Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

I am looking for parents of John Smith, b.1811 in PA,  d. 1892 in Wayne, Ohio.  He married Susana Margaret Wireman, b. 1818 in PA.  Son:  William Jackson Smith, b. 1838 in Wayne, Ohio, m. Mary Bucher Uhler,  in 1862.  Thanks for the help, Bonnie

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Does your John Smith have descendants in any other states, I am looking for John D. Smith who died either in Florida or somewhere during the Civil War maybe. He would be my 4xgreat grandfather, I think this John D. was b. in Georgia but not positive abt that either. If only they had handed out identifing numbers along with the name John Smith! Thanks for any help you might give me. my email is
My John Smith was born in Pennsylvania- but I don't know his father's name. It should be against the law to be named John Smith without a middle name that is unique! Good luck to US.



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