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Annemarie's Friends

  • thomas patrick burke
  • Al Dawson
  • Wendy Ann VanArsdale
  • Denis Savard
  • marvin caulk
  • Richard Baldwin Cook
  • Timothy Patrick Healy
  • Fred Shelley
  • theo snabel
  • Bob Mooney-Pa
  • Michael Boscarato
  • Dianne Reagan
  • Stan Arney
  • Ellen Healy

Annemarie's Discussions

Generous Genealogist ( replaces the RAOGK)

Started this discussion. Last reply by Al Dawson Sep 28, 2012. 1 Reply

Dear all,I am pleased to announce a new website that replaces the great work of  Random Act of Genealogical Kindness website that sadly had to cease.We are live for a week now and already 200…Continue

Manhattan, New jersey, Saccasunna , West Orange Healy's

Started Jun 5, 2010 0 Replies

Does anyone recognise these names? Robert Christopher Healy dob 1 June 1915Daniel Joseph  Healy dob 17 February 1917Mary Ann Healy dob 4 July 1919Timothy Patrick Healy dob 9 January 199 All were born…Continue

Tags: Healy


Annemarie's Page

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Healy,Breen, Dingley,Millard,Daly,Kalishoek,van Wijngaarden, Senn van Basel, Kempees, Mulder, Spittel, van Adrichem,Peppard,van der Vos, Spoeltman, de Koning
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland, USA , United Kingdom and the Netherlands
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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Annemarie's Blog

Genrous Genealogists ( replacement for the RAOGK)

Posted on September 20, 2012 at 5:59am 0 Comments

I am pleased to announce that  we have a  new site  as replacement of  Random Act of Genealogical Kindness

We are live for a week now and already 200 volunteers from all over the world have singed up to help researchers with their search for ancestors and all for free of course.

it is a proper website with country forums…


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At 5:11am on March 8, 2011, Denis Savard said…

HI Annemarie,

No luck in Ireland so far. My Cork (corrected) ancestor Patrick Burn is the one married to my SA Dutch 4th grandmother Anne.

At 10:09am on November 12, 2010, theo snabel said…
I am very well thank you. Annemarie do you speak Dutch? I speak it, although I lived for 50 years in England (Stockton on Tees), and 5 years now in Spain. In about 6 months I am going to move again, I am going to live in Columbia. Theo en Maria.
At 9:51am on November 11, 2010, theo snabel said…
Hello Annemarie,
I am fine, thank you. I gather from the the time you sent this mail (9.21) you are somewhere in the U.S. Is that correct? I am currently in Spain, but in a fortnights time I will be in Columbia for two months, take a nice holliday. I am going with my girlfriend who is Columbian. I have been there before. The best wishes from Theo and Maria.
At 12:48pm on June 16, 2010, marvin caulk said…
Thanks for the try, but I found out his father was from Sweden. Called "Calk" for his caulk colored hair. Talk about being way off.
At 3:33pm on June 9, 2010, marvin caulk said…
No, I only have something that was said to my brother by someonr that is Irish that "The name CAULK was pronounced CORK in CELTIC and that my ancestor must have come from Cork County" as who that person was or where he got the info I don't know. The other thery that was fielded was tht it was really a nickname for his white hair (In a swedish town) or that he was a white washer and took the old english name CAULK that ment that. The only thing I'm sure of is that his name was Issac Caulk born around 1693 and died 1748 or 1749 in Maryland. That's not very much info to go on. Thank You very much for looking for me. This may just simply be the end of the line for my hunt for caulk's.
At 6:41pm on June 5, 2010, Ellen Healy said…
HI, Annemarie, I think you are also friends on Facebook with my nephew Brian Healy! No, these names don't ring a bell at all. Most of our Healy ancestors weren't from West Orange, although they lived there later. They were from Orange, close by. And I don't know those names from Succasunna. We haven't lived here that long- when were your ancestors here?
At 12:53am on April 20, 2010, mary ellen carpenter gave Annemarie a gift
At 12:52am on April 20, 2010, mary ellen carpenter said…
my greatgrangfather came from kings county james grogan father john mother catherine born around 1814 came to australia as a convict 1836 for firearms was suppose to be married left a wife and son behind.
At 10:01pm on December 30, 2009, Richie C. said…
There is already a group for Dutch Genealogy, so I don't know if you want to embark on a separate group.
At 9:50am on December 8, 2009, Richard Baldwin Cook said…
Thanks for posting these lovely photos. RBC


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