Genealogy Wise

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Tammy Jones
  • Female
  • Union, KY
  • United States
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Tammy Jones's Friends

  • Lewis Hartswick

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What surnames are you interested in researching?
Moore, Jones, Spencer, Trent
Smith, Askins, Giesel Perkins
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher

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At 9:48am on October 11, 2014, Jo Spencer said…

No, I don't know her. I just got to CA, from KY, by train. Staying with my daughter whose father is Jimmie Moore of Wolfe County.

At 8:09pm on July 31, 2013, Dolly C. Bair said…

Tammy, I will be out most of tomorrow and will be back around 6.  My # 937-787-3311 if you want to call me in the evening.  I talked with Robert Peck for a while yesterday, sharp as a tack :)  Have been trying to reach Cecil Peck.  He is 97


At 8:07pm on July 31, 2013, Dolly C. Bair said…

My mom's name is Mabel Loretta Moore (married name is Cheatham) 

At 8:05pm on July 31, 2013, Dolly C. Bair said…

Jimmie Moore would have been my great-great grandpa.  He was married to Nancy McClain

At 8:03pm on July 31, 2013, Dolly C. Bair said…

Hi Tammy, I have heard that my grandpa's dad was William Rose.  I know he was married but heard his wife could not have kids, so she acted as a surrogate


At 8:13pm on July 29, 2013, Dolly C. Bair said…

Hi Tammy, Nancy McClain was my great-great grandma and James was my g.g. grandpa.  Do you have any information on them?  Eliza Moore was my g. grandma.  Her son, Richard Moore was my grandpa.  I have been told that William Rose was Richards dad but can't find any proof of this. Thanks for any help you can give me.  Dolly

At 3:27pm on April 8, 2013, Lewis Hartswick said…

I don't do the "friends" bit but am glad to help in any way I can.  The Moore families I have  are mostly in PA but youre welcome to them if you desire. I believe I have Spencer also in my mothers tree. I prefer to use e-mail for exchanging data so I can keep track of what and to whom I have sent and received  information.  So if you want a file of any particular surname from my trees give me a note direct to LHartswick  at  Earthlink  dot  Net  with the names.   Lew Hartswick



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