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Casefile Clues

Members: 63
Latest Activity: Oct 28, 2020

What is Casefile Clues

Casefile Clues is Michael John Neill's weekly how-to genealogy column. Casefile Clues is not copied and pasted text from other articles or press-releases. Rather, it is fresh material drawn from Michael's own research experiences in nearly twenty states and seven foreign countries. Casefile Clues discusses the thought process of how to analyze and interpret documents; how to problem-solve; and how to decide "where to go next." Michael has been actively involved in genealogy research since the mid-1980s.

Columns are clear always have a lesson bigger than the family or area being discussed. Subscribe to Casefile Clues and see how reading short case studies can help you in your own research. Annual subscriptions are just $15, pretty reasonable when you consider that gets you one article every week for an entire year--especially when compared to the prices of other genealogical magazines. I have researched families in most Eastern states and several European countries. The content varies with respect to time periods and locations and I am always open to suggestions from readers. I don't always solve each of my brick walls; however, articles always discuss procedures and methods in an attempt to break them down.

For the past ten years, Michael has written over six hundred how-to genealogy columns for and Dick Eastman. Now his columns are being distributed from his own site Email addresses of subscribers are never sold or shared and the website and newsletter are free from advertisements. No advertisers means I am dependent upon readers to help "get the word out," which I truly appreciate. No advertisers also means that within the usual limits, I can say whatever I want and not be concerned with making an advertiser mad. There are no ads to pull.

We would love to have you subscribe and see how Casefile Clues can give you ideas to grow your own family tree.

More information is available at

Discussion Forum


Started by Michael John Neill. Last reply by Fiona Andrews Nov 25, 2009. 1 Reply

I'm looking for suggestions for article content--feel free to mention those ideas here. If you want to email me privately that is fine, but sharing helps others on the group as well. Thanks!MichaelContinue

Land Record Questions

Started by Michael John Neill Nov 23, 2009. 0 Replies

We've discussed land records in several of the most recent issues of Casefile Clues. These records can be an excellent source of information about relationships and can help pinpoint your ancestor's…Continue

Column on Kentucky Deeds

Started by Michael John Neill. Last reply by Michael John Neill Sep 17, 2009. 1 Reply

This week's Casefile Clues column focuses a series of land records in Kentucky in the 1830s that were used to settle the estate of a man who died in 1814. We'll be posting the column to subscribers…Continue


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Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Casefile Clues to add comments!

Comment by Michael John Neill on September 14, 2010 at 10:04pm
I log in here upon occasion, however our blog feed does get posted here. Sample copies can be requested by sending a request to Thanks!
Comment by Michael John Neill on November 23, 2009 at 11:23pm
If there are any members who would like a sample copy of Casefile Clues, please send me an email request at
Comment by Michael John Neill on November 23, 2009 at 10:46pm
Just to keep Genealogywise followers in the loop, Casefile Clues is available by subscription for $15 per year--and is distributed weekly as a PDF file. I'll be posting more information here about when issues have been distributed and what is coming in future issues. I'll also post comments about articles that have appeared recently and readers are welcome to post comments here or questions here that may not need an answer from me. Questions about subscriptions or missed issues should always be sent directly to me at so that they can be handled personally. More information about Casefile Clues is available on our website including how to subscribe.
Comment by Michael John Neill on November 23, 2009 at 10:40pm
Now that I've resurrected my account, I hope to be posting here more often than I have in the past. I just sent out issue 17 to subscribers, which was part I in a series on working with my professional researcher, concentrating this time on what records were chosen and why. In future installments, we'll look at other aspects of the "for hire" research process.
Comment by Michael John Neill on September 17, 2009 at 9:49pm
Thanks Dae. I appreciate the vote of confidence!
Comment by Dae Powell on September 17, 2009 at 9:25am
I subscribe and recommend it unreservedly to serious researchers.
Happy Dae·

Comment by Michael John Neill on September 17, 2009 at 8:10am
We've added a group for Casefile Clues subscribers who are on genealogywise. More to come.

Members (63)



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