Helping to find Noble ancestors from the counties in the Province of Ulster. Six of these make up Northern Ireland (Derry, Fermanagh, Tyrone, Antrim, Down, Armagh) and the other 3 are in the Republic of Ireland (Donegal, Cavan, Monaghan).
Members: 34
Latest Activity: Apr 3, 2023
Started by Maureen Teresa Hessey Feb 2, 2012. 0 Replies 0 Likes
We are seeking members to join a new FTDNA project called the Noble-Ulster/Borders Family Finder Project. This Project is a study of the Noble (and other genetically related) surnames that are based on the Y-Chromosome (Y-DNA). We invite women to participate in the Y-DNA testing by having a male Noble relative take the test. The Project is designed to test the origins of members of the Noble surname who came to populate the Ulster/Border regions of the UK. That is, along the English/Scottish Border, including descendants of 'transplants' to Ulster (particularly the counties of Cavan, Down, Fermanagh, and Tyrone), the United States, Canada, Australia, and around the world. Specifically, our primary interest is Nobles of R-DF27 descent. The purpose of the project is to attempt to learn things through DNA testing that it has not been possible to learn due to the dearth of records prior to about 1800. For more information, please see Feel free to re-post this information so it can be seen by other relevant groups to which you belong.
Hello everyone. I have recently joined and have read with interest all the twisting possible leads to trace our Noble ancestors in Ireland, I am a Noble descended from John Henderson Noble who emigrated from County Fermanagh to Australia c1860. I am the daughter of Arthur Hamilton Noble, his grandson born 1910. Reading Talbots writing about the ‘early nobles’ in Ireland makes me fairly certain we are descended from John & Margaret Noble of Kilgartnaleague, County Fermanagh. I have the wills of both John Noble and his grandson John and the names, birthdates and land locations match what I already know about my family. However, as I believe the families were but humble farmers their profile doesn’t get picked up by the geanealogy websites. I would love to hear from anyone who has more info about this Noble line in County Fermanagh. Particularly where they came from and their occupation. I am keen to find out if the name Noble continues in Ireland from this line because as my great grandfather was the only son with 3 sisters he brought the name and line to Australia and although the line does continue in Ireland under other names, the name Noble may not unless there were other related male descendants. The 1750-1850 time-frame with lost records, potato famine, high emigration and general unrest makes getting answers more challenging. The family did assist by using traditional naming and Arthur Hamilton Noble links back to a connection with an undertaker from the Plantation of Ulster. I am searching for a Hamilton /Noble link between 1610-1800 and have found a Mary Noble née Hamilton 1724-1798 in the Old Magheracross cemetery with a Thomas who I think could very well be connected to Thomas Noble of Kilgartnaleague. But….can’t find any info on either. Please, if you know anything at all that might throw more light, I would love to hear from you. Kind regards, Margaret
I recently joined FTDNA and am upgrading to Y-700 (Big Y). I've had some luck in the past year or so in chasing down my Noble line back in Enniskillen.
Andrew and Ann Isabella (Baillie) Noble had children: Annabella (1845-1875) m John Wilson, d Enniskillen; Elizabeth (1845-1914) m James Bricknell, 5 children, to England; Robert (1846-1909) m Anne McDermott, 5 children, d Enniskillen; Maria Jane (1851) m William Stewart, 6 children; and Andrew (1853-1889), m Isabella Irvine, 6 children, d Scotland.
I've traced some of the Stewarts to Australia. Bricknell served in India and had children there, returned to England. Andrew's daughter Elizabeth m MacNeill and went to New Zealand.
My daughter btw had a piano accompanist at Smith College named Noble. I traced his lineage this afternoon and found he is a direct descendant of Thomas Noble who arrived in Boston circa 1650 and established a saw mill in western Massachusetts in 1664. The line has been in Westfield, MA and environs for over 300 years. If no one from that line has tested on yDNA, he might be a good candidate. I'm not in personal contact with the man but could dig around if need be. The lineage seems to be vast, however.
FTDNA has taken my first name George, so you will see me there as George Noble. I have my DNA at Ancestry, 23&me, Living DNA, and now FTDNA. My autosomal results have processed. I submitted for the Y-111 test but was charmed into upgrading to Y-700 while the Y-111 was still being processed, so as my kit was received 23 June and upgraded a few days ago, I guess i can expect results in Sep-Oct 2021.
I am surprised there is no Noble discussion board within FTDNA. Is there a reason for that?
Pat Noble
Aberdeen, NJ, USA
From Big Y-700 we have a new subclade R-Y140232, for John Storey and Donald Kennedy Noble, (kit IN46681) , with 7 un-named variants. We also have a match at 12 markers with Eamonn John Mitchinson.
Making good progress!
Dear Linda Noble Murphy: I am Bruce Noble, Jr. Sorry for not responding sooner. I am no longer in Sulphur, OK, but now live in Colorado. (Yes, Chickasaw NRA is a great place!) The Noble names you list are not familiar to me. I will mention them to my father who is more knowledgeable about family history that I am. For further conversation, feel free to contact me at or through FaceBook Messenger. Regards, Bruce (PS--I think all Nobles are "cousins" if you go back far enough!)
This might be helpful for Michael, I have found some info about the Storeys in his family in "Burkes Landed Gentry of Ireland".
Unfortunately my lot were not related!
I would like to get in touch with Bruce Noble (Jr?) who lives in Sulphur, OK. Bruce, you messaged Michael W Noble. If your ancestors were Ernest Noble (and Jane), Ernest T Noble and Lena Donaho, Tom O Noble and Lula Belle, I am your cousin, and I have so much information. My genealogy buddy and cousin, Terry Noble died in the spring of this year, and it would be wonderful to have a cohort in trying to break down my brick walls. BTW, the Chickasaw National Recreation area in Sulphur is my favorite place!! I've been there many times, and have likely run into you there (not knowing what I now know).
Hello to the extended Noble family! I want to let everyone know that Family Tree DNA has specials on at present. If possible, it would be great to have more tests given that the paper trail seems to have disappeared into the mists of time!
Scott and my brother John have tested as far as we can go, so if anyone can upgrade now would be a good time to do it.
At present I am mired in the 1500's looking at the Border Reiver families, they are incredibly confusing, and trying to make connections between the various Noble families is really difficult. Talk about the 'missing link'!
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