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Betty Armstrong
  • Female
  • Clinton, IL
  • United States
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  • Carolyn Dunlap Franklin

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Betty Armstrong's Page

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
McKinney, Blasingame, Azbill, Gentry, Givens, Armstrong, Cox.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland, North and South Carolina, Kentucky, Illinois, USA
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 5:53pm on March 29, 2011, Rosetta Davis,JAnes said…
e-mail me if anyone wants any of these fam info I have been researching since the 1976 for husb fam & mine. e-mail; I have photos of husbands` dad`s granpa Janes after the civil war dated 1865 in his uniform also of his wife & husban`s grt & grrt grandmother`s of his fathers Davis side (Gentry,Denten,&Huff)
At 5:49pm on March 29, 2011, Rosetta Davis,JAnes said…
My husband`s father`s mother is related to a McKinney & Gentry from Ky Hart,&Green co. They are from His Janes side of the fam they all came from N.C. which later became Tn. I have these fam info, Janes is his father`s kin & Gentry is his Mother`s side who came down from marring into his Davis fam in same counties in Ky.  I also have thier fam info & some photos.
At 5:44pm on March 29, 2011, Rosetta Davis,JAnes said…

My families that I haven`t found anything on are;

Davis first found info was thier marriage,may 1844 in Jasper co.IL He( Edmund Davis b.1824 ky  parents names unknown but all census from 1850-1880 says they both were born in Ky) Lucinda Gilmour,Gilmore b.1827 Knox co.IN. Parents birth unknown)

I have thier children`s names but only know all info of thier oldest which is my grt granpa John Davis b. 1846 Knox co.In married 2 times I have this info and all of his fam which comes to me & fam. only info I don have is of my dad`s 2 bro that lived in N.W.IL & died still looking.  I have first census of my ggrt grandparents in 1850 Crawford co.IL upto the 1870  Palestine twp.then also 1870 census for Lawrence co.Allison twp last census found is for 1880 same twp.I was told ay a cuz he died in may 1881 no proof.

At 9:30am on August 27, 2009, Rosetta Davis,JAnes said…
Hello Betty we could be related,I have Armstrong fam thru my mom`s father`s side of the fam.Arthurs ,along with the Wagoners /Waggoners in Moultrie co.IL My grt grndpa`s sister married an Armstrong and his brother married a Wagoner and then A Pearl Armstrong married a Wagoner they both are also from Moultrie co in the twp.of Gays where my husb and fam lived in 1983-1984 in Pearl`s grndmother`s home(Cross also related)Which happened to be Abe Lincoln`s first court case durring the Douglas Lincoln debate in Springfield.and stayed in thier home when he lived in Charleston,IL he used to go to Gays to get his mail and stayed over night then ater brkfast then got the mail and walked back home to Charleston IL (Coles co)
Then my father-in-law`s mother`s grt grandmother is a Gentry I have this fam info they lived in Green co.Ky. The Gentry married into the Denton and then on up to the Huff fam then to the Davis fam .I also have these fam connections. I am also a Davis I only have as far back as 1824 of the birth of my ggrt grnadpa Edmund Davis. My Grand Mother-in-law says I am related to her Davis fam because of the way our father`s walks were/are the exact and also since her deathe in jan 1985 both of our Davis fam have had the same heart defects found out and have had surgery to fix,IF they servived .


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