Genealogy Wise

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Canadian Genealogy

Dedicated to helping people research their ancestors in Canada. Do you have an area of expertise in Canadian genealogy? Maybe you could offer tips and suggestions to those just starting out.

Location: Ontario, Canada
Members: 452
Latest Activity: Mar 31, 2023

Discussion Forum

Emma Amelia Schultz

Started by Jo Saunders. Last reply by Shannon Wearing May 28, 2018. 10 Replies

Cope, Carson and Smith

Started by Perileen Smith Jul 22, 2017. 0 Replies

Confused...DUBE from Canada possible two families at the same time?

Started by Michelle Gimelberg. Last reply by Michelle Gimelberg Apr 30, 2015. 5 Replies

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Comment by Tony Stapleton on April 7, 2010 at 12:23pm

I am researching my family roots in Quebec.
As usual I run out of info from time to time and needs to seek assistance

My 5th great grandfather on my mother's side was Henry Urquhart who came to Canada from Scotland with his Wife Jane Watt around 1842.

They came to Montreal and spent the rest of there lives living on Prince St.
I know they had 3 children Alexander, Euphemia and J. (John or James but not sure yet). After that it is a little vague. If anyone knows of any connections, please let me know

Thank you
Comment by Richard Webb on March 21, 2010 at 8:58am
I'm still not sure how this site works, but I am looking for records of a Simon Healey who lived in London, Ontario in the late 1800's. Specifically his Irish ancestory. Also, not sure how he spelledhis name - Simon or Simeon, ...: Healey or Healy
Comment by maggie on March 19, 2010 at 5:08am
thank you for the link
Comment by Al (alpobc) on March 18, 2010 at 10:08pm
Hi Maggie;
Here's an alternative way to possibly find someone willing to take some pictures.
There is a Saskatchewan Geocaching group at , if you click on the contact me link and fill out the forum asking if the Admin could forward your request to his members. I am not a member of this group, but I did have some success on another geocaching site for a lady on another genealogy site.
Geotagging is becoming popular with photographers and genealogists to mark gravesite pictures, so contacting someone who geocaches is, to me, a natural progression. You might have to wait until the snow is gone.
Good luck in your search.
Duncan, British Columbia, Canada
Comment by maggie on March 14, 2010 at 1:59pm
i have check there and yes there are people in sask but not in the town i want
Comment by Cheryl Dynan on March 14, 2010 at 1:31pm
Maggie, check out (Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness) and see if there is anyone in that area to help you with your pictures.
Comment by Michel Rivard on March 14, 2010 at 1:04pm
I am searching for information on James Thompson. He imigrated from Ireland with his brother, to Canada. Where they separated and lost track of one another. James married some time in the late 1840's or early 50's to Dinah, I believe her maiden name may have been Byron. They were both born in the early 1820's. Their first child was William, born in 1853, Ontario, probably in Elizabethtown, Brockville. I believe James died prior to the 1881 census. I have located them in the 1871 census, before that not having much luck. Would like to find the links back to Ireland.
Comment by maggie on March 13, 2010 at 8:13am
I am looking for some one who lives in willow bunch sask who could take some digtail pictures for me
Comment by Kay Lynn Spitler on March 12, 2010 at 9:09pm
hi. I am searching in Quebec for the family of Gagnon tht came from France. My my gggrandfather was the first in my line to come to the United States, (Ohio) from Canada.
Comment by James P. LaLone on March 7, 2010 at 8:59am
For those who have French-Canadian ancestry:
Descendants and Ancestors of Early French Settlers
a new website:

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