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John Barrett Robb
  • Male
  • Roanoke, VA
  • United States
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  • Daniel Eugene Robb
  • Marie Robb
  • Andrew Robb
  • Michelle Robb
  • Russell Denison
  • John Wayne Dennison
  • thelma james
  • Bobby Dennison
  • Alan Jay Denison

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Dennison, Gay, Paver/Peever, Rathbone, Robb, Vawter and hundreds of others
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
The US and England
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Professional Genealogist
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
The Scotch-Irish
New England
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At 2:17pm on January 1, 2018, Rita Ann Deniston said…

Dear John, My email address is jodyrdms@gmail. The Harrison side of my family is well documented. going back to Benjamin Harrison, and Berkley 100. My Denniston (toun) side of the family is more of a mystery. I had my brother tested thru Ancestry. "unfortunately we have a very strained relationship, I don't think I could get him to do another one. I find it amusing that my Harrison side and the Denniston-Clinton's knew each other in the 1700's and their descendants married in the 1940's. I have a book  "The

Heritage of Polk County, Tn.  1839-1997. It has some history of my maternal GGMother being a descendant of Jacob Hoss and Maria diel Bohne. It has some history on the Harrison's.  Augusta Hoss married Noah Harrison. When I was a child I remember seeing a Harrison and Hoss COA. even as a child it seemed strange, my grandfather lived in a real shack. outhouse, well, no insulation. I wish I knew what happened to them. 

I have been in touch with the Dennistoun Conservation Society in Glascow, Scotland. One of the descendants that stayed in Scotland built the estate in the early 1800's I think. 

I hope you have a wonderful New Year

At 7:41pm on December 21, 2017, Rita Ann Deniston said…

Dear Mr. Robb, My name is Rita Deniston, I am trying to link my family history to The Dennistoun's . I have had my and  my brothers Dna tested thru I don't have a clue how to share the info with you. I can go back about 4 generations on my Deniston side. Me, Rita Deniston, father Woodrow Sherman Deniston, grandfather John Sherman Deniston, born in Jefferson County, Tn.  GGF, Joseph S. Dennison, wife Mary Matilda Smith. GGGF, Joseph Denison, VA.  GGGGF, I believe to be George A. (Alexander) Denniston. (Denason). Tfhat is as far back as I can go for certain. If you have any ideas how to get my Dna info to you. I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Rita Deniston.

At 7:32am on August 15, 2012, Jim Avery said…

Hello - I was reading your website and the fascinating article about Family Historians.  Interesting to see that you are from Roanoke. I lived there from 1972 to 1990 when I moved to Vermont.  I wonder if I ever ran into you in the Virginia Room at the Public Library. Do you know Carol Tuckwiller?  She had been a librarian there for a long time. I mainly research the Avery and the Wohlford families in Pennsylvania. The Averys are a lost cause (seemingly) the Wohlfords are relatively easy.  I also am, a tour guide in Gettysburg at the Farnsworth House. I do strictly history tours in the afternoon and by night I am a ghost hunter. It is amazing how many people don't know basic history or don't care. Last summer I had two black girls (high school age ) on my history tour who did not believe that slavery ever existed.  They said "We don't care about history". It is sad that not only do they not know about history, they don't know or care about their own heritage. (This equates to a Jewish person believing the Holocaust never happened.)  Anyway thanks for the interesting website and if you know or see Carol tell her I said hello.  Jim Avery (



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