Genealogy Wise

The Genealogy & Family History Social Network

Dae Powell
  • Male
  • Grand Prairie, TX
  • United States
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Dae Powell's Friends

  • sarah jane long
  • Rosemary Taylor spurgeon
  • Brenda J Grass DeVore
  • Dixie Gilbert
  • Colleen Murray
  • Linda R. Lucky
  • Jinny Powell Edgin LeCornu
  • Sharon Attaway Brogdon
  • Dawn Pratt
  • Jennifer Bradshaw
  • Caroline Gurney
  • Cecile Hoffman Ellis
  • Joan Knibbe
  • Louise Norgaar

Gifts Received (1)

Red Ribbon From april irene kimble

Dae Powell's Page

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
BEASLEY (England, Wales)
DIXON (England, VA, MD)
GORTON (England, MA, RI)
POWELL (Wales, OH, NE)
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
United Kingdom, Germany, and a wee bit o' France.
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
Land records, pensions, wills and probate, collaterals. Also, genealogy lecturer online and offline. Founder of GENTREK, a genealogy discussion group which features a presentation every week. (Inquire within)
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Latest Activity

Dave Schneider joined Dae Powell's group

POWELL Research Group

Any and all POWELL researchers invited. We can help each other.See More
Oct 14, 2022
Lbeine joined Dae Powell's group

POWELL Research Group

Any and all POWELL researchers invited. We can help each other.See More
Jan 25, 2021

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Dae Powell's Blog

Worldwide Top Genealogy Sites

Posted on February 26, 2010 at 12:23pm 2 Comments

Hey there!

This will only take a few seconds. They reset the Worldwide Top Sites for Genealogy again. If you click on the following link, Worldwide Top Sites, you can vote for, my free genealogy website. Just click on the underlined link on the window that appears.

I'd greatly appreciate it, and it will help put ShoeString in the top ten, thus enabling more people to visit and…


ShoeString Genealogy

Posted on July 8, 2009 at 11:14am 0 Comments

Happy Dae

There are many expensive hobbies, genealogy included. I developed my web site,, to help others (and me!) to find less expensive ways to research our family. Online resources are becoming more abundant, but they are not the only ones -- nor should they be -- that you should use.

I have a floating menu on the left that will get you access to… Continue

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At 9:48pm on December 12, 2011, Kate Wagner said…

Dae, by any chance do your ADAMS hail from Maryland?  I am working on ADAMS who resided in Baltimore County beginning about 1650.  I have not ascertained where they could have migrated to in the 1800's as my present focus is Baltimore history up until about 1812.

At 5:25pm on August 7, 2011, Kathryn Brannigan Walizer said…

Hi check my blog, I gave you a new shout out in my new column on blog and in the Heritage Newsletter for the NEPA Genealogical Society  in Pa. soon to be published later this month

Hope things are well with you and yours''


At 11:32am on February 7, 2011, Rick Grifffith said…
Nope.....Sorry....Although I used to live in Irving, I grew-up and now live in the south suburbs of Chicago.  Thanks for the welcome. TTYL
At 8:59pm on December 19, 2010, Sheri Fenley said…

Dae Dahling! I was reading your weekly newsletter and as I always do - I click over to visit your website to catch up on news.


I was thrilled when I happened to spy with my little eye my blog badge!  I had no  idea you actually read my blog???  Coming from you sir, this is an honor.  I don't know if you noticed, but I do show up to your chats.  Yes, lurking but still find them full of all kinds of useful information.


I just wanted to say thank you.  I am going to go now.  At the rate my head is inflating it is possible I may not make it thru the doorway!


Sheri Fenley

At 9:19pm on September 13, 2010, Jodee James said…
Thanks Dae for the invite. My cousin Ellen mentioned the chat to me and just as i was about to sign on i got a phone call - i hopped on long enough to see her saying goodnight - i'll be back - thanks again ~
At 6:23am on July 27, 2010, Spivey said…
Thank you, Dae. I am honored.
At 3:04pm on July 25, 2010, Cecile Hoffman Ellis said…
Hey, thanks for your invite, hope to get the hang of this genealogy wise site.
At 2:06pm on June 3, 2010, Cindy58 said…
Hi Dae,
Thanks for being my first friend. I have a lot of relatives in Texas. My great-grandfathers brother left Georgia in the 1850's and took his family with him. The last name was Ballew. Have a nice day Cindy
At 5:24pm on March 28, 2010, Patty Wimpsett Killion said…
Thanks for the invite. I'll try to be there at 9:00 tomorrow night I can't promise because of my schedule. If not, perhaps next Monday. Its sounds fun.
At 7:39pm on March 19, 2010, Terry said…
This is kind of wierd, but it was thought that maybe his dad was Ruben Moren, and maybe Ruben's dad was Abner Moren. They had slaves and it shows a part where Ruben Moren had a women and two little kids black 40 women, and two 4 year olds, later it looks like this women was his wife, in a census where they didn't bother to right the race down. This has really been concerning me, and I do not know how to find out. It looks like the kids were James and Joice Moren. I don't know how this could be, and I would like to know if there is another answer and if my ignorance is playing with me.


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