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Paul Drake
  • Male
  • Crossville, TN
  • United States
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Paul Drake's Discussions

Evidence for genealogists

Started this discussion. Last reply by Paul Drake Dec 17, 2009. 2 Replies

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17th Century VA; Drake, Hines, Kitchen, Griffith
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N. Wales
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Professional Genealogist
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Paul Drake's Blog

"WHERES" in beginning research

Posted on July 9, 2009 at 10:20am 4 Comments

Less than 5% of the research materials available to you is on the net. Further, stumbling blindly around the net and wasting time with folks who likely know less than you do, or playing with most pay-for-genealogy websites, is akin to shooting at the woods from the back door hoping to bag a squirrel for breakfast; slim chance, indeed. However by venturing into the woods where squirrels more likely will be found, your chances of coming home with something to eat are much greater than trying from… Continue

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At 2:59pm on January 18, 2010, Paul Drake said…
Yep, Jim, had much fun with my name when in college in the 1950s. Paul
At 8:32am on September 16, 2009, Jim Avery said…
What a great name for a genealogical sleuth. Paul Drake was the private investigator for Perry Mason on the old TV shows. You've probably heard this before, but I couldn't resist.
At 10:33am on August 8, 2009, Rick Leonard said…
Sorry Paul,
I honestly forgot I had joined this site until I got an email newsletter today. To answer your question, my primary interests in Marion County are Leonards, all but one of which moved away in the 1850s. James Herron Leonard was a well-known businessman/entrepreneur whose only child never had any surviving children of her own. James was the brother of my g-g-grandfather Daniel Leonard of Taylor County, Iowa. James' and Daniel's parents, William and Mary (Van Ort) Leonard are buried in Waldo Cemetery. They emigrated from Washington County, PA. in 1855.
Most of my family history is up on my Web site Leonard Legends & Legacies.
Again, apologies for not answering sooner. Seems Genealogywise doesn't notify me when someone leaves a comment. I've now subscribed to my own feed so it shouldn't be a problem in the future.



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