Genealogy Wise

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I am interested in the Schwichtenberg name also. I have them in Ost Deep, Pommern. My ancestor is Christian. There is also a Friedrich who I think must be his brother. I don't know where they came from, etc. I would love to share any information. Terry

ps I asked to be your friend so I could email you. I thought I should let you know who I am.

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Comment by Jennifer de Fiebre on February 24, 2010 at 6:57pm
Terry - For some reason your name rings a bell. My maternal grandmother was a Schwichtenberg from southern Minnesota. I so far know of large groups of Schwichtenbergs in southern Minnesota (my own and one from the other side of the county which I suspect is related but have not been able to trace a connection) and at least one group in Wisconsin. I would love to exchange info to see if we can find a possible match or at a minimum help more our research forward!



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