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John Noble
  • Male
  • Sudbury, Ontario
  • Canada
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John Noble's Friends

  • Lyndon
  • James Noble
  • Danilo Montealegre
  • Geoffrey Wade SOWDEN
  • James Thomas Noble
  • Maureen Teresa Hessey
  • Joe Lewis
  • Raymond A. Noble
  • Phil Noble
  • John Scott Noble
  • B ruce J. Noble
  • George "Pat" Noble
  • Andrew Noble
  • Terry L Noble
  • Michael W. Noble

John Noble's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Bret Payne Jan 20, 2010. 2 Replies


John Noble's Page

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Lyndon left a comment for John Noble
"I'm on there and have requested to join the group... of course I'm not certain that your line is linked to my line but I don't come across many Irish nobles so worth a try"
Sep 25, 2023
John Noble left a comment for Lyndon
"Hi Lyndon This site has not been used for ages. We have a project group on Family Tree DNA called NOBLE-Ulster/Borders. There are some 33 members all connected to Nobles in someway. If you belong to Family Tree DNA perhaps you might want to…"
Sep 25, 2023
Bruce Noble commented on John Noble's group Noble
"We are seeking members to join a new FTDNA project called the Noble-Ulster/Borders Family Finder Project. This Project is a study of the Noble (and other genetically related) surnames that are based on the Y-Chromosome (Y-DNA). We invite women…"
Apr 3, 2023
George "Pat" Noble commented on John Noble's group Noble
"My Andrew' was a horse trainer. His son Robert was a cattle dealer. Robert married and lived in Enniskillen. We have a great group of Nobles who match at various degrees through yDNA at Family Tree DNA. If you've taken an autosomal DNA…"
Feb 19, 2023
James Thomas Noble commented on John Noble's group Noble
"Hi Margaret, and welcome! Do you have a brother, uncle, or male cousin living in Australia?"
Feb 19, 2023
Margaret Noble commented on John Noble's group Noble
"Hello everyone. I have recently joined and have read with interest all the twisting possible leads to trace our Noble ancestors in Ireland, I am a Noble descended from John Henderson Noble who emigrated from County Fermanagh to Australia c1860. I am…"
Feb 19, 2023
Margaret Noble joined John Noble's group


Helping to find Noble ancestors from the counties in the Province of Ulster. Six of these make up Northern Ireland (Derry, Fermanagh, Tyrone, Antrim, Down, Armagh) and the other 3 are in the Republic of Ireland (Donegal, Cavan, Monaghan).
Feb 13, 2023
George "Pat" Noble commented on John Noble's group Noble
"I recently joined FTDNA and am upgrading to Y-700 (Big Y). I've had some luck in the past year or so in chasing down my Noble line back in Enniskillen. Andrew and Ann Isabella (Baillie) Noble had children: Annabella (1845-1875) m John Wilson, d…"
Jul 14, 2021
Suzanne Kier Himmelreich /Storey commented on John Noble's group Noble
"From Big Y-700 we have a new subclade R-Y140232, for John Storey and Donald Kennedy Noble, (kit IN46681) , with 7 un-named variants. We also have a match at 12 markers with Eamonn John Mitchinson. Making good progress!"
Sep 30, 2019

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Noble, McBride, Martel, Hodgins, Blaney, Tuite, Laporte, Larocque
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Ireland, France, Canada
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?

Comment Wall (14 comments)

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At 1:24pm on September 25, 2023, Lyndon said…
I'm on there and have requested to join the group... of course I'm not certain that your line is linked to my line but I don't come across many Irish nobles so worth a try
At 6:02pm on November 6, 2012, William R. Noble said…

Hi John, I knew who you were, and have not forgotten you from the past. At this time all my DNA matches are Johnson and there are none from the Noble Surname. I have recently joined Ancestry and will be with them for about a month, plus I plan on adding my data to the Noble surname in the hope that someone will eventually turn up with the same DNA figures. I shall keep you in mind and perhaps will re-appear after my research with Ancestry has expired.

Thanks for the invitation, I will be back after Christmas.


At 9:06am on June 23, 2012, James Thomas Noble said…
I haven't figured out how to upload the data yet.
At 8:03pm on April 17, 2011, Beth McBride said…
Sorry, John.  My McBrides came from Kilkenny to NYC and then straight to Chicago, IL.....and stayed there.
At 3:30pm on March 10, 2011, Geraldine Jackson said…
Have you read the Book >Bridge  Across My Sorrows ,By Christina Noble, her grandfather surname on mothers side was Michael Gross ,from Carrick on Shannon. Christina was born in Dublin .I just thought I'd mention it .Good Luck in your search.
At 1:25pm on November 21, 2010, John Scott Noble said…
Hi John, I noticed a new Noble member on FTDNA, fit # 182670. It is between us on the table of results. Unfortunately there is very little information about this family. Do you happen to know anything more about this person? Thx.
At 6:18pm on July 17, 2010, Phil Noble said…
Thanks and I appreciate your helping me with this...I haven't spent any time on the site so I'll explore it and post some info.
At 8:40pm on July 2, 2010, Joseph Pitkin said…
I recently got my test results from and have opted to get further testing done by FTDNA. Can't recall exactly how I got in to your group but there must have been some DNA connection. Almost all the Nobles in my family tree are from Westfield MA in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. What do I do next?
At 7:46pm on June 8, 2010, John Scott Noble said…
Hi John, just curious if you signed up with FTDNA to test for L176.2? This is not a true SNP but is a pentanucleotide insertion (AAAAC) within the micro-satellite region of the Y chromosome which is repeated from 4 to 7 times. This appears to be downstream of P312 but before the other downstream true SNPs like M65, M153, SRY2627, U152 and L21. I believe is costs $29 plus a $9 fee. I tested postive for L176.2 with 7 repeats.

At 12:04pm on January 27, 2010, john armstrong said…
William Armstrong b. 1821 Montreal Quebec first wife her name was Joanna they live in 1851 and 1861 census thurlow Hastings Ontario but latter they split he shows up in 1861 marred to margaret jane perry knapp they lived in vespra township simcoe co. ontario canada those to lived and died there could this family be related to you


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