Genealogy Wise

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Massachusetts Ancestry

This group was created for people researching their ancestors in Massachusetts

Members: 222
Latest Activity: Oct 8, 2018


Message from the Group Admin - In order to help us be able to organize and locate information, I think it would be helpful to try to limit the Comment Wall to introduce ourselves and our interests. When you have specific questions or research issues, please feel free to start a new Discussion thread if one does not already exist. Thanks, and happy hunting!

Discussion Forum


Started by KP Kris Aug 11, 2014. 0 Replies

seeking info Fleming family Boston, MA

Started by Lisa A. (Thamm) Spegal Apr 2, 2013. 0 Replies

Looking for help Reachering in Brockton Mass

Started by Wendy Sully. Last reply by Wendy Sully Aug 14, 2011. 10 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by James P. LaLone on February 18, 2016 at 1:36pm
Comment by Donald Richard Mathieson on October 16, 2013 at 4:45pm

Hi James,

My Churchill lines are from Plymouth , then to New Brunswick Canada 

Comment by James P. LaLone on October 16, 2013 at 8:22am

Donald Richard Mathieson, what is your CHURCHILL line? There is a genealogy done on this family.

Comment by James P. LaLone on October 16, 2013 at 8:20am


11th generation

12,176. William KNIGHT

m. I do not have this couple, what is the documentation?

12,177. unknown

12,178. Richard CARTER

m. I do not have this couple, what is the documentation?

12,179. Alice _____

12,184. William BACKUS/BACHUS

m. I do not have this couple, what is the documentation?

12,185. Ann _____

12,186. Lyon GARDNER

m. I do not have this couple, what is the documentation?

12,187. unknown

12,188. Gerard SPENCER


12,189. Alice WHIT(E)BREAD

12th generation

24,356. John CARTER

m. I do not have this couple, what is the documentation?

24,357. Agnes EDLYN

24,368. Robert BACKUS/BACCHUS

m. I do not have this couple, what is the documentation?

24,369.Isabel BLEASDALE

24,376. Michael SPENCER


24,377. Elizabeth _____

24,378. John WHITBREAD


24,379. Eleanor _____ (her surname is HILL)

13th generation

48,712. Richard CARTER

m. I do not have this couple, what is the documentation?

48,713. Joan(n)(e) _____

48,736. Robert BACKUS

m. I do not have this couple, what is the documentation?

48,737, Katherine BAGULEY

48,752. John SPENCER


48,753. Anne/Agnes MERRILL

48,756. Thomas WHITBREAD


48,757, unknown (I have wife listed as Eleanor.)

14th generation

97,472. Robert BACKUS

m. I do not have this couple, nor the following generations of this family, what is the documentation?

97,473. Elizabeth JACKSON

97,504, John SPENCER (I have the SPENCER family carried on further, but not 100% sure about it,)


97,505. Christian/Etheldreia BAKER

Comment by James P. LaLone on October 16, 2013 at 8:17am

Ann, hope this works, when I tried to post the message said too many characters, so it will be in two parts. Here is the ahnentafel for Sarah KNIGHT.

Starting with the seventh generation I have

761. Sarah F. KNIGHT, m. to 760. Elisha LILLIE/LILLY (Where did middle initial “F.” come from?)

8th generation

1522. David KNIGHT


1523. Sarah BACKUS

9th generation

3044. Richard KNIGHT


3045. Sarah ROGERS

3046. Stephen BACKUS


3047. Sarah SPENCER

10th generation

6088. William KNIGHT

m. I do not have this couple, what is the documentation?

6089. Elizabeth CARTER

6090. James ROGERS


6091. Mary _____



6093. Sarah GARDINER (What is documentation for this?, I have wife listed as Elizabeth).

6094. Gerard SPENCER


6095. Hannah HILLS (What is documentation for this?, I have wife listed as poss. HILLS)

Comment by Donald Richard Mathieson on October 15, 2013 at 4:03pm

Hi everyone, 

been awhile since I've been here , anyways , I'm researching the following names, Mathiesons, Runnals , Hoods , Churchills , just to name a few

Comment by Ann Dibble Call on October 15, 2013 at 3:47pm

On the Knight line, what are the names for the Knight ancestors - maybe just son-father-grandfather? Dates as you have them? I will take a look.

Comment by James P. LaLone on October 15, 2013 at 2:08pm

Ann, in the eighth generation: BEIG (BEGG), COUPER, RAMSAY, CHURCHILL, & LILLIE, for ASTEN & CURTIS, I can't find any docs.  9th generation: as above plus ANDERSON, INNES, & TILDEN. 10th generation: as above plus KNIGHT TURNER, HAMBLIN.  11th generation: as above plus BACKUS, MENDALL, JENKINS, BRYANT, LOMBARD, believe HAWKES is wrong. As I go on more and more errors.

Comment by Ann Dibble Call on October 15, 2013 at 1:41pm

Thank you, James. What lines are you investigating? I am trying to do my best to find sources and authenticate many of my ancestry who are entered, but just in name only. Just an item of interest: If you have ancestry who came to the Colonies before 1750....this book is so interesting....available used on Amazon, of course. "Albion's Seed" by David Hackett Fischer from Brandeis University. I have to keep buying another one because I keep giving my copy away. Just very broadly, yet specifically too, looking at the personality and folkways of those who came from Britain during those years. Four separate groups. It helps me to just place my ancestry and to understand them and their comings and goings!

Comment by James P. LaLone on October 15, 2013 at 1:16pm
Am interested in anyone researching the families that start at the 8th generation, I see a number of errors, I do not see any contact info. If anyone is searching these families and would like to exchange data please let me know.

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