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SOLT family

To aid in the research of the SOLT family

Members: 9
Latest Activity: Oct 17

Discussion Forum

SOLT & Soldt & Sold Warrantees of land in Penn

Started by Armando Framarini. Last reply by Armando Framarini May 9, 2010. 2 Replies

 Clinton County Page 13      John SOLT                            11 Acres        9 Apr 1880 Northampton County Page 166      John SOLT                         25 Acres     17 Apr 1753Page 168   …Continue


Started by Cheryl Jones. Last reply by Cheryl Jones May 3, 2010. 2 Replies

Trying to confirm that ANNA MARIA KREINER is indeed the wife of our elusive Heinrich (aka Henry) SOLT who died in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Thanks in advance.CherylContinue

I think this SOLDT is related to who we are looking for!

Started by Armando Framarini. Last reply by Cheryl Jones Apr 24, 2010. 1 Reply


Solt companies

Started by Armando Framarini Dec 8, 2009. 0 Replies


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Comment by Armando Framarini on November 1, 2011 at 6:27pm
Would like feedback both positive or negative, if you see any Solt family resemblance in my grandfather Otto Christiaan van Soldt?
Comment by Armando Framarini on October 29, 2011 at 11:34am

Made an interesting discovery. As you may have been aware of my difficulties in trying to obtain Y-DNA for Male "van Soldt/van Solt's" from Holland or obtain Y-DNA from Solt families of Pennsylvania.

Through Autosomal-DNA I am able to compare data between cousins. I have found a Solt descendant that I was able to make a match with. I would like to compare with several before confirming a match is truly there. I remembered that a Driesbach married a Pennsylvania Solt. So I looked up Driesbach at ( ) My main purpose of contacting the project manager was to find a Driesbach that has taken a Autosomal-DNA test. Well the manager was unaware of any Autosomal test done by a Driesbach. What I found interesting was the Y-DNA results. There are only 2 Driesbach of the 24 with I1 haplogroup. One is of German origin and the other is unknown. What is special about I1 haplogroup. This happens to be the George Soule of the Mayflower haplogroup and the suspected haplogroup of the van Solt/van Soldt families.


So if any Pennsylvania SOLT direct or indirect descendant wants to take the $99 test at plus 1yr subscription please contact me after you do please. This includes any Driesbach descendant from a Solt.

Comment by Armando Framarini on October 3, 2011 at 4:54pm

Not Sure why that link did not work. Maybe because I changed the Title.

The album is in PICASA web album online on GOOGLE. So just Google "Solt" and "Genealogy" if new link does not work.



Here is the link for ONLINE ALBUM >>>


Here is LINK for FACEBOOK Pennsylvania SOLT GENEALOGY GROUP>>>!/groups/151428821598242/


Here is link for Netherlands "van Solt/van SOLDT family" on Facebook>>>!/group.php?gid=144458032256447

Comment by Cheryl Jones on October 3, 2011 at 4:36pm
Armando - I do not find the "facebook page" you are talking about.  Please provide the link.
Comment by Armando Framarini on October 3, 2011 at 4:15pm

I added the additional 11 pages. Baliet name is also on one the pages.


I thought when I wrote away that I was going to get the scans from actual Church records and not a transcription. Interesting is the Sold name in 1700's and Solt change appears in early 1800's.

Comment by Armando Framarini on October 2, 2011 at 12:06pm
I recently opened photo album on the web with pictures of transcribed pages from Pennsyvania churches in the 1700's. I have 10 more pages to add next week. Here we see the family recorded as Sold with additional mention of Soldin and Stolt which is of interest to me. Here is the LINK>>>>
Comment by Armando Framarini on July 23, 2011 at 8:40am
This morning I started the FACEBOOK GROUP "Genealogy of the Solt families of Pennsylvania (Soldt, Sold, Sult, & Zoll)" in order to;

1)Generate interest in Pennsylvania Solt Genealogy and by link, direct them here to this Solt group to contribute, discuss, and research together.
2)Help promote male Solt's to contribute DNA for genealogical research.
3)Provide links to recorded information
Comment by Armando Framarini on July 23, 2011 at 7:30am
"Sol" and "Zoll" families in Holland linked to Germany in this book. Wondering if this may be the key to the Solt family origins.

Translated from Dutch;

From: Genealogy Quarterly 1998-1904 CBG R. Sol. Genealogy Zoll - Sol 1732-1995. Reinbek, 1997. 134 p., ill., Index. (GZoll). Address of the compiler: Ostlandring 34, D-21465 Reinbek, Germany. The Groningen Sol family has a German origin. Ancestor Johan Christiaan Zoll in 1752 came from the Hessian town Allendorf to the Netherlands, where he joined as a soldier in the Army-State. He lived in various garrison towns around 1764 and settled permanently in the city of Groningen. He had a large posterity, which spread to East Groningen and Drenthe East. In the twenties, some descendants moved to Western Canada. Of recent generations are found in this book also details of family descendants in the female line.
Comment by Armando Framarini on June 22, 2011 at 10:49am
My mother (van Solt/van Soldt) has contributed her DNA at and already in 2 weeks there are (10) matches to cousins through "Autosomal DNA". My mother's "mt-DNA" is T1a1(mother to daughter lineage) through her mother Irene Veenhuizen. Anyone intersted in comparison's please contact me. We still need a "MALE" Solt/Soldt to contribute in order to establish a "Y-DNA" HAPLOgroup for the Pennsyvania family. It was intersting female of the American "Solt" family share a high level of SNP's even though a genome match did not occur. The 1700's is so far back a match in Autosomal DNA is not likely. This is why a "MALE" van Soldt/Solt isalso needed as well so that a Y-DNA match can be provided to compare to others who may be related.
Comment by Armando Framarini on May 30, 2011 at 9:03pm
JASON M. SOLT, 26, OF TOPTON Jason M. Solt, 26, of Topton, died May 25, 2011 of natural causes. He was the husband of Amanda R. (Tobias) Solt. They were married May 16, 2009. Born August 29, 1984 in Allentown, he was a son of Lee D., Jr. and Linda J. (Moser) Solt, Topton. He was a member of Sons of the American . Ray A. Master Squadron 217, Topton. He most recently worked as a sales representative for Sysco Foods, Harrisburg, last working May, 2010. Prior to that, he was employed as general manager of Kutztown Tavern, Kutztown for eight years. He was a 2002 graduate of Brandywine Heights Area High School, Topton. In addition to his wife and parents, he is survived by paternal grandparents, Lee D. and Shirley A. (Miller) Solt, Walnuttown, and maternal grandparents, Verna A. (Kline), widow of Ernest W. Moser, Punta Gorda, FL. Funeral service will be held Saturday, May 28, 2011, 1 p.m. from Ludwick Funeral Homes, Inc., 333 Greenwich Street, Kutztown, with Rev. Kerry W. Smart officiating. Interment in Saint Peter's Union Cemetery, Macungie. Friends may call Friday evening 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the funeral home. The family requests contributions be made to American Cancer Society , 498 Bellevue Avenue, Reading, PA 19605.
(in The Mercury on May 27, 2011)

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