Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Dawn Evans Stringer
  • Female
  • Cleveland, GA
  • United States
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Dawn Evans Stringer's Friends

  • RalphM
  • Spivey
  • KITwpa
  • Sheryl Powell
  • Tracey Wardill
  • Astrid
  • Bob Mooney-Pa
  • Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal
  • Jo Kotylak
  • Beth Gatlin
  • Caroline Cohoe Shultz
  • Alanna C. Fitzgerald
  • Judith Abbott Lahr
  • Hope Williams
  • Kevin M. Cale

Dawn Evans Stringer's Discussions

GenealogyWise Chatroom

Started this discussion. Last reply by Velma St John Sep 26, 2009. 4 Replies

Gifts Received (1)

Red Ribbon From april irene kimble

Dawn Evans Stringer's Page

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Heskett, Mossman, Burr, Powers, Hoffmire, Farrington, Main, Smith, Evans, Gibbs, McKenzie, Brown, Hedge, Stringer, Casey, Rogers
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
US only, mostly Ohio, Kentucky, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Georgia
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

Dawn Evans Stringer's Blog

This will be the last post for my wife dawn stringer

Posted on October 11, 2009 at 9:23am 27 Comments

To all the people in this web site, I have some distressing news. Dawn had a heart attack this morning and passed on. She loved this site and she will be missed. Love you guys

GenealogyWise Chatroom a great genealogy resource

Posted on September 25, 2009 at 1:49pm 1 Comment

Many members are not aware of the chat room here on GenealogyWise, or if they are aware of the scheduled chats they don't realize that the chat room is open all day every day. There are a group of people who are in there and are willing to help you with a genealogy problem, do lookups or just general chat. If you do not know how the chatroom works you can leave a message for me on my homepage and I will walk you through it. We would love to have you join us. Drop in and introduce yourself.

Owen Thomas, Revolutionary War Soldier.....or maybe not

Posted on August 16, 2009 at 12:40pm 3 Comments

For as far back as I can remember I have known that we had a Revolutionary war soldier in the family tree. My Grandmother had joined the DAR through him. When grandma passed away I received her original DAR application along with certificates and her regents pin. Those are items I have always treasured and always will, but I have realized they may all be based on false information. When I started doing the family genealogy one of the first things I did was pull out the DAR application and put… Continue

Sarah Thomas Nickols, True Pioneer Woman

Posted on July 28, 2009 at 12:37pm 0 Comments

Sarah Thomas was born 13 Jun 1782 in Loudoun county, Virginia, to Owen Thomas, a revolutionary war soldier, and Martha Davis. She was the third of 9 children, and the oldest daughter. About 1801 Sarah married Nathan Spencer Nickols, also of Loudoun county. Their first son, John was born in 1802. Soon followed the births of 11 more children, Mahala (b Aug1804 d Oct 1804), Ruth (1805), George (1807), Albert (1808), Harriet (1810), Massey(1811), Margaret (1813), Martha (1815), Anne (1817), Sarah… Continue

A Tribute to Two Mothers, Nina Verne Mossman Heskett and Daisy Arlene Smith Heskett

Posted on July 22, 2009 at 2:43pm 1 Comment

On 11 August 1916 my grandmother, Erma Leona Heskett, was born the third daughter of William Dale and Nina Verne (Mossman) Heskett. They lived in Morrow county, Ohio, where the Heskett family had lived since the 1820;s. Soon after grandma's birth, Nina found out that she had TB. To be closer to her family, they moved to Sioux City, IA. Nina went into a hospital and grandma was taken care of by one of her uncles. On 10 Apr 1919, at the age of 33 Nina died, leaving behind 3 daughters, Blanche… Continue

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At 5:46pm on August 18, 2011, Savannah Teel said…
oh this Dawn Evans passed away?
At 5:46pm on August 18, 2011, Savannah Teel said…
I am from an Evans family located mostly in Texas, and Oklahoma. We are decendents of the Cherokee. We also are related to the Smith name. Can you help me in any way?
At 7:31pm on October 31, 2010, Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal said…
Awww Dawn, I sure do miss you!!! Today's the 5th anniversary of Chuck's death. You are both loved and missed so much!
At 10:56pm on April 19, 2010, Sherry Hightower said…

At 3:46am on October 25, 2009, Darlene Ford said…
Stop by and check out the Columbus & Franklin County, Ohio Genealogy group. We hope that you will join the group as it has just gotten started and we want to make it one of the happening places here at Genealogy Wise.
At 4:29pm on October 18, 2009, Tammy Mellard Wheeler said…
I did not know her, but, I am very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you to help you make it through this hard time.

At 9:58am on October 16, 2009, Denise Coughlin said…
My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time.
At 11:32pm on October 15, 2009, Kim Eisman said…
I am so sorry to hear about Dawn. Please know that you and your family will be held in our hearts as you go thrugh these next few days and our prayers will continue with you for time
At 5:06pm on October 15, 2009, Mary Hester said…
My deepest Sympathies to Dawn'a Family and Friends. You are all in my thoughts and Prayers.

At 2:15pm on October 15, 2009, Kinfolknews - Regina said…
I'm so sorry to hear about Dawn's passing! I enjoyed chatting with her here on GW. I will miss her very much! My thoughts and prayers are with her family. Rest in God's sweet peace!


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