Genealogy Wise

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Linda Johnson
  • Female
  • Raleigh, NC
  • United States
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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Janik, Lutomski, Kleca, Pawlak, Stancik, Yurgell
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Poland, Lithuania
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 2:18pm on March 19, 2010, Richie C. said…
I don't see a subscribe link for Little Lithuania either. John Peters is a significant contributor there; perhaps he knows more. From the main Forum 54 page, you can sign up for a login and password, but I think that might be to start your own group? Or not! It just isn't clear.
At 7:15pm on October 24, 2009, Richie C. said…
I'm really glad that your letter writing campaign to Lithuania is beginning to yield responses!

-Rich C
At 6:22pm on October 9, 2009, Richie C. said…
The messages were:

The names were similar, and the possible areas the same, so it struck me.
At 4:20pm on October 9, 2009, Richie C. said…
That's me! By the way, that other guy was searching Jegelevicius, not Jurgelevicius...but they are pretty close, and the Zarasai region has both names.
At 3:57pm on October 9, 2009, Richie C. said…
Are you in the LIthGen group on yahoo? I was going thru old emails in my box and I found a discussion on the same family you're researching.
At 3:49pm on October 9, 2009, Richie C. said…
For letters to Lithuania, I kind of use this template:
Date 2009

Name (I copy and paste from the internet phone book so all the symbols are included)
Street Address (again, copied from the phone book)

Dear Name,

I am sorry I cannot write this letter in the Lithuanian language. I hope that you can understand English, or that you know someone who can translate. I found your name on the internet telephone directory.

My name is XXXXX and I am trying to find the family of my great-grandmother (or whatever relation) in Lithuania. Her name was XXXXXXXX. She was born XDateX in XXXX Village, XXXX Area, Lithuania. S/he came to the USA/UK in XDateX, and his/her last village before coming here was XXXXXX Village, XXXXX Area, Lithuania. When s/he came to America/UK, s/he lived in XXXXXXX. S/he married XXXXXXX in XDateX.

S/he had brothers and sisters named XXXXXX who also came to AmericaUK. His/her parents were XXXXXXX and XXXXXXX.

Do you know about your family history? Do you know if this is your family?

Thank you very much. I hope to hear your reply soon.



Address: XXXXXXX

At 2:07pm on October 7, 2009, Richie C. said…
Hi Linda,
I created a group on this site for Lithuanian Genealogy:

Hope you'll join and participate.


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