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Germany and German Ancestry


Germany and German Ancestry

This group was created for anyone interested in researching German Ancestry.

Members: 1137
Latest Activity: Nov 10, 2024

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German ancestry help

Started by Courtney rabideau. Last reply by Courtney rabideau Feb 11, 2016. 4 Replies

Friedrich Wilhelm Beckman

Started by Patty Zoe Beckman. Last reply by Patty Zoe Beckman Dec 22, 2015. 10 Replies

German Ancestry

Started by Shelly Kay Eitniear-Cherry. Last reply by Joel Hutto Dec 12, 2015. 5 Replies

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Comment by Brian Charles Maclachlan on April 19, 2022 at 2:23am

Hi Folks

i am researching the surname Bamberger who my research suggests they came from Bamberg, moved to England before migrating to Australia in the early 1900s. I have found records suggesting an ancestor was Jewish and buried in the Jewish cemetery in Bamberg. If you have any suggestions please let me know.



Comment by Patricia Kern on February 18, 2021 at 11:12pm

Hello... I am researching the Kern Family from Betzingen, Germany. Martin Kern married Anna Sattler 1863. They had several children including my 2x great grandfather Martin who came to America with two of his brothers. His mother is often mistaken for Anna Kern who lived in the state of PA but my Martin's mother who was born Anna Sattler still resided in Betzingen Germany in 1906 when the three brothers returned home after becoming American citizens. When they returned to America on this trip in 1906 it was with nephews and cousins who's last names include Weber, Mier, Sattler and Grauer. Because of the confusion with the Anna Kern in PA things have become very confusing and at times difficult to determine what belongs to who as far as facts. Any info or suggestions are greatly appreciated. 

Comment by Perileen Smith on February 12, 2021 at 1:15pm

Looking for info on Riding School or Stables in Berlin 1895-1899 where Grandfather may have taught Royalty to ride.  Any info please.

Comment by Perileen Smith on December 19, 2019 at 4:37pm

He was born in Germany and then moved to England about 1898 and moved to british Columbia about 1906-7.  We cannot find out how he arrived or when he arrived in Canada but his wife and family came in 1907 on the Empress of Ireland and the ships list show that landing in Canada.  He goes by the name Henry and a Henry Seebaum came to the USA from Germany but it is not him.  I have many alternate spellings and found nothing at all.  The only records I can find of them in England is the birth and death of two of their children.

Thank you for your suggestion.  I will keep trying.

Comment by Marianne Szabo on December 19, 2019 at 3:57pm

Perileen Smith - how did you narrow the years down to between 1906-1907? Was he born in London, or did he just leave for the U.S. from England (port of Liverpool). Was he traveling alone or with someone?  How old was he?  I suggest using because it lets you search with very little data, and comes up with alternate spellings of surnames.

Comment by Auriette Hahn Lindsey on December 19, 2019 at 2:56pm

Mary Ellen, I have tested with Ancestry, LivingDNA, and 23andMe, and I uploaded to MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA and GEDmatch. My dad has passed but his brother tested for me, so I have his DNA on several sites as well. One of his Hahn cousins is also on Ancestry. So far, no luck making connections to Germany yet, though.

Comment by Perileen Smith on December 15, 2019 at 12:12pm

I have been trying to determine how Henry Seabaum came to North America in 1906-7 for years and it seems he may have come from London, England but he may have visited Germany prior to coming west.  Does anyone have any Seabaum names in their trees that could help me?

Comment by Mary Ellen Rohrer Dexter on December 14, 2019 at 8:34pm

I have heard that DNA testing and My Heritage are both things that can help in overseas research.  But to be honest I have only done research in US records. 

Comment by Auriette Hahn Lindsey on December 14, 2019 at 3:56pm

Thank you for all the suggestions. Mary Ellen - I found one naturalization document on Ancestry, filed at the Escambia County Courthouse in 1872. It did not ask for birthdate, just age. I asked how long he'd been in the country but not where he came into the country or the name of the ship. It asked how long he'd been in Escambia County. It indicates that he would no longer hold allegiance to the German Kaiser, but the form didn't ask for where he was born or his parents' names.

Marianne, I have searched at and on FamilySearch, as well as a few other immigration databases. I have even gone page by page through records from Gulf ports looking for anyone with his name. There may be relevant unindexed collections on FamilySearch that I haven't gone through, but I have searched some page by page, and I regularly run searches there (It's my primary family tree website).

Mary - I have searched for ships from Germany, but I have heard that, at the time William came into the country, records were not stored federally and many are lost.

That 1870 Census that might be my William Hahn, the one that said he was from Louisiana, listed his occupation as ship captain. That got me wondering if he worked his way over as a crew member. Even at age 13, some ships had boys on the crew. Those port records I looked through often showed crew members coming ashore and some staying, but unfortunately, I did not find any Hahns listed.

Comment by Mary Gretzschel on December 14, 2019 at 12:00am

I would definitely check immigration lists. Finding a ships lists I found additional family members names for some of my husband's ancestors.  I could then look for families in Germany with all the same first names.


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