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Linda Temple
  • Female
  • United Kingdom
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Linda Temple's Friends

  • Jamie L Dikeman
  • Lauren
  • James Erwin Muir (Jim)
  • timothy hal
  • Alison Macbeth Mitchell
  • Christine Anne Owens
  • Michael Boscarato
  • Sandra Marlow marshall
  • Kirsty F Wilkinson

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John Scott McKay commented on Linda Temple's group Primrose family Scotland
"Hi, I am Scott McKay, I am Researching Primroses for a friend. In the next couple of days I will give names and dates. Thankyou. "
Jul 27, 2023
John Scott McKay joined Linda Temple's group

Primrose family Scotland

For anyone who is researching Primrose in Scotland. The family originates in Culross/Kincardine, Perthshire (now in Fife). My Primroses ended up in Lanarkshire and Ayr, then scattered around the world.See More
Jul 27, 2023
Elizabeth Robbins commented on Linda Temple's group Primrose family Scotland
"Hi everyone, I descend from Buchanan Stewart and Jean Primrose who married 1794 in Paisley, Renfrewshire. I have a line going back to Peter before 1490 but can not swear to it's accuracy. I have entered my DNA from FTM to Gedmatch and Wikitree…"
May 28, 2019

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Scotland: McCallum, Primrose, Semple, Fletcher, Mercer, Chaplain, Shand, Beveridge, Duff, Gavin, Whyte/White, Peter, Wilkie, Scotland, Thomson, Dixon, McCawley, Temple, Niblo, Boyd, Dawson, Watson, .
England: Wadwell, Scarborough, Hicks, Best, Cook, Dixon, Dunn, McCawley, Rippon/Rippin, Dawson, Miles, Good/e and many others.
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ.
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Advanced Family History Researcher
Do you have a genealogy website or blog or belong to a Genealogy Society?

Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 6:45am on May 13, 2010, Lauren said…
Hi Linda my husbands Temple 's are from glasgow, all i have is William wilson Temple Married Annabella Ogg William there son married Marion grey Gibb Regards Lauren (Australia)
At 7:45am on May 9, 2010, Lauren said…
Hi ther Linda
I am intersted in reseaching the temple family in scotland i have william wilson temple whome married annabella ogg any help you maybe able to give would be great
regards Lauren Temple
At 4:42pm on August 18, 2009, john armstrong said…
Muir came to Canada in early 1850's to Muskogee Ontario Canada William and Elizabeth dyer Muir
At 7:39pm on August 17, 2009, john armstrong said…
hi what muir familys in canadaare you reserching
At 12:54pm on August 10, 2009, Nicola Jane Rippon said…
OK mine come from the Deeping St James and Spalding area of Lincolnshire
At 9:44am on August 10, 2009, Nicola Jane Rippon said…
Hi, which Rippons are you researching?
At 12:52am on July 24, 2009, Dave Watts said…
Hi Linda, You never know what will turn up! A large number of the names in your list are familiar to me. The Wilkie that I know of, came out with a Circus in the 1950's. I still operates after a fashion to this day. Who knows..... Regards, Dave
At 12:30am on July 23, 2009, Dave Watts said…
Hi Linda, You Might also consider South Africa as a possible destination for all of the above names that you are researching. Many came out as settlers, professional people and part of the military contingents stationed here at various times. Many of the military personnel married here and elected to stay or returned at the end of their service. Worth a consideration I would think.
Regards, Dave


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