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Moore Ancestry

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Latest Activity: Oct 29, 2018

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Moore's from Yorkshire, England

Started by Gerald Randall Clayton Jan 17, 2013. 0 Replies

Moore ancestry

Started by Theresa Ann Moore Jul 14, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by Robert Garvin Moore on October 29, 2018 at 7:45pm

My name is Robert Garvin Moore.  I am a descendant of William Moore  (1797-1877) and Rosanna Ruley Moore (1801-1881) through Calmet Moore.  William and Rosanna were born in Pennsylvania.  They married on January 20, 1819 in Belmont, Ohio and had twelve children ( Cyntha Moore, Calmet "Call” Moore, Minerva Moore, William Riley Moore, Flavius Quincy Moore, John Madison Moore, Volumnia Moore, Bellona Moore, Ferdinand F. Moore, Aurellia Jane Moore,  Rosamond Moore and Oscar Corwin Moore).  Unfortunately, I have not found any records about the father of William.  My current research leads to an Andrew Moore, who "removed to Washington county, Pennsylvania” in 1797.  I should receive a DNA report from Ancestry in a few weeks.  Could you please share your research on any Andrew Moore’s in Pennsylvania circa 1797?

Comment by Kim Tram on May 22, 2018 at 12:12pm

Nevermind I figured out how to send you a private message, will send you one. 

Comment by Kim Tram on May 22, 2018 at 12:12pm

I have a DNA match to my husband who is descended from Richard Stillwell and Mehitable Moore.  The DNA from here is on chromosome 5 and overlaps another descendant of theirs.  I looked for her tree for Stillwells and found none.  She does have an ancestor named "Wealthy Moores", 1791-1860.  She was born in Readfield, Kennebec, Maine.  It doesn't say where she died.  I am wondering if she might be Mehitable Moore's sister.  Dorothy, are you on any of the DNA websites.  I am new to this site so not sure how to personally contact you, feel free to contact me if you prefer. 

Comment by Dorothy J. Smith on January 31, 2015 at 3:09pm

I did find a Hitty R. Moore b 29 Aug 1793 in Penobscot, Hancock co., Maine d/o Daniel Moore St. 1768-1827 and Bethiah Webb 1769-1860 also in Maine

And found a lot of Moor, Mooer, Moores coming from Ireland to NB

My gaunt Annie Edith Stilwell Moore married David A Moore born Queensbury, N B s/o John Moore b Ireland and McNutty .

David could also be the s/o George Moore b in NB and Mary Armstrong she b Ireland.

One or the other was in Kings American Dragoons 1782

There is also a Moore in Londonderry, NY 1785 went to Long Reach, Saint John, NB

Just putting up some hints for ya all and maybe someone can find something, but I sure can't.

It was easier before computers as all you had to do was write to the churches and the towns and boy you sure did get help at not cost except postage!!

Comment by Dorothy J. Smith on January 31, 2015 at 2:58pm

Once again I searched all of the counties in NB and found the Moor, Mooer, Moore's in York Co. 

One of these could be Mehitabel Moore's father.

Land grants in other co's.

Moor Joun 1785 a Loyalist land in Maugerville

Thomas Moor says see James Dickinson 1785  I have the Dickinson family

James Moore 1787 wants more land on the Oromocto Lot #18

Peter 1785 came after war in 1762 Maugerville

Messrs, Moore see Davidson, William 1787

I have found that Mehitabel could use a nickname Hetty, Hitty, Belle or Bella

But I still have found nothing.

Comment by Dorothy J. Smith on January 28, 2015 at 6:47pm

I am looking for the parents of Mehitabel Moore b 1790 in Waterborough, Queens co., NB Canada she married there in 1807 Richard Stilwell b 1787 also born there and they also died there

I have checked all of Queens co, and other counties to no avail and I can't even find a Moore in that area and I do know they are there because my Aunt Annie Stilwell Moore used to visit us in Massachusetts and she was from NB and moved to Maine. I don't know ho the Moore was but she did have a son Burt born in NB

I am going to see if I can find Aunt Annie Moore's husband.

Comment by Jo Spencer on October 11, 2014 at 9:43am

Yes, we are from Wolfe County, KY. I would love to see your photos. I am now in CA, at my daughter's house. Her paternal grandparents were Dewey 'Commodore' Moore and Bonnie Dunn. Dewey lived to be 100 years-old.

Comment by Jo Spencer on October 11, 2014 at 9:41am

Yes, we are from Wolfe County, KY. I would love to see your photos. My daughter's paternal grandparents were Dewey Moore and Bonnie Dunn. Dewey lived to be 100 years-old. 

Comment by Paulette M. Switzer-Tatum on October 8, 2014 at 7:28pm

Thanks. Sorry I don't have those names you mention in my files. I have another "Mystery Moore" named John Moore who is either from Kentucky or ?Tennessee? and married into my Sumner family, but I know little about him. He just seems to be a different Moore than the VA Moores I have.

Comment by Theresa Ann Moore on October 8, 2014 at 4:26pm

I descend from Matt Moore and Winnie (Carter) Moore.  They were from Whitley Co., Kentucky. Matt's Dad was William H. Moore, his Mom was Francis J. Davis.  Winnie's Dad was William Roland Carter, her Mom was Mary Elizabeth Bray.  If anyone knows anything about this family, please let me know.  There are alot of Moore's out there from kentucky...I realize this now since I started this group, yet I have yet to find anyone with the same line.  Good Luck on all your searches, and Thanks for joining the group.



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