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Elmira L Johnson
  • Female
  • Fredericksburg, VA
  • United States
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Elmira L Johnson's Discussions

James City, Virginia Roots..

Started Feb 23, 2011 0 Replies

I am searching for other descendant cousins who have roots that started in James City, Virginia with the family of Archer Piggott and Milly Wallis.. I am also a member of Feel free to…Continue

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Welcome, Elmira !

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Washington, Coghill, Piggott (Pickett)(Wallace) Wallis, Thorpe, Brown,Mcgee,Mcghee,Powell,Perry,Ambrose,Cole,Green,Williams,
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Asia, Africa, South America, James City, United States
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Beginning Family History Researcher

In Search of A Heritage..

Hi, I am an african american middle aged female in search of more information on my

mom's grandmother's heritage as well as my african ancestry..


I have done a mtDNA and found that I am a descendant of the D Halogroup most specific

the D1 subgroup..

 I remember 2 cousins(I think Cherokee female cousins) occasionally came up from Jamestown, Virginia to visit my uncle Temple Washington in Port Royal, Va but after his death haven't been in contact; or they may have passed on also to be with our Lord..

Mom said my great grandmother's name was Eliza Piggott(Eliza Washington after marriage to my great grandfather Buck Washington) My grandmother's name was Ivory Washington..

I am hoping to make contact with someone because I would love to visit and introduce my sons and grandchildren to our distant  family in Jamescity. Not to say that I wouldn't luv to find cousins elsewhere.. :)-


Elmira(mira)L Johnson

Elmira L Johnson's Blog

My Family Tree Started in James City, Virginia..

Posted on February 19, 2011 at 9:00pm 0 Comments

Hi All,


I am hoping to connect with my cousins who are also descendants of the Piggott/Wallis Family of James City, Virginia.. Authored by my cousin Ruth Virginia Piggott has done an ancestry journal called The Family of Archer Piggott and Milly Wallis..If you are familiar with

any of these names, please make contact by dropping a message so that we can compare notes..


Children of Archer Piggott and Milly Wallis: Martha Piggott born abt. 1832, Mary…


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At 9:22pm on September 25, 2011, samuel gomez said…
Elmira i recieved a lot of hits on my ftdna  i m sorry you did not like your results their are deep clat test the you can get . one being a close family finder. but im with family tree dna im happy with them there many more test that can get the information you want. i suggest that you skip the lower test and go to the big test that will get the results i know that they are expensive but youll get will eventually get there getting the lower tests but if go to the big expensive ones you will get there faster       good luck it dose get frustrateing     SAM
At 2:16pm on September 21, 2011, samuel gomez said…

lmira I got my results back   hope yours get back soon

At 3:00pm on August 29, 2011, samuel gomez said…
ok Elmira  by now you should have figuired that Im not proficient in my pc  but there is planty to learn
At 1:03pm on August 27, 2011, samuel gomez said…
Elmira i have tested n i am d1   HVR1 is regular testing and HVR2 is dep clad testing I dont think that there different names for the testing or there would be confusion first i was D then after more testing i was D1  ther is alot more testing to do to refine it i  think so
At 9:17pm on August 26, 2011, samuel gomez said…
Elmira i have had the h1 and h2 already done  have had many hits but only two with the h1 and h2  making the close  but how close thats the thing
At 9:08pm on August 26, 2011, samuel gomez said…
well the reason is that i dont know how  I have put on geanology .com but  may need to up date maybe  trouble is is i dont know how
At 2:23pm on August 26, 2011, samuel gomez said…
Elmira  I have always thought tha my mother wes kikapoo from up north   a portion migrated down south and there is a small number  in the texas mexican border  not sure but maybe some more testing  oh my testing was done by family tree dna
At 12:49pm on August 25, 2011, samuel gomez said…
well hi elmira its good to here from possibly lost cousins  my mother was part  native but down here in the southwest we thought maybe one of the southern tribes  chrerokee very interesting                                                                                                   


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