Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Connie Underwood
  • Female
  • Denver, CO
  • United States
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Connie Underwood's Friends

  • Tyler Hancock
  • Paul Londahl.Smidt
  • Sherrye Presley Rushing
  • Leanne Hildebrand
  • Sylvia Back
  • rottenralf
  • Christine Read
  • Ronald Clarence Thompson
  • Patricia Quinn
  • William S Dean
  • Jim Avery
  • Caren
  • Pamela Ann Drake

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Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Childs, Chiles, Pressley, Miller, Butler, Campbell, Stewart, Hilley, Fritchel, Thompson, Anthony, Hollander, Tyner, Moytoy, Edmiston. .
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Nebraska, Scotland, Ireland, England, Denmark, Odessa Ukrain,Germany
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 8:53pm on September 13, 2019, Marjie Thompson Stephens said…

Hi Connie. I’m new here, just joined because I was messing around on my browser, I stuck my Great Grandfather’s name into the browser and your comment, from 2010, came up:

You wrote, “Names of my Grandfathers are: Joel B Thompson Jr. born 1840 in Madison County GA Married to Amanda Roberts. Joel Thompson Sr Born 1793 in Madison GA but was in one of three counties that later became Madison. His wife was Elizabeth Smith.
I hope to be able to trace the family further back to see how they came to be in GA. So far I have been unable to locate them in the land lottery but am sure they will pop up somewhere.” ~

They are my Great and Great Great Grandfathers. Joel B. (the younger) was my Great-Grandfather. My Grandfather was Lafayette Jackson Thompson. He and his wife Minnie had about 14 kids. My Dad was the youngest boy, his name at birth was Jack Leonidas. He changed it to Jack Leon Thompson. I probably can’t remember all his siblings names, but I can try. There was Dillard, Tom, James, Harold, Lonnie (pronounced Loney), Eileen, Alberta, Inez, Alma, Judy and my Dad, Jack. My older sister has an album with a lot of genealogy on our family, going back to Ireland and Scotland. I’ll try to get some information from her and share it with you, privately. Our cousin, James, had done some research, too. He died, but he posted a good bit on  My Dad told me his great something grandfather and brothers immigrated here from Ireland. The name Thompson was anglicized from MacTavish. It originated in Scotland. So, we are Scots-Irish. 

I’ll be glad to forward info from my sister when I get it. I’m on Facebook, too. We’re cousins once removed or something like that. Lol 

At 10:15pm on June 27, 2013, Jim Avery said…

Hi Connie - No was not me who posted on the Bloodgood name or on Rootsweb about them. I usually post about Avery on those sites. Sorry I can't help. But it is good to hear from you.

At 7:51am on August 1, 2012, robyn anderson said…

hi my name is robyn and i think i have found a link for you on on isaac underwood . there is a page on ancestry stating that he was born in knox ohio . so i would start there and see what comes of it . willing to help more . have a nice day

At 5:49pm on January 14, 2012, Joan Elizabeth Blair said…

My Pressleys are out of N.Ca also Browns in Buncombe County N.C

At 7:27am on April 11, 2011, Patricia Quinn said…
Okay - I'm at   Thanks!!
At 6:44pm on August 29, 2010, Christine Read said…
Hallo Connie, My apologies for the long delay in replying!! I haven't even had the chance to go to another Genealogywise Chat!! Just let me know how I can help you and I will do what I can. Your visit to the UK sounded wonderful. Trooping of the Colour is quite a thing here for the Queen's official birthday. And yes, Windsor and it's Castle are very pretty. My other half and I got engaged in the Queen's garden there - the long long expanse of park/garden that leads from the Castle, so it has some good memories for me! I believe the Royals ride their horses there too. I have some ancestors that worked at the Castle but so far haven't looked further into it - I should do as it would be so interesting.

I just hope when you visit London again that the weather is better than it has been here lately. Doesn't seem very summery at all!! Kind regards, Christine
At 9:09am on August 19, 2010, Christine Read said…
Hallo Connie, It was good to "meet" you last night in the Chatroom. As I said to you, I am happy to help you with your UK research, so let me know who, what, when and where and we'll see what I can come up with. ;-)
Kind regards,
At 11:12pm on August 16, 2010, Leanne Hildebrand said…
Couldn't help but notice we're both Underwoods (Underwood is my maiden name) and in the Pembrokeshire group - we may have something in common !

Thanks to you I also joined the Writing Genealogy and Family History Group - when I saw it listed under your name. Currently compiling notes and working on an outline.

Hope to hear from you - maybe we can dig some together.

Rowland - Pembrokeshire to Chester County PA
Underwood - Hamilton County, OH - Civil War era
Plus lots and lots more.
At 1:22pm on August 10, 2010, Gena Philibert Ortega said…
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