Genealogy Wise

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Carol Hall
  • Female
  • Kent, WA
  • United States
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Thacher/Thatcher, Hall, Donaldson, Culver
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Intermediate Family History Researcher
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At 3:36pm on February 7, 2018, Jennifer Dickinson said…
Greetings! I noticed you posted about a Reynold Davis, of NY state, and wife Patience quite awhile ago. I am hoping we have a connection. The time frame you mention is a generation or so earlier where I am at with this line.

I am stumped at my 4th great grandfather Merritt Davis and wife Maranda. I have Merritt's birth circa 1856 based on census records. I believe he eventually died at the Dutchess County Almshouse in Washington, New York and have a census record to prove it. I'm currently working on a death record now that New York state has recently released a bounty of those records.

I can't help but wonder if Reynold Davis may be Merritt's grandfather based on time gap. Or uncle? Merritt and Maranda had several children, including Perry Davis. Perry married Polly and they had my second great grandmother Daisy Davis. Daisy married Irving Britton circa 1900. But Irving was her second husband. I have yet to uncover who her first husband was, though he likely had the surname Brazee (or a variation of this). I recently discovered Daisy's true maiden name was Davis, with much gratitude for New York's release of those previously locked death records. She was my longest standing brick wall, and my original inspiration to get involved which genealogy. Now I'm trying to trace her line back and determine her ethnic background.

If any of this sounds familiar to you, let's compare notes and research. I look forward to connecting. Thank you in advance!


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