Judith Richards Shubert


North Richland Hills, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Shubert, Schubert, Richards, Homsley, Holmsly, Sapp, Rainey, Conway, Cooley, Conner, Davis, Delozier, Hitch, Arthur, Burns, Stone, Cotton, Groom, Puckett, Cook, Gailey, Brock, Rodgers, Cox, Hampton, Culwell, Ramos, White, Montes, Montes de Oca. Chavez, Gonzales, Prosela, Mora, Solise, Foyt, Kneble, Horak, Walker, Blalock
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United States, Canada, Mexico, Spain, Germany, Ireland, Wales, Austria, England
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryle Hoover Davis

    The inbox message keeps timng out on me, so I'll post how to add your Facebook Badge to your profile here:

    On your Facebook page, at left, all the way to the bottom, you'll find where you can create a Facebook Badge. Copy the html code they give you when you choose the Badge (the one that has your blogs listed).

    Go to your Genealogy Wise page and paste that in on your profile page. Viola!
  • Debbie Blanton McCoy

    I looked for you the other day when I joined but didn't see you. When I came here today, your picture was under the Members list, so I clicked on it. :-)
  • Pamela Yvonne Mochamer

    Hi Judith...thanks for the request!
  • Melanie Armstrong

    I'm hoping to learn a lot while I'm here. I'm pretty new to genealogy so any little bit helps.
  • Debbie Blanton McCoy

    Judy, I'm also interested in learning to scrapbook some of my family photos and documents. I have been following several scrapbooking blogs for about a year and even bought Photoshop Elements for Christmas. I bought it from Costco because it came with a CD with instructions for digital scrapbooking, but I haven't used it yet. Maybe when I get moved and settled, I can get it out and get started.
  • Janice Tracy

    Judy, I'm glad to see you here, too. And yes, this does look like a great place to share family information. It's amazing how many people have become members in such a short time.
  • Jon A. Edens

    So you are descended from Granny SAPP, the one who came up with the name Buck Snort for the area she lived in? LOL. My wife is descended from Baron Dekalb SAPP, Polly's half brother from her evil step-mother and apparently he was the terror of Shelby county in his day. I am reading through your blog and enjoying some of the information I am coming across. Will share anything I have that might paint a better picture of the SAPPs and RICHARDs that I have or find.
  • Daniel J Ramos

    Thank you for asking but the Ramos name I am researching comes from Portugal, mainland and Mederia Island. If I run across any information that will intrest you I will pass it along. Good Luck.
  • Robin R. Cordell-Inge

    Hey Girl,

    Just wanted to stop by and say hi? I dont know where my mind was. I didn't realize you lived so close to me. When life slows down a little and we get school started we need to meet and have lunch. I'm only two hours from you.
  • Robin R. Cordell-Inge

    Oh WOW! That sounds like fun... School starts on the 24th and we will be busy at work till the end of that week with Registration. I get off at noon on Friday's so lets get everyone's schedule together and plan something.
  • Sherry Hightower

    You're invited:

  • Rieca Littrell

    Judy, Thanks for suggesting it. They said you would get a free month extra. Thanks again for all you do. Rieca