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William Bernard Allen
  • Male
  • Tampa, FL
  • United States
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William Bernard Allen's Friends

  • Robin Bailey
  • Patricia Taylor
  • Blaine Bettinger
  • Debbie Kennett
  • Sherry Hightower

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Intermediate Family History Researcher

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 10:37pm on September 7, 2018, Barbara Ann Brady Sutton said…

Hi Bill,

I noticed two of the surnames you are interested in are Brady and Tanner. My 2great-grandfather was Jesse Brady who married Easter Tanner. They married in Rutherford Co, North Carolina. 

Are these also your relatives? If the are, send me your email, and I will send you an invitation to view my tree on Ancestry. 

Barbara Ann Brady Sutton

At 11:26am on January 30, 2011, Richard John Allen said…

Hi Bill,

Did something not right and lost my post to you.

Have you seen this site? I ordered the 58 marker thinking we just might find cousin's and ancestors in the British Isles. The URL is below:

Dick Allen - FTDNA

DNA Heritage:


At 3:31pm on July 28, 2009, Debbie Kennett said…
Hi William, I'm glad to be of help. You will notice the difference when you get your results through from FTDNA, and of course the other big advantage is that you can join all the geographical and haplogroup projects. Do let us know how you get on. It will be especially interesting to find out if you get a different haplogroup assignment from FTDNA. The sale price for the 37-marker test is in fact the same as the discounted price that FTDNA offer to people who have tested elsewhere and want to retest with them. I see that there is already a very large Allen/Allan project at FTDNA so you stand a good chance of finding a match. Good luck!
At 10:27pm on July 27, 2009, Robin Bailey said…
Thanks, William.
My Tanner connection began with my gg grandma who died just a month after giving birth to a daughter, my gfather's sister. She was adopted out and I just located her and actually spoke to my 70-year old cousin for the first time. She was quite overwhelmed because her mom always told her she'd been an only child. I became curious about the other Tanners. As far as I know, Caroline Tanner, is the only Tanner in her direct line to come to the US. She was born 1852 Apr 18 in Mangotsfield, UK. She died in Chehalis, WA, 1903. She had four children: Frank, Winfield, Ivan and Martha. I've connected with a Tanner cousin through
Thanks for replying!


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