Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

What benefits do you receive as a "long distance" member? What other services would you like offered? Are you ever able to attend a local meeting of that society or it's local library/collection?

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I am a long-distance member of several genealogy societies - most in areas where I am researching. When I find a local society that is actively working to make genealogical materials from their location available to others, I appreciate and want to support their efforts, and help them continue their work.

I do occasionally have to opportunity to visit their local repositories, but rarely, if ever attend their meetings. Newsletters and publications are of variable interest and value to me, depending upon their content. Their knowledge of the local records and resources is an important asset - one that is often under-recognized. I would like to see more offer consultation and research services to assist long-distance researchers who cannot travel to do the research in-person.
I agree. I belong to societies in areas I am researching and it helps a great deal to have connections.

In one of the societies in which I am a member in my area of residence we have nearly 25% of our members from outside our county. That is a real asset to our society.



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