Genealogy Wise

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Tell about your favorite free or low-cost genealogy resources, online and off. Explain why it's a favorite and how it's been helpful in your research.

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Funeral Homes.
I have never found one that charged me. (And I offered) When you get one of these-they were filled out-before the funeral with next of kin, pallbears (which usually have SOME close connection to the family) And a lot of informaiton you can no longer get because of privacy law.
Insurance Companies-are next on my list. Especially specialized one-Like Polish National. They send the whole application.
GREAT! Ms. Gerry Hill-Albany Ga (over 20 years)
Along with several friends, I've been working on my site of transcribed records since 2001 and have around 4500 files on line mainly from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York. The site is named for my grandparents, and while it has family history included, the vast majority of files are vital records, cemetery transcriptions, church records, wills, deeds, etc.
Love your site, Jane, and realize I've already visited it to add links your directory transcriptions to my site: Online City, County, and Rural Directories!
Thank you.. I'm always glad for links to the files as the easier it is for researchers to find the data the more useful it will be.
One of the best is the site for" target="_blank">Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness where volunteers sign up to look up things, take photos, etc. Many do ask for reimbursement of expense but that is more than fair! They are those "remote hands" when you cannot get someplace to do the work yourself. Check it out, use it, and volunteer yourself!
Don't forget many libraries allow you to access their genealogy site be it ancestry library edition or heritage quest from home.

Sometimes you come across tombstones that says 28 years 3 days old well this site will convert everything for you and tell you their exact birthday.

GREAT for researching New York ancestors

South Carolina archives

I using this one to convert dollar amounts say from 1879 for land that cost them $100 and am wondering how much that would be in today's market.

If you are researching the Denton, Texas area. This is a wonderful website.

Articles of disasters listed by state
Missouri Digital Heritage
Search pre 1910 death index (abstract records) ,cost for copy $1.00
Death certificates 1910-1958, download certificates or print, free
Birth/Stillbirth search

Good luck!!!!
I couldn't tell if anyone had mentioned this before. My current favorite free site is the Record Search - Pilot Site at the Family Search website (

Though there is a limited amount of data available at this time, more is being added every month. The data that is there is easily searchable and the scans/copies are of a great quality.
If you live or visit the southern Ohio region, the library in Ironton, Ohio, has a nice, informative genealogy room with very helpful people...Portsmouth, Ohio, also has a nice genealogy room and great help......It's all free unless you want copies of anything...just your time and travel......
I made a toolbar of favorite links for internet genealogy research, and constantly add new great sites as I find them, so it is definitely a work in progress. I'm always looking for great sites to add to it and share with others. Anyone can download the toolbar for free, and you can easily uninstall it if you don't like it.
A great free resource for Early Massachusetts Vital Records 1600-1849 is:

A group of volunteers has made this possible, free! See about us:

They take small donations.



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