY in 1880 from Hull, England. I don't know before that.
At 12:37pm on July 16, 2009, Anett Faulkner said…
Well Thanks for answering back--I guess we both will keep searching
At 11:28am on July 16, 2009, Anett Faulkner said…
Hi Cheryle my name is Anett. My Davis's seem to match locations of your except Quaker.. Main Davis characters are Jeremiah and Frances Davis-south carolina--William Davis and Sophia Brown in Greene Co. Alabama then to Texas Stafford Davis and Zula Portwood then to Oklahoma for Samual and Zula and thats where i am at.
At 12:15am on July 16, 2009, Gene Davies said…
Davies - long e


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