I am descended from Walter Powers and Trial Shepard. My line goes:
Walter Power and Trial Shepard ( Concord, Middlesex, MA)
Daniel Powers and Elizabeth Whitcomb (Hollis, Hillsborough, NH)
Captain Peter Powers and Anna Keyes (Hollis, Hillsborough, NH)
Nahum Powers and Sarah Wheat (Hollis Hillsborough, NH)
Nahum Powers and Rebecca Nevins (Grafton Co, NH)
Nahum Powers and Eleanor Rhoades (Ashley, Delaware, OH)
Lewis Powers and Jane Shoemaker (Ashley, Delaware, OH)
Ellis Rhoades Powers and Mamie Main (Ashley, Delaware, OH)
Orlando Ray Powers and Estella Martha Hoffmire (Morrow county, OH)
Kenneth Ray Powers and Erma Leona Heskett (My grandparents) (Mt Gilead, Morrow, OH)