Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

GenealogyWise has a wonderful resource that is greatly underused. I am talking about the chatroom. While many people know about the scheduled chats, alot are not aware that the chatroom is open at all times, even when there is not a scheduled chat. There are a group of members who are ready willing and able to help with lookups, questions or just general chat. We would love to have you come visit us. If you don't understand how the chat works, you can leave a message for me here or on my homepage and I will walk you through it. We hope to see you soon, and who knows maybe we can help you make a dent in a brickwall or two.

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hey there
im trying my best to get into the chat room but it says it filled up at the
hope to see you all later on this evening..
I missed the chat this morning (Sat. Sept 26th) on Verifying Online Sources. I was wondering if this will be repeated again in the future or if a transcript of the chat will be available. I was so sorry that I missed it as this is one of the things I struggle with on doing properly. Thank you...Velma
Hi Velma. Unfortunately there are not chat transcripts for the Gen Trek chats. Jayne and Dae usualy do the chat at least twice, once on a monday night and then a couple weeks later on a Saturday morning. This was the second presentation for the chat so I am not sure there will be another one soon. However, there will be a similar chat Sunday, September 27, 8:30pm (MDT) (Monday, September 28, 2:30am GMT) Documenting Your Sources
There are many reasons why people don't document their genealogy, but there are just as many if not more reasons why to document your resources. This is a simple approach to documentation that can be easily tailored to each person's genealogy research style. Documentation should be a part of every genealogists research, but it shouldn't be a chore to do. "Genealogy without documentation is mythology". Your Chat Host, Alanna Fitzgerald-Fant.
I hope to see you then!
Thank you, Dawn! I will try to catch the one on Sunday. I have been documenting sources but not really quite sure I am doing it correctly...especially for online sources. There will be a Family History Expo next month that I will be attending so maybe I can get someone there to show me first hand how to do it correctly.



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