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Paulette M. Switzer-Tatum
  • Female
  • United States
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Paulette M. Switzer-Tatum's Page

Profile Information

What surnames are you interested in researching?
Haines, Sumner, Clark, Moore, McClintock, Tremain, Morris, Bailey, Cupp, Fullerton, Turner, Ledang, Sitter, Mork, Linnes, Holstad or Hofstad, Rodhamer/Rodhammer, Halstead, Tatum, Reed, Edwards, Landrine, Drake
What countries and other locations are you interested in researching?
Norway, Cornwall, Scotland, Ireland, Wales
What is your level of genealogy knowledge?
Intermediate Family History Researcher
If you are a genealogy expert, what are your specialties?
First of all, please understand I do NOT live in Beaverton so please do not automatically put that in - I live in Aloha, Oregon, 97078-1340. If that is a problem, I don't know what else to say; I don't see why this is such a problem for sites online to understand.

I'm not an expert genealogist, just completely fascinated by it and am learning a lot as I go on; have been researching for about 10 years so am pretty good at library references and with Scandinavian research now. I've figured out much of the migration path of my American ancestors, except for those from North Carolina; I find NC very difficult because they won't help you unless you know your ancestors' county, and I don't.

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At 5:52am on January 27, 2018, Lauren Moore said…

Thank you. I really don't know anything about where in TN they are from. I don't have any religious info, either.

At 1:11am on January 18, 2018, Lauren Moore said…

Hi. I'm trying to get past my gg-grandfather Thomas (W.?) Moore, to his parents. I have no info on them, other than his father being born in TN, and himself born in VA in 1828/1829. I have Thomas's info from the 1850's forward, when he married Sarah Ann (Sallie) Fraley in Carter County, KY and had a farm at Brushy Fork, Carter County, KY. Did your Moore's in TN leave any records of a Thomas? Thank you for your time.



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