Genealogy Wise

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My husband is a NEEDHAM from Alford, Lincolnshire, and I am trying to trace the Needhams. His great grandpa William NEEDHAM (born 3 Jan, 1845 in Walkeringham, Notts. & died 14 Apr, 1912 in Treswell, Notts) married Sarah LAYCOCK (born abt 1849 in Laughton, En La Morthern, Yorks. or Lncs. & death unk) in Laughton, on 10 June, 1869. They had a son Henry NEEDHAM (born June 1887 in Bilby, East Retford, Notts & died abt 1950) Henry married Mary JONES (born abt 1893 & died abt 1961) in 1909 in East Retford. They had a son Leonard NEEDHAM (born 8 Oct, 1914 in Rampton, East Retford, Notts & died 31 Oct, 1977 in Lincoln, Lncs) who married Betty THARME (born 25 May, 1924 in Gainsborough, Lncs & died 4 July, 1992 in Halifax, York.) 25 Jan, 1950 in Gainsborough, Lncs. Their oldest son David is my husband's dad. Any information on this family will be much appreciated!

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